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Home » Rissho University x Tax Accountant Corporation Shin Chuo Accounting Problem-solving “Shin Internship”

Rissho University x Tax Accountant Corporation Shin Chuo Accounting Problem-solving “Shin Internship”

N Career Co., Ltd.
Rissho University x Tax Accountant Corporation Shin Chuo Accounting Problem-solving “Shin Internship”
A super practical internship where Rissho University students and accounting firms work together as a team to solve problems over 5 days.
Shin Chuo Accounting Tax Accountant Corporation (Headquarters: Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, Representative: Keizo Shinozuka) is an accounting firm that creates the future of customers, and Rissho University, which fosters “moralists x experts” – a comprehensive university with 9 faculties, 16 departments, and 7 graduate schools. (campus in Shinagawa/Kumagaya) – implemented a problem-solving internship by combining their strengths.
Shin Chuo Accounting Tax Accountant Corporation We want to be the accounting firm that receives the most gratitude in Japan.
Thank you from our customers.
Thank you from my colleagues.
Thank you from our cooperating businesses.
Thank you from the local community.
We aim to be the accounting firm that receives the most “thank yous” in Japan. Collect “thank you”. This means always thinking carefully about what the other person wants, responding to their wishes, and building a relationship of trust that goes beyond satisfaction. If each individual’s actions continue to generate more “thank you,” we should be able to achieve steady growth for our company and great happiness for everyone involved. That’s why we at Shin Chuo Accounting pursue quality in everything we do, and we continue to work hard today to collect as many thanks as possible.
[Shin Chuo Accounting Tax Accountant Headquarters: Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture]
What is Rissho University’s problem-solving “Shin Internship”? Shin Internship at Rissho University
An internship equivalent to “Type 3” that meets the requirements in accordance with the “Basic Policy on Promoting Internships” agreed upon by the three ministries of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Industry-Academia Council standards.
*Type 3 General-purpose ability/specialized internship
In order to determine whether students have the ability to take on the job at the accepting company, such as practical experience in proposing projects and solving problems, students will receive information related to their field of interest, including their major, and their future career. This is to provide you with work experience.

This “Industry-Academia Council Compliance Mark” can only be used for “Type 3″ programs.

Although it is a university-recommended type of program that allows university students to come up with solutions to actual business problems based on their ideas and even make proposals together with company staff, there is a strict internal screening process in order to participate. There is
The theme of problem solving is “How are we contributing to our customers’ management?” ”
A 5-day problem-solving internship at Shin Chuo Accounting, a tax accountant corporation.
Since general accounting firms mainly handle tax accounting tasks such as preparing financial statements and tax returns, they are often unable to fully meet the true needs of their customers in an accounting firm. I feel it.
However, at Shin Chuo Accounting, we are committed to contributing to the “growth and development of our customers” through tax accounting and management accounting, and creating a bright future together with our customers.
Therefore, we asked the interns accepted from Rissho University to get a first-hand experience of the reality of accounting firms, and we assigned them the task of proposing a plan that would contribute to a client’s management from a university student’s perspective. During this five-day problem-solving internship, five interns worked together in groups to organize information, clarify issues, and exchange ideas to gain practical experience. After that, we made appointments with client companies, visited them with our
representatives, and had the students serve as reporters and conduct interviews with business owners.
[Photography on site, interview with management, etc. (article written by Rissho University internship student)]
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Voices of students who participated in a problem-solving internship at Shin Chuo Accounting, a tax accountant corporation
Although I am a problem-solving type of employee, I was trained like a new employee.
Even though I was still in the middle of work, he explained things to me in detail and helped me deepen my understanding of the industry! Then, I had the opportunity to talk to customers during company visits and interviews, and although I was nervous talking to people I don’t normally get to talk to, through company visits and on-site
interviews, I was able to learn about the company president’s goals for management. I was also able to learn about the business and rewarding aspects of each company. I was grateful for the opportunity to do something that I would never normally be able to do, and being able to participate in this Shin Internship, which is not available at Rissho University, was a valuable and good experience.
After this Shin Internship, I will continue to study towards finding a job in the accounting industry. I was nervous because I didn’t have any knowledge about what I wanted to do in the future, but it was a great experience for me to be able to see how things work in the field.
Also, by writing interview articles, I have grown not only in the ability to write articles individually, but also in terms of teamwork in writing articles as a group. Most importantly, I was able to gain accounting knowledge such as inheritance and trial balances. Rather than just taking the usual lecture classes at Rissho
University, I was able to proceed with my future job hunting while paying attention to what I was learning and what the knowledge was for, just like my experience at Shin Chuo Accounting. I want to go.

First of all, this experience was very stimulating for me as it was my first internship. The work of a tax accountant and accountant was something that I was not very familiar with, but I learned that I am an indispensable partner to a company in order for it to operate normally. Like this Shin Chuo Accounting Shin Internship, it was an opportunity for me to realize that there are many jobs in the world that are not well known from a student’s perspective, but are very important.
It made me realize that there are many discoveries to be made even in fields and professions that I know nothing about. For the rest of my student life, I decided to actively try something like this that I didn’t know much about. During the training, there were many times when I felt like I was not worth it, but I did my best and I want to do my best in my future student life.
I am taking an accounting class at university. The teacher’s talk during this regular class did not give me any idea of ​​what the actual job would be like. However, by participating in Shin Central Accounting’s Shin Internship, I was able to experience the actual work up close.
I originally had little knowledge about inheritance, but by going to the actual site and listening to their stories, I was able to learn more about inheritance in a more practical way. In addition, in an interview with the manager of a judicial scrivener corporation, we heard that there are two aspects to the job: providing guarantees to employees as a manager, and gaining trust from customers as a judicial scrivener. I found out.

By participating in Shin Chuo Accounting’s Shin Internship, I was able to deepen my understanding of the tax accountant industry.
I thought I could get information from the internet, but online information is unreliable, and there were so many things I learned by actually participating. Therefore, I would like to actively
participate in internships and information sessions for industries and companies that I am even slightly interested in, and use them as a reference for choosing the job that is right for me.

Voices from the person in charge of the accepting company (Mr. Tetsuya Haruyama, General Manager, Shin Chuo Accounting Tax Accountant Corporation)
Continuing from last year, a total of five people came to intern from Rissho University.
This internship will be a “Type 3 general-purpose ability/expertise type internship” based on an agreement between the three ministries of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.Although all the students are third-year students, they will have no experience in student life. I think I was nervous and confused because there were so many things I couldn’t do. However, everyone cooperated with each other from the first day and worked actively while getting a first-hand experience of the reality of accounting firms!
Many of our staff members also visited our customers as guides for students. At that time, the students conducted interviews with business owners, and we were glad to hear that they were able to express in concrete terms how our company contributes to the management of our customers, and above all, we received an internship from Rissho University. I feel like my week was even more fulfilling as a result of this acceptance.
Direction Advisor (Representative Director, N Career Co., Ltd.) Through this Rissho University Shin Internship,
Rissho University has been holding its own problem-solving internship since 2023 last year, and from 2024, as a “government-approved internship”, we will be working with Shin Chuo Accounting, a tax accountant corporation that is an excellent company that can convey the “real world”. We have requested that you become a accepting company.
Nowadays, university students who are interested in the accounting industry are likely to consider accounting firms or tax accountant corporations as potential employers. However, because the
qualification of a tax accountant is well-known, people tend to think of it as having a qualification or having a wealth of knowledge.In fact, it is a shame that if you do not have these qualifications, you will not be able to get a job. Many students think they can’t do it and give up.
Therefore, both for our company as a direction advisor, and for the students who came with a vague impression of the actual operations of an accounting firm through an internship at Shinchuo Accounting Corporation, it was a great opportunity for them to gain actual experience of the work content. I think it was a great opportunity to learn about the actual accounting industry, such as interacting with actual clients.
This is because many of the students who participated said that after taking part in this Shin Internship, they had become even more interested in accounting firms, and that they felt it was the right job for them. I think it was because there was a gap in the image I had of him.
I would like to express my gratitude to Shin Chuo Accounting, a tax accountant corporation, for accepting Rissho University’s internship students. As a direction advisor, I am very happy that I was able to help students realize that communication skills are essential.

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