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Home » Zooba Co., Ltd. au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. introduces “zooba”, an AI service that streamlines informatio n system operations

Zooba Co., Ltd. au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. introduces “zooba”, an AI service that streamlines informatio n system operations

[Zooba Co., Ltd.] au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. introduces “zooba”, an AI service that streamlines information system operations
*zooba Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 10, 2024
au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. introduces “zooba”, an AI service that streamlines information system operations
*Zooba Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Ayane Nawa) has changed its name to au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. (President: Kuwata).
We would like to inform you that it has been introduced to Yuji). * *zooba introduction background*
The Information Systems Department of au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. is responsible for the operation and maintenance of internal systems, account management, and asset management. Among them, we felt that there was an issue with the task of inventorying account management for over 40 applications, including SaaS, for up to 1,100 users.

Under these circumstances, I learned of the existence of “zooba”, which has excellent inventory functions, and started a trial. *zooba introduction purpose*
Until now, au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. has been managing application account ledgers using spreadsheets.

Once a certain period of time, a distribution tool was used to send an email to users using the application, share the URL of the
spreadsheet, find their account, and ask them if they could use the service.

Since this work requires man-hours and increases the burden on employees, we were looking for a tool to solve this problem.

We have introduced “zooba,” which allows you to easily take inventory on Slack.

*Results after implementing zooba*
By introducing zooba, we were able to obtain four results.

1. *Improved work efficiency* It used to take two weeks to complete the inventory, but we were able to shorten it to one week.
2. *Function as an ID ledger* Until now, there was no ID management ledger and each ID was managed individually. I was able to visualize this using zooba.
3. * Increased response rate (reduced burden on employees) The response rate of Slack surveys using “Slack Survey” increased dramatically. Previously, we had a 50% response rate for each email, but now we have an 80% response rate. zooba
Now, when I remind them, the response rate is almost 100%. I think the burden on employees has also been reduced. Users are saying, “Zooba is here! Zooba is here!” and the name has become familiar. 4. *Preventing wrong answers*
Answers on a spreadsheet rarely result in incorrect answers, and I thought there were issues with being able to view someone else’s usage status, which does not have to be disclosed. zooba
Since only your own information is notified, it’s nice to be able to get a tally without disclosing information about what tools other employees are using.

Details of inventory function

au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd. Mr. Sato, Mr. Nakagawa
Zooba was used to take inventory of application IDs, but it was also very useful for taking inventory of devices. Up until now, I had been worried about whether the asset numbers in the ledger were correct, but after taking inventory with zooba, the ledger became clean. We will continue to use it for device management.

*Please check the interview article below. *

■About “zooba”
zooba is a cloud/SaaS management platform that improves operational efficiency in information systems departments.
Utilizes AI to enable unified management of accounts and devices. These include efficient inventory taking using chat tools, advanced help desk support using AI, and comprehensive knowledge management. These functions reduce the complexity of ID/device management and significantly improve the productivity of information systems departments. zooba provides smart and efficient IT management solutions that are essential in modern business environments.

■au Commerce & Life Co., Ltd.
au Commerce & Life is a comprehensive shopping site “au PAY” that can be used by all customers, not just au.
market” is provided. Ponta points can be used as “au PAY”
You can save money on your shopping with the “Value Point Exchange” where you can earn up to 1.5 times more points for shopping at “Market” and “Live TV” where viewers and performers can
communicate interactively through live product introductions. Enjoy. We plan and operate our stores with the aim of creating a more comfortable shopping experience that will make your life more enjoyable and enriching beyond shopping.

■About “zooba”
Zooba Co., Ltd. utilizes technology to provide an environment where workers can maximize their abilities and unleash their creative power. We aim to drive innovation at every level of the organization and deliver lasting value to the business.
We provide the AI ​​service “zooba” as a tool to help information systems departments perform their operations more efficiently and create value. This improves the productivity and competitiveness of the entire organization and achieves sustainable growth.

【Company Profile】
Company name: zooba Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Ayane Nawa
Head office: 2-8-28 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo
Company URL:
[Contact information]

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