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Home » Lond Co., Ltd. New graduate satisfaction rate 100% Lond Academy that promotes overwhelming growth

Lond Co., Ltd. New graduate satisfaction rate 100% Lond Academy that promotes overwhelming growth

[Lond Co., Ltd.] [New graduate satisfaction rate 100%] Lond Academy that promotes overwhelming growth
*Lond Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 11, 2024
[New graduate satisfaction rate 100%] Lond Academy that promotes overwhelming growth
*We opened “Lond lab” at the beauty salon Lond, which has the same facilities as a physical store. A system for first-year hairdressers to use business hours to hone their skills*
Lond Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and CEO: Shintaro Saito, Yoshida
Makito, Yoshinobu Ishida, Noriyuki Kai, Hiroaki Nagaoka, Kobayashi Starting in April 2024, “Lond” will be a specialized educational facility for new graduates to learn the skills and knowledge needed to succeed as hairdressers.
We have opened and are operating a lab. In a survey conducted for employees studying at this facility (conducted in August 2024), the satisfaction rate was 100%, making it an extremely effective learning place for developing young people.
LondGroup Academy specialized educational facility “Lond lab”:
*About Lond Lab*
Starting in 2020, Lond has introduced an academy system for new graduate employees to improve their skills and acquire knowledge. This is an educational system that utilizes working days to support the growth of employees, and was initially implemented using regular holidays at the Ebisu and Ikebukuro stores.

Starting in fiscal 2024, we will open the Lond Lab, an educational facility exclusively for the academy system, to provide more systematic employee education. Lond
Lessons at the lab start from April 8, 2024. Currently, Lond We hold an academy in our lab four times a week, and we have set up a system in which new graduates are divided into four groups and each group receives lessons once a week.

In addition, in a survey conducted in August 2024, when asked, “How would you rate your level of satisfaction with the Academy on a 5-point scale?”, 84% answered “5: Very satisfied,” 84% answered “4: 16% of respondents said they were “generally satisfied,” and no one answered “average” or “dissatisfied,” indicating a 100% satisfaction level. Furthermore, more than 90% of respondents said that “learning with peers at the academy motivates me to grow,” indicating that new graduates are helping to improve their motivation and skills.

It can be said that a hairdresser is a craftsmanship that requires the efforts of each individual. For this reason, young hairdressers usually practice on their own after business hours to hone their skills. While there is a need for work style reforms in line with the times, time for independent practice is also essential for improving skills as a hairdresser.

At Lond’s Academy, we have introduced a system that allows employees to set aside 8 hours of time to learn skills once a week on the working day. This is equivalent to 4 days of practice for 2 hours after regular business hours. Although the existence of the academy does not completely eliminate independent practice after hours, it reduces unnecessary overtime and allows employees to work on improving their skills more efficiently. Lond supports both work style reform and technical improvement, contributing to the training of
hairdressers and the improvement of the industry as a whole.

* Technical Director/Academy Supervisor*
*Comment from Kosuke Kawakami*
* ⚪︎What I feel as an academy instructor*

Every month, I realize how quickly our first-year employees are growing. Through the once-a-week academy, I’m able to do more things each week, and I can clearly see my growth as a hairdresser, which makes me happy! Another great benefit is that you will have more opportunities to interact directly with first-year employees, allowing you to deepen your relationships.

* ⚪︎How has Lond Lab changed compared to when I was using a store that was closed on regular holidays?*

It has become much easier to teach. At stores that were closed on regular holidays, the stores were small compared to the number of people there, and people often bumped into each other, making it difficult for both models and practitioners. In addition, we had to bring our own tools (wigs, clamps, brushes, etc.) to stores that were closed, which was a burden.
The lab has all the tools you need.
Although Lond Lab is an academy facility, it has enough facilities to operate as a physical store, so I think it’s a place where you can learn in a more practical and real way.

* ⚪︎How does the academy work compared to when you were an assistant?*

When we were assistants, we had to practice after a busy sales day in order to improve our skills. It was physically demanding, and it was difficult to find private time.
I think the academy has solved the problems I had at the time because it allows me to use the entire working day to learn. I think it’s a really good environment because you can get enough practice time and concentrate all day long to learn even the smallest details, such as knowledge and techniques as a hairdresser, and what you need to know as a member of society!
Also, in our time, you had to make an appointment with a senior colleague to learn from them, but at the academy, senior employees act as instructors and provide guidance. I believe that our first-year employees are grateful for this environment and are working hard every day.
Learning classroom lectures
Learning practical skills
Learning how to shoot
About Lond Co., Ltd.
The company was founded in 2013 by six classmates from a vocational school. We operate a “beauty salon company that people never quit” based on the management philosophy of “employee first” and “pursuing the material and spiritual happiness of all employees.” Employee turnover rate is 0 for 5 years since establishment. Today, the salon is still being talked about for its low turnover rate, which is unparalleled in the beauty salon industry.

Company name: Lond Co., Ltd.
Representatives: Shintaro Saito, Makito Yoshida, Yoshinobu Ishida, Noriyuki Kai, Hiroaki Nagaoka, Mizuho Kobayashi
Established: April 2013
Location: 2-8-19 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo FPG links GINZA 2F
Company URL:

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