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Home » Explore » Tochigi Soccer Club Co., Ltd. Regarding the implementation of “TOCHIGI SC SDGs Upcycle/Recycle Project – FANLOOP -“

Tochigi Soccer Club Co., Ltd. Regarding the implementation of “TOCHIGI SC SDGs Upcycle/Recycle Project – FANLOOP -“

[Tochigi Soccer Club Co., Ltd.] Regarding the implementation of “TOCHIGI SC SDGs Upcycle/Recycle Project – FANLOOP -”
*Tochigi Soccer Club Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 7, 2024
Regarding the implementation of “TOCHIGI SC SDGs Upcycle/Recycle Project – FANLOOP -”
This time, Sansho Unyu Co., Ltd., myProduct Co., Ltd., and Oasis Lifestyle Group Co., Ltd. have jointly collaborated to develop the TOCHIGI SC SDGs
As part of the “Sustainer Project,” we will start an “Upcycle and Recycle Project.”

Prior to the implementation, a joint press conference was held at the Tochigi Prefectural Office on Friday, September 6th.

*Project overview*
Through upcycling that starts with local fans, we add value to products and increase local fan/
Create a support cycle that involves local communities and shopping districts. Using the support cycle as an opportunity, we aim to realize a sustainable recycling-oriented society and contribute to society through soccer to support local and regional industries and the SDGs.

* ◎Naming*
[Naming concept]
Expressing the process of creating a sustainable, recycling-oriented society that starts with fans.

* ◎Tagline*
Creating a sustainable future together with the local community.

* ◎Logo design*
[Logo design concept]
The three arrows symbolize the team, fans, shopping district, and partner companies.
These three elements work together to form a circular field with a common purpose: to transform waste into valuable products. In addition, this circulation field expresses the process of creating a sustainable recycling-based society.

* ◎Brand vision*
Our upcycle/recycle brand creates a cycle of support with local fans, local communities, and shopping districts, thereby realizing a sustainable recycling-oriented society rooted in local communities. By collaborating with local industries and upcycling waste into valuable products, we will revitalize the local economy and contribute to achieving the SDGs.

* ◎Brand Experience*
* 1. Formation of community *
Through a support cycle involving teams/fans and local shopping streets, target users can experience a deep connection and sense of solidarity with the local community.
* 2. Sustainability activities*
Through our efforts to realize a sustainable recycling-based society, we can practice an environmentally friendly lifestyle and raise awareness for a sustainable future.
* 3. Respect for culture and tradition*
Through activities that support local traditional industries and culture, we will learn about local history and culture and enlighten how to pass it on to the next generation.
* 4. Contribution to SDGs*
You can feel the joy and pride of fulfilling your social
responsibility by creating value from waste and contributing to the SDGs. Through these experiences, the team /
Fans, locals and shopping streets /
Partner companies will come together and take action to proactively create social value. In addition, by increasing empathy for the upcycled brand, the level of attachment to the team will increase, and by increasing the brand power of Tochigi SC, we will acquire potential fans.

* Through this project, we will contribute to realizing the SDGs and strengthening local communities*
* ◎Background*
* 1. Increasing severity of environmental problems*
The fashion industry consumes large amounts of resources and places a heavy burden on the environment. In particular, mass production and disposal of clothing is a problem.
Disposal of clothing causes negative environmental impacts due to landfilling or incineration, and synthetic fibers in particular take hundreds of years to decompose.
* 2. Effective use of resources *
In order to prevent the depletion of natural resources, recycling of resources is required.
Recycling clothing makes effective use of resources by collecting reusable fibers and turning them into new products.

* ◎Purpose*
* 1. Waste reduction*
By promoting the collection and recycling of used clothing, we are reducing the amount of waste and environmental impact.
* 2. Realizing a recycling-oriented society *
We aim to realize a sustainable society by not wasting resources and promoting reuse and recycling.
* 3. Creation of economic value*
The recycling industry can create new employment opportunities and contribute to economic revitalization. New products made from recycled fibers offer a sustainable option for consumers.

* ◎Contribution to urban development*
* 1. Community revitalization *
Through clothing collection and recycling activities, local residents have more opportunities to cooperate with each other and deepen community bonds. We aim to raise awareness of the importance of recycling and raise environmental awareness through local events and workshops.
* 2. Sustainable urban development*
By incorporating textile recycling, it is possible to promote environmentally friendly urban development.
* 3. Formation of ecosystem*
By building a local recycling system, partner companies, local residents, and clubs can work together to promote a sustainable economy.

* [About future initiatives and events] *
* “TOCHIGI SC SDGs Upcycle/Recycle Project – FANLOOP -” *
◼︎Date and time
September 23rd (Monday) 14:00-16:00
FKD Shopping Mall Utsunomiya Interpark Store
◼︎Event details:
This will be a joint FANLOOP launch event with Oasis Lifestyle Group. ◼︎Information about this project
・Talk show by Tochigi SC players
・Autograph session by players (limited to 50 people)
・Interaction with players at Oasis Lifestyle Group stores

We are planning to do more than that.

* 【Company Profile】*
*Sansho Transport Co., Ltd.*
URL: **

* myProduct Co., Ltd. *
URL: **

* Oasis Lifestyle Group Co., Ltd. *
URL: **

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