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Home » The 9th “J-TECH STARTUP 2024”, a gateway to success for deep tech startups in the seed and early stages, has started recruiting companies

The 9th “J-TECH STARTUP 2024”, a gateway to success for deep tech startups in the seed and early stages, has started recruiting companies

The 9th “J-TECH STARTUP 2024”, a gateway to success for deep tech startups in the seed and early stages, has started recruiting companies
Over the past eight years, the total amount of post-certification funding for certified companies has exceeded 36.14 billion yen. ……
TX Entrepreneur Partners (Representative Director: Shingo Kunido, Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture; hereinafter referred to as TEP), a general incorporated association (hereinafter referred to as TEP), is holding a certification project for seed and early-stage technology startups that are expected to grow in the deep tech field, which will be held for the 9th time this year. J-TECH STARTUP 2024” will begin accepting applications for startups from today.
Application URL:
TEP is a support organization for technology startups founded in 2009 that operates mainly along the TX (Tsukuba Express) line, which is home to many technology universities and research institutes in Japan. Since 2016, we have held the certified project “J-TECH STARTUP” every year as part of our support for the growth of deep tech startups. We select and certify technology startups in the seed and early stages that are expected to grow globally in the future. Over the past eight years, a total of 53 companies have been certified, and the cumulative amount of funds raised by companies after certification has exceeded 36.14 billion yen*1. -TECH STARTUP” has served as a gateway to success for deep tech startups in the seed and early stages.
Startup companies certified in the 9th “J-TECH STARTUP” will have the opportunity to present at the “J-TECH STARTUP SUMMIT” event scheduled to be held on February 19, 2025. There, you will have the opportunity to be matched with VCs and CVCs who are highly interested in investing in technology startups, and major companies who are highly interested in collaboration and cooperation. You can receive mentoring and support for global expansion. This is a great opportunity to grow your business. Please feel free to apply.
*1 Based on data from 35 companies that responded in a follow-up survey of all 48 J-TECH STARTUP certified companies until 2022. Please note that the amount procured from FY2023 onwards is not included, and the actual amount procured is estimated to be higher than the above amount.
Current status of deep tech startup support and TEP’s past activities Deep tech is a technology based on scientific discoveries obtained through research in the natural sciences, and its commercialization and social implementation can lead to the resolution of economic and social issues that need to be resolved nationally and globally. It is defined as a technology that can have an impact on society, such as *2, and is a field that has been growing rapidly worldwide in recent years. In Japan, under the leadership of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, support with a total budget of 100 billion yen has been launched in Japan since fiscal 2023 through the “Deep Tech Startup Support Project”*3. With the aim of business growth for deep tech startups and the establishment, commercialization, and social implementation of innovative technologies, various parties including universities, research institutes, investors, business companies, experts, and support organizations are working together to promote promotion activities. It is being
Since 2009, TEP has been conducting startup support activities specializing in the deep tech field, building a network of startups, universities/research institutes, local governments, large companies, angel investors, VCs, mentors (experts), etc. We have contributed to the construction of one of Japan’s leading deep tech ecosystems. Now that there is an urgent need to foster deep tech startups across the country, we would like to appeal to more people about TEP’s activities and further strengthen support by leveraging the network and knowledge that our organization has. I am.
≪TEP partner list≫
・Advisory Board: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ibaraki Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Kashiwa City, Tsukuba City, Kashiwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation Organization Kanto Headquarters, Chiba Prefectural Industrial Promotion Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Corporation, Tsukuba Research Support Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan External Trade Organization Kanto Trade Information Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Global Innovation Promotion Organization, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Chiba University, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , International Telecommunications Research Institute, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Patent Office, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
・Corporate member: TMI General Law Office
・Project members: Joyo Capital Partners Co., Ltd., Japan Management Association, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.
*2 February 2020 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry “About Deep Tech Startup Support Project” *3 March 2020 “3 Basic Policies for Deep Tech Startup Support Project” “J-TECH STARTUP 2024” Recruitment guidelines
We will select certified companies from the companies that have applied through document screening and online interviews.
-Application requirements-
– A startup that conducts business with unique technology at its core. *No matter the field of hardware or software. This includes
biotechnology, advanced materials, robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, interactive software, and cloud-based processing engines.
*In addition to the above requirements, the “University/Research Institute Startup Award” will be awarded to companies that utilize research and technology at universities, research institutes, etc. The requirement is that the business be Please fill out the
application form for details.
-Application frame 1: Seed frame-
A company before investment from venture capital, etc. Includes companies receiving angel funding, crowdfunding, and prospective entrepreneurs.
-Application frame 2: Early frame-
An unlisted company that has received investment from venture capital, etc. and meets the following requirements.
・Capital amount: 300 million yen or less
・Number of employees: 50 or less
・Not a subsidiary of a large company
*The year of establishment of the corporation does not matter. Second business establishments are also eligible.
-Selection criteria-
・Business innovation (technology that changes the industrial structure) ・Economic development (the scale of the target industry is large and the impact is widespread)
・Social influence (great impact on world society)
・Business execution ability (competitive advantage, management team, overall consistency of strategy)
How to apply
Please enter the necessary information from the application form. -Application form-
To apply, you will be required to submit presentation materials summarizing the outline of your project when filling out the form. Please prepare materials that meet the following points. Please be sure to mark “confidential” on pages that contain confidential information.
・Whose and what kind of problems do you want to solve?
・Overview of your company’s products/services that solve problems ・Technological characteristics and technological superiority ・Economic and social impact of the business
– Application deadline – Until noon on Thursday, October 31, 2024 *Please note that deadlines will be strictly adhered to and decisions will be made based on the time the management office receives application documents.
Awards, benefits, etc.
-J-TECH STARTUP University/Research Institute Startup Award- This award is given to the most highly rated startup from a university or research institution among J-TECH STARTUP 2024 certified companies. -Japan Management Association Industrial Promotion Award-
The “Japan Management Association Industrial Promotion Award” was awarded to approximately 10 companies participating in the J-TECH STARTUP SUMMIT by the CTO Forum (*), a technology-related network hosted by the Japan Management Association, which is co-sponsored by the Japan Management Association. -This award is given to the “most innovative company with the highest potential for cooperation and collaboration with our company” after viewing the presentations of TECH STARTUP certified companies. The companies participating in the selection of this award will be announced later.
(Reference) Participating companies selected for the 2023 “J-TECH STARTUP Japan Management Association Industrial Promotion Award” *In no particular order/titles omitted
JATCO Corporation / Terumo Corporation / Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. / Toyota Systems Corporation / Fujitsu Limited / Mitsubishi Materials Corporation / Japan Management Association *Japan CTO Forum: CTOs (Chief Technology Officers) of representative companies based in Japan exchange honest opinions on the future of manufacturing, Kotozukuri, and innovation, and solve common problems. This is an organization run by the Japan Management Association, which aims to achieve this goal.
-KOIL Award-
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., which is cooperating with this event, will award free access to Kashiwanoha Open Innovation Lab (KOIL) for one year to all J-TECH STARTUP 2024 certified companies.
Sponsor/co-sponsor/cooperating companies
-Sponsored by TX Entrepreneur Partners (TEP) ( TX Entrepreneur Partners (TEP) is a support organization for technology startups that aims to commercialize and popularize Japan’s top-level technology. Our members include deep tech startups that have core technologies and aim to commercialize them, as well as angel investors with extensive entrepreneurial and management experience, mentors who can provide professional advice, and major companies that want to collaborate with startups. It is composed. Currently, our network has expanded to include universities, research institutes, local governments, and similar startup communities overseas, making it one of the world’s leading technology startup ecosystems.
-Co-sponsored by Japan Management Association ( The Japan Management Association was established in 1942 as an “organization for promoting management innovation.” In order to lead the healthy development of industry, we are thinking together with industry about management and social issues from now to the future, and exploring directions for innovation. Currently, we support the resolution of all kinds of management issues through four businesses: “Human Resource Development/Organizational Development,”
“Manufacturing Support,” “Industrial Promotion,” and “ISO Audit/Third Party Certification.” We are challenging new areas with two key themes: “KAIKA” and “Asia co-evolution.” We always provide high-quality, practical services based on our many years of research and research into management and our member network of approximately 1,350 companies and organizations.
[Contact information regarding this matter]
TEP Secretariat / E-MAIL:

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