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Home » Explore » Asmark Co., Ltd. The number of people who know about “functionality labeling” has increased from about 40% to about 60% in 8 years! ~Questionnaire survey on functionality claims (2024 edition)~

Asmark Co., Ltd. The number of people who know about “functionality labeling” has increased from about 40% to about 60% in 8 years! ~Questionnaire survey on functionality claims (2024 edition)~

[Asmark Co., Ltd.] The number of people who know about “functionality labeling” has increased from about 40% to about 60% in 8 years! ~Questionnaire survey on functionality claims (2024 edition)~ *Asmark Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 6, 2024
The number of people who know about “functionality labeling” (total) has increased from about 40% to about 60% in 8 years! ~Questionnaire survey on functionality claims (2024 edition)~
*About 11pt increase in “I don’t care about functional claims (total)” when purchasing foods with functional claims*
Asmark Co., Ltd. (Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shoichi Machida), a marketing research company, conducted a “Questionnaire Survey on Functional Claims (2024 Edition)” among women aged 30 to 59 nationwide, and reported the results to 9 Published on the 3rd of the month.
*Survey dates are Thursday, August 8, 2024 to Friday, August 9, 2024. Survey results
A few months ago, there were reports that the Consumer Affairs Agency had finalized a policy that would require businesses that manufacture and sell “foods with functional claims” to report all cases of health damage diagnosed by a doctor starting in September. I think many people know this.
According to materials from the Consumer Affairs Agency, the revised items included in the implementation effective September 1, 2020 are “system for collecting health damage information”, “provision of health damage information based on doctor’s diagnosis to public health centers, etc.” “Application of GMP standards in manufacturing and processing related to notification of food products such as tablets and capsules made from natural extracts, etc.” and “Revision of notification information display method” are listed, of which “immediate implementation” is listed. The item “needs to be aligned with the enforcement date of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Ordinance (Enforcement Regulations of the Food Sanitation Act)”. Under these circumstances, we have re-implemented the “Questionnaire Survey on Functionality Labeling” that was conducted in 2016 as the 2024 edition*.
*Please note that some contents have been changed.

Reference site: Foods with functional claims and health hazard information will be required to be reported from September… Consumer Affairs Agency’s policy

Reference material: Regarding the future of foods with functional claims (partially revised version dated August 23)
Reference material: Mandatory provision of information on health hazards related to foods with functional claims (partially revised version dated August 20)

Since 2016, the environment surrounding our lives has changed significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Over the past eight years, what changes have occurred in the recognition and understanding of “functionality claims” and their impact on purchasing?
We will compare the results with a survey conducted approximately 8 years ago and publish the results.

*Click here for the 2016 “Questionnaire Survey on Functionality Labeling”-

– In terms of monthly food expenses, there were many categories in which “3 or more people live” decreased, and in particular, each category in “less than 10,000 yen to less than 40,000 yen” decreased by approximately 5 points.
– About 86% or more of respondents still chose “home (work/school)” as the place to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
– The number of people who “understood (total)” about
“functionality labeling” increased by about 15 points, and there was a tendency for understanding of “functionality labeling” to increase. – The top three things to consider when purchasing are price, freshness, and raw materials in both 2016 and 2024.

Click here to download the survey results

* ■Food expenses per month*
*Q1. How much do you spend on food per month? (choose one)*
There are many categories where the number of people living with 3 or more people has decreased. In particular, all categories from “less than 10,000 yen” to “40,000 yen to less than 50,000 yen” decreased, and “10,000 yen to less than 40,000 yen” decreased.
” each category decreased by approximately 5 points.
In addition, for “living alone,” there is an increase or decrease in each category, but “20,000 yen to less than 30,000 yen” decreased by about 10 points, and the next category “10,000 yen to less than 20,000 yen” decreased by about 10 points.
” has increased by about 10 points, which suggests that there is a tendency to cut down on food costs.
food expenses per month

Food expenses per month_by household composition

* ■Where you usually eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner*
*Q2. Where do you usually eat? Please choose the one that you choose the most. (Select one of each)*
The proportion of “home (work/school)” decreased by approximately 5 points for “breakfast” and by approximately 6 points for “lunch.” On the other hand, “home (work/school)” still accounts for approximately 86% or more of each situation.
Where you usually eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner

* ■Recognition of functionality indications*
*Q3. Do you know the term “functionality labeling”? Please answer as applicable. (choose one)*
“I know (total)” increased by approximately 22 points, indicating that awareness of “functionality display” is expanding.
Recognition of functionality claims

“I know (total)” is “Less than 2 million yen,” “4 million yen to less than 5 million yen,” “5 million yen to less than 8 million yen.” ” has increased by more than 30 points, and recognition in this category is particularly growing.
Recognition of functionality claims_by annual household income

* ■Understanding functional claims and specified health foods* *Q4. Do you understand the difference between “Functional claims” and “Food for Specified Health Uses (Specified Health Insurance)”? Please answer as applicable. (choose one)*
The following categories were classified as “understood (total)”. ・Understand the meaning of “Functional Claims” and the difference from “Food for Specified Health Uses”
・ I understand the meaning of “functional claims,” ​​but I don’t know the difference from “food for specified health uses.”
The number of people who said they “understood (total)” increased by about 15 points, indicating that understanding of “functionality labeling” is becoming more widespread.
Understanding functional claims and specified health foods

Across all household compositions, the percentage of respondents who “know the words “functional claims” and “food for specified health uses,” but do not understand their meanings” decreased by about 15 to 20 points. On the other hand, “I understand the meaning of “functional claims,” but I don’t know the difference from “food for specified health uses”” increased by approximately 12 to 20 points. Additionally, compared to other household compositions, the breakdown of “understood (total)” was different for “two-person households”. The number of people who understand the difference from “food for specified health uses” decreased by about 7 points, and the number of people who did not understand the difference from “food for specified health uses” increased by about 20 points.
Understanding of functional claims and specified health foods_by household structure

* ■Things I usually focus on when purchasing food*
*Q5. What do you usually consider when purchasing food? Please answer all that apply. (Multiple selections possible)*
In both 2016 and 2024, the top three choices were price, freshness, and raw materials. On the other hand, price and freshness decreased by about 8 to 9 points.
Things to consider when purchasing food

Among people in their 40s, there were three items that significantly decreased compared to other age groups. These are “freshness,” “raw materials,” and “no additives or coloring.”
”, and the selection percentage decreased by about 13 points, about 17 points, and about 16 points, respectively. On the other hand, “functional claims” and “foods for specified health uses”
” increased by about 10 points and about 9 points, respectively, indicating a tendency to place emphasis on these notations.
Things to consider when purchasing food by age group

* ■Influence on promotion of purchasing of products with “functional claims”* *Q6. When purchasing food, will it affect me if I see a product with “functionality claims”? (Do you think you will give it?) Please select the answer that applies to you. (choose one)*
The following classifications were made into “choosing functionality claims (total)” and “not choosing functionality claims (total).” ●Select functionality display (total)
・Always choose products with functional claims (I think)
・Choose products with functional claims (I think)
●No choice of functionality display (total)
・I don’t choose products with functionality claims (I think) ・I don’t choose products with functional claims (I think)
“Choose functionality display (total)” decreased by 5 points, and “Do not select functionality display (total)” increased by approximately 11 points. As a result, the ability to encourage purchase through “functional display” is on the decline.
Impact on promotion of purchasing of products with “functional claims”

“If you live alone, choose products with functional claims (I think)” ” has decreased by approximately 10 points, and this percentage has decreased the most compared to the percentages for each of the other household compositions. In addition, in 2024, among people living alone, less than 20% of respondents said they would choose
functionality labeling (total), and compared to other generations, there is a possibility that purchasing will be promoted by having functional labeling. tended to be low.
Influence on promotion of purchasing of products with “functional claims”_by household composition

Click here to download the survey results

Survey overview
Survey name Questionnaire survey on functionality claims (2024 edition) Target condition [Gender] Female
[Age] 30 to 59 years old
[Region] Nationwide
Survey items [Main survey]
・Food expenses per month
・Places where you usually eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner
・Recognition of functionality labeling
・Understanding functional claims and specified health foods
・Things I usually focus on when purchasing food
・Influence on promotion of purchasing of products with “functional claims” ・Influence of product-specific “functionality claims” on product purchase promotion
・Parts where you are concerned about your health
Sample size 600 samples
Allocation Equal collection by age group
Survey period: Thursday, August 8, 2024 to Friday, August 9, 2024 Survey method Web questionnaire
Research organization Asmark Co., Ltd.

Asmark Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Shoichi Machida
Address: Shibuya Property Tower 4F, 1-32-12 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0011 Phone number: 03-5468-5101
FAX number: 03-5468-5102
Established: December 21, 2001
Capital: 139 million yen (as of December 31, 2023)
Member organization: Japan Marketing Research Association
Certification obtained: Privacy Mark (registration number: 12390094) Market Research Product Certification Standard (ISO 20252)

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