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Home » Sea and Japan Project Public Relations Office We held a marine education program “Sea and Kaminakata Small P roject ~Sea School 2024~” in collaboration with schools!

Sea and Japan Project Public Relations Office We held a marine education program “Sea and Kaminakata Small P roject ~Sea School 2024~” in collaboration with schools!

Sea and Japan Project Public Relations Office
We held a marine education program “Umi and Kaminakata Small Project ~Sea School 2024~” in collaboration with schools!
Friday, September 6, 2024 [Location] Sumie Beach, Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture
The Sea and Japan Project in Miyazaki, a general incorporated association, will create an “opportunity to go to the sea” as a learning opportunity for 6th grade students at Kaminakata Elementary and Junior High School on Friday, September 6, 2024, and will promote marine education in Miyazaki Prefecture. We held a marine education program called “Sea and Kaminakata Small Project ~Sea School 2024~” with the aim of creating a model.
This event is being held as part of the Nippon Foundation’s “Ocean and Japan Project,” which connects people through the sea in order to pass on the rich and beautiful ocean to the next generation.

Event overview
The Sea and Japan Project in Miyazaki collaborates with Nobeoka City Kaminakata Elementary and Junior High School to create opportunities for 6th graders to go to the sea as part of their learning, with the aim of creating a model for marine education in Miyazaki Prefecture. Therefore, we decided to conduct a marine education program. In order to enable children who are a little afraid of the sea to participate in learning with interest, the secretariat will collaborate with the Board of Education and other organizations to identify issues related to marine education in the prefecture, and to provide schools with opportunities to take initiative in their activities. We will implement new marine education. This program will include learning and experiential learning (6 times in total), and a presentation of the results will be held in November as the final conclusion.
Ultimately, the goal is to clarify how the children will face the future of Miyazaki’s sea and formulate actions that will enable them to decide how to act.
Date and time: Wednesday, September 6, 2024, 9:00-15:30
Location: Kaminakata Elementary School, Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture Participants: 19 6th graders from Kaminakata Elementary School Lecturer: Dragnet experience (Konpeki Hiroaki Kai)
Sea Kayak (Nobe☆Star NPO Himuka Kando Experience World Satoshi Narusaki and 2 others)
The 19 children have deepened their understanding of the ocean through five lessons so far.
In the first lesson, they learned about the connections between mountains, rivers, and the sea, in the second lesson they learned about the blessings of the ocean, in the third lesson they learned about “ocean issues and marine resources,” and in the fourth lesson they learned about “the marine environment and ecosystem.” . In the fifth session, we had an exchange study with Shimanoura Gakuen, which is surrounded by the sea, and learned about local sea issues. In the sixth and final learning session, participants will experience Nobeoka’s traditional fishing method, “seine fishing,” and “sea kayaking,” where they can experience the sea.
▼ Click here for past event reports
1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: Try Nobeoka’s traditional fishing “Seine fishing”!
The children visited Sumie Beach in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture. Here, we experienced the fishing method “seine fishing” that has been practiced for a long time. Through this experience, we aim to foster curiosity and gratitude in children by learning about the work of fishermen and experiencing the importance of nature and the difficulty and reward of work.
On this day, we learned about seine fishing from Hiroaki Kai, who works as a fisherman and runs a guesthouse in the same town. Seine fishing is a method of fishing in which nets are set up in the sea and pulled from land using ropes. Pulling a net that is about 100 meters long is quite hard work for elementary school students. Therefore, 5th graders (13 students) from the same elementary school also
participated in a dragnet experience, and a total of 32 students worked together to pull up the net.
After Mr. Kai explained the history and precautions of seine fishing, he said, “The fish we caught today will be our lunch! Let’s fish hard and eat delicious fish together!” , the children lined up in a line and worked together to start pulling the net. After about 10 minutes of everyone working together to pull the net, the fish gradually appeared from the surface of the sea. The children shouted, “There they are!” “Wow!” and “There are so many!” as they picked up energetically bouncing fish and asked Mr. Kai, “What is this fish?” as they saw the fish for the first time. I was observing it with interest.
On this day, we caught more than 10 types of fish, including Japanese horse mackerel, amberjack, and pufferfish. We also learned that fishing is not just about edible fish, as poisonous and dangerous fish such as snails and rays were also caught in the nets.
Mr. Kai demonstrated the “ikijime” method of squeezing the caught fish on the spot. In order to enjoy delicious fish, it is said that it is important to “tighten your nerves” as soon as possible. By tightening the nerves, the muscles stop moving, which puts unnecessary stress on the fish and prevents the fish from becoming dry.
After this, we cooked the live fish into fried fish and soup at Minshuku Konpeki, which is run by Mr. Kai. We had lunch overlooking the ocean, and the fried fish made with freshly caught fish was fluffy, and the children were all smiles and said, “This is the most delicious fried fish I’ve ever had!”

0m above sea level! Let’s experience the sea!
Next, in the sea kayaking experience, they observed the ocean from sea level and learned about the mechanism of ocean currents, safety measures at sea, and how to protect their lives in the event of an emergency while interacting with the ocean. The sea kayaking instructors were Satoshi Narusaki and two other staff members from Nobe☆Sta NPO Himuka Kando Experience World. First, after learning on land how to use a paddle and what to do in case the kayak capsizes, the children enjoyed the feel of the ocean and waves as they paddled freely towards a neighboring island.
The children riding the kayaks experienced the difference in speed and sway depending on the direction they were traveling. Some children were able to move smoothly, while others had difficulty operating the waves, and each of them enjoyed the feel of the waves. We also saw them enjoying themselves while observing the fish. By experiencing kayaking so close to the sea, we heard comments such as “It felt like I was one with the sea, and it was very comfortable” and “It was a thrill that I couldn’t experience unless I actually rode it.” I finished my last study while enjoying the scenery.

Looking back
The marine education program, which began in April in collaboration with Nobeoka City Kaminakata Elementary and Junior High School, deepened learning from the interrelationships of the natural environment, “the connections between mountains, rivers, and the sea.” By understanding the natural cycle in which nutrient-rich water stored in the mountains flows into the sea through rivers, which supports Nobeoka’s rich fishing grounds, we can also help our own towns living far from the sea. I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of creating an environment for the ocean.
Additionally, as we progressed with this learning, we saw changes in the children who were not good at eating fish. Through practical activities such as stocking fish and seine fishing, children develop a positive mindset of “trying to eat fish,” and learn to “eat a lot of fish,” “love fish,” and “value nature.” We saw many signs of growth, such as learning that “is important for protecting the ocean,” and eventually being able to think about how to deal with the ocean and how to act in the future. . Through this learning, the children’s awareness of the ocean seems to have changed significantly. We plan to present the results of our learning at the “Ichiigashi Presentation” held by the school in November.
Voices of the children who participated
・Compared to my first lesson, I became more aware of the ocean and fish, and I started to think that fish is more delicious than before, and I started to appreciate eating it. I want to continue to cherish the ocean and fish and love them even more.
・Through this study, I learned that “the sea and mountains are connected” and “we must protect nature.” I realized that nature is important, and living things are important, so I want to cherish nature in whatever way I can. Ta.
・Even after I finish my studies, I want to eat a lot of fish, love fish even more, and become a person who can protect the ocean. -Organization Overview-
Organization name: General Incorporated Association Sea and Japan Project in Miyazaki
Activities: Based on the philosophy of the Nippon Foundation’s “Ocean and Japan Project,” we are working to pass on Miyazaki’s rich ocean to future generations.
Nippon Foundation “Ocean and Japan Project”
The sea supports Japanese people’s lives in various ways, sometimes giving them peace of mind, excitement, and inspiration. This is an all-Japan project that aims to encourage people across the country, including children, to view the ongoing environmental deterioration of the oceans as their own, and to expand the circle of action to preserve the oceans for future generations. is.

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