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JR West Expansion of companies introducing services that reduce CO2 emissions to virtually zero, extension to the Kyushu Shinkansen area, and decision on service name

[JR West] Expansion of companies introducing services that reduce CO2 emissions to virtually zero, extension to the Kyushu Shinkansen area, and decision on service name
*JR West Japan*
Press release: September 19, 2024
Expansion of companies introducing services that achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions, extension to the Kyushu Shinkansen area, and decision on service name

Since April 2024, the Tokaido/Sanyo Shinkansen has been offering a service for Express Reservation corporate members that uses CO2-free electricity to virtually eliminate CO2 emissions from travel. From October 2024, as the number of companies introducing this service increases, the target area will be extended to the Kyushu Shinkansen (Hakata to Kagoshima Chuo) area. As a result, by using this service, it is possible to virtually reduce CO2 emissions associated with travel between Tokyo and Kagoshima Chuo to zero.
We would also like to inform you that the name of this service has been decided.
We will continue to create an environment where customers who are interested in preserving the global environment can use the Tokaido, Sanyo, and Kyushu Shinkansen lines with peace of mind without worrying about CO2 emissions.

* 1. Companies introducing the service (as of October 2024) (in alphabetical order by introduction time) *
[Reference: Service scheme]
1. JR companies procure CO2-free electricity* from power companies, etc. 2. CO2-free electricity will be allocated to express reservation corporate members’ business trips.
(For Express Reservation corporate members, additional charges will be paid for purchasing CO2-free electricity)
3. Certificates of CO2 reduction effect will be issued to Express Reservation corporate members.
*CO2-free electricity: Electricity that is derived from renewable energy sources that do not emit CO2 during power generation, such as solar power generation, and has a non-fossil certificate.

* 2. Extension to Kyushu Shinkansen area *
* (1) Area to be extended: * Kyushu Shinkansen section (Hakata to Kagoshima Chuo)
* (2) Area extension period: * October 2024
* (3) Effects obtained: *
When express reservation corporate members board the Tokaido, Sanyo, or Kyushu Shinkansen (between Tokyo and Kagoshima Chuo), CO2 emissions (Scope 3*) are virtually zero.
* Scope 3: CO2 emissions of other companies related to the business’s activities

* 3. Service name *
* “GreenEX” *
Trademark registration pending
It is a combination of “Green”, which represents an environmentally friendly image, and “EX”, which means “express reservation service”. We chose this name to express our hope that by using our express reservation service, you will make choices that are kind to the global environment when traveling.

* 4. Contact information regarding this service *
・JR Tokai Express Reservation Sales Promotion Group
・Service homepage


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