October 24th (Thursday) AndTech “Latest domestic and international trends in high-efficiency water electrolysis for green hydrogen production and future prospects” Zoom seminar scheduled to be held
AndTech Press release: September 27, 2024 October 24th (Thursday) AndTech “Latest domestic and international trends and future prospects of high-efficiency water electrolysis for green hydrogen production” Zoom seminar scheduled to be held Lectures by Mr. Koichi Matsuzawa from Yokohama National University, Mr. Hiroshi Ito from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Mr. Han Hae from Siemens Energy Corporation, and Mr. Aki Maruta from Technova Co., Ltd. I’ll have it.
high-efficiency water electrolysis for green hydrogen production. This course is scheduled to start on October 24, 2024. Details:
https://andtech.co.jp/seminars/1ef758bf-3bde-61ca-ab13-064fb9a95405 Live distribution/WEB seminar course overview ────────────────── Theme: Latest domestic and international trends and future prospects of high-efficiency water electrolysis for green hydrogen production Date and time: October 24, 2024 (Thursday) 10:30-16:45 Participation fee: 60,500 yen (tax included) * Materials will be distributed electronically U R L :
https://andtech.co.jp/seminars/1ef758bf-3bde-61ca-ab13-064fb9a95405 Web distribution format: Zoom (URL will be sent after application) Seminar course content composition ──────────── -Program/Instructor- ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 1 Current status, trends and prospects of green hydrogen and water electrolysis for its production ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Lecturer: Yokohama National University Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor Koichi Matsuzawa ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 2 Basics of low-cost,
high-performance water electrolysis using anion exchange membranes and the latest trends/device development ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Lecturer: Mr. Hiroshi Ito, Research Group Leader, Energy Conservation Research Division, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 3 Initiatives for green hydrogen/PEM water electrolysis system
∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Lecturer: Mr. Han Manhae, Strategic Procurement, Siemens Energy Co., Ltd. ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 4 Hydrogen production technology and demonstration using seawater (focusing on trends in Europe and America)
∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Lecturer: Mr. Akiki Maruta, Senior Chief Researcher, Research Group 3, Research Department, Technova Co., Ltd. ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Knowledge that can be learned and technical issues that can be solved in this seminar
──────────────────────── We hope that comprehensive exposure to the environment surrounding green hydrogen and water electrolysis equipment will help the participating companies establish new hydrogen-related businesses. Trends in global hydrogen deployment Western hydrogen policy Outlook for water electrolysis capacity expansion Amount of water required for hydrogen production Trends in pure water production technology Electrolysis that uses seawater directly Understanding why offshore hydrogen production platforms are increasing in Europe and their cost implications Format of this seminar ────────────── This will be a live streaming seminar using the web conferencing tool “Zoom”. Details will be provided after you apply. About AndTech Co., Ltd. ────────────
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https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/80053/897/80053-897-4663d3f3ae73e32d72ff2d2dc2ff28f9-1920×1005.jpg We hold a number of web course seminars taught by top-notch
instructors every month. https://andtech.co.jp/seminars/search AndTech Co., Ltd. Book list ──────────────
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/80053/897/80053-897-9a15fcb25baf4ef9d41cce1fac94626e-1920×1005.jpg We publish books by selecting those with high needs from a wide selection of themes. https://andtech.co.jp/books AndTech Co., Ltd. Consulting Service ──────────────────────
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/80053/897/80053-897-86d950a67e4f432a06782addfa559d07-1920×1005.jpg We will dispatch a highly specialized technical consultant with a wealth of experience. https://andtech.co.jp/business-consulting Inquiries regarding this matter ────────────── AndTech Co., Ltd. PR Manager Aoki Email address: pr●andtech.co.jp (Please change ● to @ and contact us) All program items below (please take a look if you are interested in details) ────────────────────────────
∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 1 Current status, trends and prospects of green hydrogen and water electrolysis for its production ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ [Purpose of the lecture] Interest in hydrogen and hydrogen energy has increased in recent years, and research, development, and initiatives are being actively pursued. Why is hydrogen attracting attention and why is it necessary? Also, what are the trends in the world? What is green hydrogen? From the basics, what is required to produce hydrogen? What is the relationship between trends in water electrolysis and future hydrogen production, and what is the key to it? We will introduce the following contents. [Program] 1. Introduction 1-1 Impact of global warming, current situation, and supplements 1-2 SDGs and universities 2.Hydrogen energy and green hydrogen 2-1 Hydrogen energy background, trends, and basic hydrogen strategy 2-2 Current status of hydrogen energy (Hydrogen Ministerial Conference) 3.Hydrogen and water electrolysis 3-1 Hydrogen production method, unit, storage and transportation 3-2 Green hydrogen 3-3 Basics of water electrolysis – its academic fields, types, principles, history 3-4 Current status and trends of water electrolysis 4.Hydrogen production by water electrolysis 4-1 Introduction to Power-to-Gas demonstration in Japan 4-2 Direction of water electrolysis towards green hydrogen and introduction status overseas 4-3 Trends and current status of electrode catalysts for alkaline water electrolysis and solid polymer water electrolysis 4-4 Introduction of the development status in the laboratory of water electrolysis electrocatalyst technology for green hydrogen production 5.Summary and future prospects [Q&A] ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 2 Fundamentals and latest trends of low-cost, high-performance water electrolysis using anion exchange membranes and development of equipment
∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ [Purpose of the lecture] Expanding the introduction of so-called “green hydrogen”, which does not emit greenhouse gases during the manufacturing process, has become a global issue. The practical method for producing green hydrogen is thought to be “water electrolysis,” and in that case, it is clear that in addition to the price of the electricity used, the performance and cost of the water electrolysis equipment will be major factors in determining the price of green hydrogen. . Therefore, the development of low-cost, high-performance water electrolysis technology is being actively pursued in countries around the world. Anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysis is a technology whose development began relatively recently, but it has great potential to achieve low cost and high performance compared to conventional water electrolysis equipment. In this course, we will introduce the principles and features of AEM water electrolysis equipment, as well as the latest development trends, in comparison with conventional water electrolysis technology, and explain in detail its possibilities and limitations. [Program] 1. Background ~ Carbon neutral and hydrogen ~ 1-1 Latest situation surrounding green hydrogen 1-2 Green hydrogen demand forecast 1-3 Domestic and international green hydrogen production and utilization projects 2.Basics of water electrolysis technology 2-1 Background and basics of water electrolysis technology 2-1-1 History of water electrolysis 2-1-2 History of salt electrolysis (soda industry) technology 2-2 Overview of each water electrolysis technology 2-2-1 Alkaline water electrolysis 2-2-2 Proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis 2-2-3 Solid oxide water electrolysis (SOEC) 2-2-4 Anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysis 3.Introduction of peripheral technologies 3-1 Anion exchange membrane fuel cell (AEMFC) 4. Details of anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysis technology 4-1 Principle and features of AEM water electrolysis equipment 4-2 History of AEM water electrolysis equipment development 4-3 Development status of AEM water electrolysis technology 4-3-1 Electrolyte membrane (AEM) 4-3-2 Electrocatalyst 4-3-3 Electrode structure 4-4 AEM water electrolysis system and operating method 4-4-1 Electrolyte supply method 4-4-2 Pressurized operation 4-4-3 Durability 4-4-4 Cost estimation of AEM water electrolysis system 5. Enapter anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysis device 5-1 Overview of Enapter Company 5-2 Features of Enapter’s AEM water electrolysis device 5-3 Enapter’s business model and future plans 6.Summary [Q&A] ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 3 Initiatives for green hydrogen/PEM water electrolysis system ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ [Purpose of the lecture] Almost 10 years have passed since the need for green hydrogen to achieve
decarbonization was voiced, and hydrogen production and utilization projects are gradually taking shape, mainly in Europe. We would like you to experience the forefront of green hydrogen through a
presentation by our company, a leading company in water electrolysis equipment. [Program] 1.Company profile 2. Significance and current status of hydrogen 2-1 Significance of hydrogen 2-2 Current status of the hydrogen industry 3.Water electrolysis device 3-1 Water
electrolysis device type 3-2 Water electrolysis device Elyzer P-300 4. Reference 5.Giga Factory [Q&A] ∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ Part 4 Hydrogen production technology and demonstration using seawater (focusing on trends in Europe and America)
∽∽────────────────────────∽∽ [Purpose of the lecture] As demand for hydrogen and water electrolysis capacity expands worldwide, there are concerns about a shortage of pure water. One solution is the use of seawater, including direct use of seawater (so-called seawater electrolysis) and indirect use of seawater (purified water and use of general water electrolysis). In this lecture, we will introduce a demonstration of hydrogen production on an offshore platform that combines seawater electrolysis technology, pure water production technology, and offshore wind power as technologies for hydrogen production using seawater. Then, in order to expand hydrogen production in the future, we will take a bird’s-eye view of the trends in hydrogen production policy and technology in Europe and the United States from the perspective of cost and value chain construction. [Program] 1. Background of seawater electrolysis 1-1 Carbon neutral and hydrogen 1-2 Outlook for international organizations 1-3 Policies of major countries 1-4 Necessity of seawater use 2. Water electrolysis technology 2-1 Alkaline water electrolysis/PEM water electrolysis 2-2 Seawater electrolysis 3.Pure water production technology 4.Direct seawater electrolysis 5.Indirect seawater electrolysis 6. Offshore wind power water electrolysis project example 6-1 Economics of offshore wind power hydrogen production 6-2 Hydrogen pipeline and power grid 7. Future outlook [Q&A] *Product and service names mentioned in this news release are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. *The information contained in this news release is current as of the date of announcement. It is subject to change without prior notice. Above