[AlbaLink Co., Ltd.] [Ranking of things I regret when purchasing a study desk] Questionnaire survey of 258 parents
AlbaLink Co., Ltd. Press release: September 27, 2024 [Ranking of things I regret when purchasing a study desk] Questionnaire survey of 258 parents Awareness survey on regrets when purchasing a study desk AlbaLink Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kenji Kawata) conducted an “Awareness Survey on Regrets When Purchasing a Study Table” targeting 258 parents with children of elementary school age or older. The data was ranked. Details are available on Translated Property Purchase Pro. ( https://wakearipro.com/study-desk/
URL: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/55654/157/55654-157-5c82ccb77824eb4b285bcf542de2b9e7-700×501.png When we asked 258 parents with children of elementary school age or older what they considered important when choosing a study desk, the number one answer was “design/color” (128 people). 2nd place is “Price (95 people)”, followed by 3rd place is “Size (63 people)”. Nearly half of the people listed multiple important points, and we found that many families narrowed down their search based on several criteria. For example, “children’s preferences, design and size that can be used for a long time,” “size and price,” etc. ・I chose a simple design that matches the interior (female in her 30s) ・The design should be usable even as an adult and not childish (Male in his 40s) ・Is the design simple? Since I will be using it for a long period of time, it was important that I would not be embarrassed even when I became a junior high school student (female in her 40s) More and more people are focusing on simple designs that they won’t get tired of even as they get older, rather than thinking about whether it’s fashionable or what they like. Specifically, an example was given such as “It’s not a character design.” Some families put study desks in the living room when children are young, so some people focused on making sure that it matched the atmosphere of the living room. ・The most important point is the price. We carefully select designs and functions within your budget (male in his 30s) ・The price is neither too high nor too low (female in her 40s) ・In the end, it’s the price. I tried to choose the best item possible while consulting my wallet (man over 50) Each family has a budget, so price is obviously important. Some people first set a budget and consider “buying the best possible item within the budget.” However, some people said they wanted to buy cheaply, while others said they wanted it not to be too cheap. Considering that study desks are meant to be used for a long time, some people may be concerned about their durability if they are too cheap. On the contrary, there was also the opinion that “I bought a new one based on my age, so now that I think about it, I should have gotten a cheaper one.” ・Is it the appropriate size for the size of the room? Consider the width and height of the desk, as well as the storage space, and choose a size that is easy to use. (Female in her 30s) ・Be as compact as possible (male in his 40s) ・A space where you can spread out your computer and reference books (for men over 50) We received a variety of criteria for selecting the size, such as “It fits in the room,” “A compact size is good,” and “The top is wide.” Several people placed importance on having a wide top plate, assuming they would be using a computer at a study desk. On the other hand, people who purchased study desks for study in their living rooms responded that they prioritized compact size. The appropriate size will vary depending on where and for how long you will use it. ・Large storage capacity (male in his 20s) – Comes with a bookshelf and storage (female in her 40s) ・Number of drawers and ability to store books and textbooks securely (Female in her 40s) As the school age increases, the number of textbooks and school supplies increases, so many people place emphasis on storage. Another option is to keep the desk simple and purchase a separate bookshelf and storage supplies. However, when purchasing a study desk, many people place importance on the fact that the desk comes with storage. ・Can be used by siblings (female in her 30s) ・Functionality that can be rearranged (female in her 30s) ・Be practical (female in her 40s) It would be a shame if you bought a device that is difficult to use and ends up being used as a storage room, so many people are now focusing on ease of use. Specifically, things like “can be rearranged to suit growth, floor plan, and usage” and “height can be changed.” When it comes to storage, some people think not just about how much storage space there is, but also about how easy it is to use. ・First and foremost, respect children’s opinions (female in her 30s) ・Do you like children? (Female in her 40s) ・I let my child choose what he liked (male over 50s) Some people said, “Make sure your child is happy to sit down,” so it is likely that many people choose desks that their children like because they want them to study actively. However, if you decide based only on your child’s opinion, you may run into problems such as the size is too big or it’s over budget. For this reason, some families made the decision after consultation with their children, with the parents discreetly guiding them and conveying their opinions while listening to their children’s opinions. -Durability and stability. We focused on being made of durable materials that can be used for a long time and having a stable structure. (Male, 30s) ・Be strong (men over 50) Study desks are meant to be used for a long time, so some people place emphasis on durability. In fact, there have been reports of people handling the desk roughly and damaging the storage and the attached lighting, so it seems that the importance of durability increases depending on the child’s personality and how the desk is used. Some people said that “if you assemble it yourself, it will break easily,” so if you buy a prefabricated item, you may need to consider having the staff at a furniture store do the assembly for you. The source of information I referred to when choosing a study desk was “word of mouth”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/55654/157/55654-157-8938048aec31eeef9e43ac90e9bfe560-700×500.png When asked, “What source of information did you use when choosing a study desk?”, the most common answer was “word of mouth (91 people).” Many people refer to online reviews, and it can be seen that gathering information on the internet and SNS is the mainstream. Many people didn’t just buy online, but actually went to the store to check out the products. One person said, “If I hadn’t checked the actual product, I would have regretted it because it was surprisingly difficult to use,” so it’s important to try the actual product. Where to buy a study desk is a “furniture store”
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/55654/157/55654-157-41f0df7cd18377df9cb3b7a71530f7b3-741×530.png The most popular place to purchase study desks was “furniture stores” (160 people). Some people bought their furniture at local furniture stores or furniture makers, but overall the majority of people mentioned large furniture stores and chain stores. 2nd place was “Online Shop” (45 people), followed by 3rd place was “Shopping Mall (24 people)”. Furniture stores have many study desks on display, so you can check out the actual desk before purchasing. On the other hand, online shops have the advantage of making it easy to find stores where you can buy the same product at a lower price. My only regret after purchasing the study desk was that it was too big
https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/55654/157/55654-157-011d54319b710dba2516f2147401f0e0-700×606.png When we asked respondents about their regrets after purchasing the study desk, 40 people answered “It was too big” with a split vote. 2nd place was “I don’t use it much (37 people)”, 3rd place was “I wish it had a simpler design (35 people)”, and 4th place was “Difficult to use/not enough storage (33 people)”. And 5th place was “Too small (27 people)”. Many people should have chosen the product with emphasis on the design and size, but in reality, many people regret the design and size. Additionally, both “too big” and “too small” ranked in the top five, showing that choosing the size of a study desk can be difficult. ・The desk was too big for the room (female in her 30s) ・The size was bigger than I expected and I felt it was a bit of a nuisance (Male in his 40s) ・When I made a study desk that was integrated with the bed, it took up more space and the room became smaller (Female in her 40s) Some families have had problems with large desks, such as “they don’t fit well in the space” and “it’s difficult to move them when you want to rearrange them.” Additionally, large study desks are often heavy, and some have complained that they can damage the floor. Some people say, “It looked like a good size at the store, but when I put it in the room, it felt oppressive.” It is important to note that the impression changes depending on where you place it. ・Children don’t study at study desks much because they prioritize their parents’ opinions (female in her 30s) ・I bought a desk when I entered elementary school, but I end up doing my homework in the living room, so I haven’t used it at all so far. I think it would have been a good idea to buy it when I was in the third grade of elementary school (female in her 40s) ・Both children study in the living room, so they don’t use the study desk at all (male over 50s) In the lower grades of elementary school, children often do homework together with their parents, such as reading aloud and calculating cards, so they often study in the living room. For this reason, many people say they don’t study at study desks. One person said, “Rather than purchasing the item when they enter elementary school, it would have been better to buy it after they entered the middle grades of elementary school or junior high school.” On the other hand, we have received comments such as “I bought it after I got older, but I have become accustomed to studying in the living room, so I no longer use the study desk.” Before purchasing a study desk, it would be a good idea to consider whether you will be studying in the living room a lot. ・I purchased a common study desk, but I felt that a simple desk might have been better. If I had storage space, I would pack it in as much as I could, but now that I am a university student, it is difficult to use and I have too much to carry. (Female in her 30s) ・I regret that I should have ignored his wishes and made a simpler design so that he could use it for a long time even when he grows up (male in his 30s) ・I chose a desk with a character on it, but I got tired of it by the time I got to the upper grades (male, over 50) Those who chose designs that children like have received comments such as, “When they get into higher grades, they start hating it” and “They start saying it looks childish.” This is a pattern of making mistakes by giving too much priority to the child’s wishes when making purchases. I understand that many people feel that if the design is not simple, it will be difficult to use it for a long time. If you have a removable bookshelf or storage, you can use the desk itself as a simple desk. ・As she is a child who tends to make a mess, there were a lot of things that couldn’t fit on her desk, so things were scattered on the desk, so it couldn’t function as a study table, but instead became just a place to store belongings. I wish I had gotten a type that could store more (male in his 40s) ・I purchased a desk that does not have drawers. My child says it’s “very inconvenient” (female in her 40s) ・Drawers were not easy to use. It was too big to fit stationery, books, etc. (Female over 50) As children get older, the number of books and school supplies increases, so if there is not enough storage space, things may become scattered. It seems that the child himself/herself finds it difficult to use because there is no place to put things away. Even if there is storage, there are opinions such as “Items in the drawers tend to fall to the bottom shelf, so they are often lost,” and “The size of the storage is difficult to use.” You can see that it is important to consider purchasing while imagining what and how much to put where. ・Since the child’s room is small, I chose a compact desk, but now that the child is in the upper grades, it has become a bit small to spread out books etc. (Female in her 40s) ・I thought, “I don’t need it to be big because I won’t be using it anyway when I get older and it’s going to become like a storage room,” but since I’m still using it in my senior year, I should have bought a bigger one (Male in his 40s) ) ・It would have been better if it was bigger. A child says, “It’s a bit cramped when I put my PC down.” (Male, over 50s) While many people said that it was “too big,” there were also people who felt that it was “too small.” Since there were many responses from people in their 40s and 50s, we can imagine that as their children grow older, many people find their desks smaller. Reasons for feeling small include “I start studying with reference books” and “I start putting down my PC.” Summary We found that many people place emphasis on design, price, and size when choosing a study desk. However, “design” and “size” ranked high among the points that I regretted. This is probably because study desks are used for a long time, starting from elementary school students, so the desired design and size tend to change depending on the age of the child. Some families ended up purchasing a new desk due to problems with its design or size. Also, since elementary school students often have the opportunity to study in the living room during the early grades of elementary school, some regret that they should have waited a little longer before purchasing instead of when they entered elementary school. Therefore, there may be no need to rush into purchasing a study desk thinking, “I have to buy a study desk before entering elementary school.” Some families have become accustomed to studying in the living room, and are unable to make full use of the study desks they have purchased. It takes a lot of time to dispose of them, so it is important to think about whether or not your child really needs them without being influenced by others. *All aggregate result data can be viewed below. URL: https://wakearipro.com/study-desk/ [About real estate purchase professional] Real estate information media operated by AlbaLink Co., Ltd. We are disseminating information on how to solve the problem of real estate that is not selling due to some “reason” and how to operate it. The articles are written by experts, with the concept of delivering highly reliable information in an easy-to-understand manner. We not only offer free consultations, but also support direct purchases through our website. Site URL: https://wakearipro.com/ [About AlbaLink Co., Ltd.] AlbaLink is a real estate company that buys and resells real estate with the concept of “connecting the future through business.” We mainly handle properties with difficult rights related issues such as damaged properties, co-ownership interests, vacant houses, and leased land, and we offer a helping hand to everyone who is worried about real estate issues. [Company Profile] Company name: AlbaLink Co., Ltd. Representative: Representative Director Kenji Kawada Address: 6F Lead Sea Monzen Nakacho Building, 2-11-18 Tomioka, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0047 Established: January 2011 Capital: 24 million yen URL: https://albalink.co.jp/company/