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Ponta Survey on awareness of the progress of SDGs Approximately 50% of people think that most goals will not be achieved in time by 2030

[Ponta] [Survey on awareness of the progress of SDGs] Approximately 50% of people think that most goals will not be achieved in time by 2030
*Royalty Marketing Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 12, 2024
[Survey on awareness of the progress of SDGs] Approximately 50% of people think that most goals will not be achieved in time by 2030 *Approximately 70% of people do not know that SDGs are “goals to be achieved by 2030”*
Loyalty Marketing Co., Ltd., which operates the common point service “Ponta” (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Hasegawa) Tsuyoshi (hereinafter referred to as “LM”) was a member of GLOBAL GOALS on September 25th, the day the SDGs were adopted.
DAY), we conducted a survey of consumers’ awareness regarding the “progress of the SDGs” and would like to report the results.

* [Main survey results] *
* ■Awareness that SDGs are “goals by 2030”*
 66.0% “don’t know” that it is a goal by 2030
* ■Awareness regarding the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 in Japan * 45.0% said that “most goals will not be achieved in time” regarding the achievement of the SDGs by 2030
* ■Perceptions regarding the progress of the 17 SDGs * 33.7% said “5. Achieve gender equality” was the most common goal that they felt had progressed towards.
The most common goal that they feel has gone backwards is “1. Eliminate poverty” at 30.4%.
* ■Awareness regarding the pace of efforts to achieve the SDGs * 53.3% said it would be better to “accelerate the pace and work more actively” to achieve the SDGs
* ■Do you feel that the SDGs are something that is relevant to you?* Approximately 50% of people feel the SDGs are personal to them and 50% do not. The most common reason for feeling like the SDGs is “because it is something that the entire world should work on” was 33.4%.
The most common reason for not feeling the SDGs is “I am doing my best in my own life” was 38.7%.
* ■Reference: Survey on SDGs app “Green Ponta Action”*
82.0% of people started “Green Ponta Action” for the benefit (Ponta points) “Green Ponta
8.5 points higher among those who downloaded “Action” and answered that “I should pick up the pace and work more actively than I do now” to achieve the SDGs.
 People who have downloaded “Green Ponta Action” are 13.3 points more likely to feel that SDGs are personal to them.
* [Survey results details]*
* ■Awareness that SDGs are “goals by 2030”*
  * 66.0% “don’t know” that this is a goal by 2030*

When asked whether they knew that the SDGs were “goals to be achieved by 2030,” 66.0% of respondents said they did not know. No one answered, “I don’t know what the SDGs are.” By gender and age, the highest proportion of men and women in their 20s and under answered that they knew, with 55.7% of men and 40.0% of women. Furthermore, across all age groups, a higher percentage of men answered that they knew about the issue than women.
▼Awareness that SDGs are “goals by 2030” | By gender and age | Single answer (n=3,000)
■* Awareness regarding the achievement of SDGs by 2030 in Japan*   * Regarding the achievement of SDGs goals by 2030, 45.0% said “most goals will not be met in time”*

When asked whether they felt that the SDGs would be achieved in time by 2030, 6.8% overall said they would achieve most of the goals on time, and 48.2% said they would achieve about half of the goals on time, but about half of the goals would not be achieved in time. 45.0% said, “Most of the goals will not be met in time.”

▼Awareness regarding the achievement of SDGs by 2030 in Japan | By gender and age | Single answer (n=3,000)
* ■Awareness of progress towards the 17 SDGs*
  *The most common goal for which they feel they have made progress is “5. Achieve gender equality” at 33.7%*
 *The most common goal that people feel has gone backwards is “1. Eliminate poverty” at 30.4%*

Regarding the progress of the SDGs in Japan, we compared the current situation with 2015, when the SDGs were adopted by the United Nations, and asked which goals they felt had progressed and which goals they felt had gone backwards. Excluding those who answered “Nothing in particular,” the first place they felt they had made progress was “5. Achieve gender equality” at 33.7%, the second place was “12. Responsible consumption and production” at 13.1%, and the third place was “7. .Energy to everyone
And cleanly” was 12.0%. The number one goal that they feel has gone backwards is “1. Eliminate poverty” at 30.4%, the second place is “8. Decent work and economic growth” at 30.2%, and the third place is “10. Reduce inequality among people and countries.” 24.0% said “I think I’m going to lose it.” When asked what goals they should focus on most, 12.5% ​​said “3. Good health and well-being for all,” and 2nd place “13. Take concrete measures to combat climate change” at 12.4%. The highest ranking answer was “1. Let’s eliminate poverty” at 12.1%.

▼Perceptions regarding progress towards the 17 SDGs | Single answer (n=3,000) *For questions asking about the goals you should focus on most, there is no option for “Nothing in particular.”

* ■Perceptions regarding the pace of efforts to achieve the SDGs*

* 53.3% of respondents said it would be better to accelerate the pace and work more actively towards achieving the SDGs *
When asked about the pace at which they should work toward achieving the SDGs, 53.3% of respondents said, “It would be better to speed up the pace and work more actively than now.” Looking at the results by gender and age group, a higher proportion of women across all age groups answered that it would be better to pick up the pace.

▼Perceptions regarding the pace of efforts to achieve SDGs | By gender and age | Single answer (n=3,000)
* ■Do you feel that the SDGs are something that is relevant to you?* *The percentage of people who feel the SDGs are personal to them and the percentage who do not feel that they are about 50%*

When asked whether they feel that the SDGs are personal to them (things that are relevant to them), a total of 53.2% answered “I feel like it’s about me” or “I feel like it’s about me,” and when looking at it by gender and age. The highest rate was found among women in their 60s and older at 66.0%. Overall, 46.9% of respondents answered “I don’t feel like it’s my own,” and “I don’t feel like it’s my own.” By gender and age, men in their 40s had the highest rate at 56.4%.

▼Do you feel that the SDGs are something that relates to you and is “your own thing” | By gender and age | Single answer (n=3,000) * ■Reasons for feeling that the SDGs are “personal” * * The most common reason for feeling that the SDGs are “personal” was “because it is something that the entire world should work on” was 33.4%*

When we asked the people who answered that they felt the SDGs were personal to them about their reasons, the first answer was “Because it is something that the entire world should work on” at 33.4%, and the second answer was “Because it affects me as a result” at 23.1%. %, and 3rd place was “Because I want to create a sustainable society in the future” at 19.9%.

▼Reasons for feeling that the SDGs are “personal”|Single answer (n=1,594) * ■Reasons for not feeling that the SDGs are “personal”*
  *The most common reason for not feeling the SDGs is “I am doing my best in my own life” was 38.7%*

When we asked people who answered that they did not feel the SDGs were personally relevant to them about their reasons, the first response (38.7%) was “I am doing my best with my life,” and the second response was “I don’t know what specifically to do.” 17.1% said, “Because I don’t have a direct relationship with myself,” and 16.7% said “I don’t feel a direct connection to them.”

▼Reasons for not feeling that the SDGs are “personal”|Single answer (n=1,406)

*Reference: Survey on SDGs app “Green Ponta Action”*
In this study, we used the SDGs smartphone app “Green Ponta” provided by LM. We listened to the usage status of “Action” and analyzed their awareness of the progress of SDGs.
“Green Ponta
More than 80% of users of “Action” started using the app because of the “benefits (Ponta points)”. Comparing whether or not someone has downloaded it, those who have downloaded it are 8.5 points more likely to feel that it is better to pick up the pace and actively work towards achieving the SDGs, and feel that the SDGs are their own. The percentage was 13.3 points higher. Even if the reason you started using the app was because of the benefits, it seems that by using it, you can become more familiar with the SDGs.

■* Reason for starting “Green Ponta Action”*
* 82.0% of people started “Green Ponta Action” for the benefit (Ponta points) * Of the respondents, “Green Ponta
When we asked people who had downloaded “Action” why they started using the app, the top responses were “I can receive benefits (Ponta points) by using the app” (82.0%) and “I can easily do good things with the app.” (30.9%) followed.

▼Reason for starting the app “Green Ponta Action” | Single answer (n=505)

* ■Perceptions regarding the pace of efforts to achieve the SDGs (by download status of “Green Ponta Action”) * * “Green Ponta Action” Those who have downloaded “Action” are 8.5 points more likely to say “I should pick up the pace and actively work towards achieving the SDGs”*
“Green Ponta” aims to raise awareness regarding the pace of work towards achieving SDGs.
Looking at the download status of “Action,” 60.4% of those who downloaded “I should pick up the pace and work more proactively” were 8.5 points higher than those who had downloaded “Action.” ▼Awareness regarding the pace of efforts to achieve SDGs | By “Green Ponta Action” download status | Single answer
(Downloaded: n=505, not downloaded n=2,495)
* ■Do you feel that the SDGs are “personal” (by “Green Ponta Action” download status) *
 * Those who have downloaded “Green Ponta Action” are 13.3 points more likely to feel that SDGs are personal to them*

“Green Ponta
Looking at whether or not people feel that the SDGs are their own, 64.2% of those who have downloaded “I feel like they are my own” and “I rather feel like they are my own.” , which was 13.3 points higher than the 50.9% of those who had not downloaded it.
▼Do you feel the SDGs are “personal” | By “Green Ponta Action” download status | Single answer
(Downloaded: n=505, not downloaded n=2,495)
* ■About Green Ponta Action*
“Green Ponta
Action” is a smartphone app developed and provided by LM. By accumulating easy-to-do actions in your daily life, you can support activities toward a sustainable future. As you accumulate in-app scores through actions in your daily life, such as “knowing,” “declaring,” and “walking,” you will advance to a higher stage, and depending on your stage, you will receive the benefit of accumulating Ponta points. It was launched in April 2021 and has exceeded 1.11 million downloads to date. More than 130,000 users per day and 240,000 users per month use the app to take SDG actions.
・Related URL
Green Ponta Action download page

Green Ponta Action information blog (note)
[Survey overview]
Survey method Internet survey
Survey period: June 26, 2024 to July 1, 2024
Panel “Ponta Research” member
(For those who are Ponta members and have registered as a member of “Ponta Research”)
Survey target Ponta research members living in Japan
Number of valid responses: 3,000 people, 300 samples with 10 cells each for men and women x age groups (under 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and above)
*Survey results are rounded to the second decimal place. The total may not add up to 100%

[Please provide credit when quoting or reprinting]
When quoting or reproducing research results, please include the credit “Research by Ponta Research”.

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