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Home » Explore » Japan Music Industry and Culture Foundation “TOKYO MUSIC RADAR,” a radio program that disseminates Japanes e music overseas, will start broadcasting on InterFM from October 1st (Tuesday)! The program DJ will be mikako (from Nag ie Lane)

Japan Music Industry and Culture Foundation “TOKYO MUSIC RADAR,” a radio program that disseminates Japanes e music overseas, will start broadcasting on InterFM from October 1st (Tuesday)! The program DJ will be mikako (from Nag ie Lane)

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[Japan Music Industry and Culture Promotion Foundation] “TOKYO MUSIC RADAR”, a radio program that disseminates Japanese music overseas, will start broadcasting on InterFM from October 1st (Tuesday)! The program DJ will be mikako (from Nagie Lane) ​
Japan Music Industry and Culture Promotion Foundation Press release: October 1, 2024 “TOKYO MUSIC RADAR”, a radio program that disseminates Japanese music overseas, will start broadcasting on InterFM from October 1st (Tuesday)! The program DJ will be mikako (from Nagie Lane) The program will be featured in an article on the music media “BARKS”! The video will also be distributed on JMCE’s official YouTube channel, etc.×810.png

A radio program that broadcasts Japanese music overseas 『TOKYO MUSIC RADAR』 will start at InterFM from Tuesday, October 1, 2024. This program is a collaboration program with Tokyo International Music Market (TIMM), which supports the overseas expansion of Japanese music under the slogan “GO GLOBAL.” It introduces the latest Japanese music scene and artists to the world, and promotes overseas expansion. We aim to become a bridge between our listeners. The program will not only cover the latest in Japan’s music scene, but will also feature guests who are active in Japan and abroad, including artists and people in the music industry, and will explore trends in music culture and the industry. The DJ for the program will be mikako from the Shin Shibuya-style harmony pop group “Nagie Lane.” She is a quad-lingual who speaks four languages, and will bring you plenty of interviews, information, and music from domestic and international artists. Please note that this program is available on music media “BARKS” It will be published as an article on , and the video will also be distributed on our foundation’s YouTube channel and SNS. 『TOKYO MUSIC RADAR』 We will continue to spread the appeal of Japanese music to music fans around the world through InterFM, so please look forward to it. ●Program title: TOKYO MUSIC RADAR Broadcasting station: Inter FM (Tokyo: 89.7 MHz Yokohama: 76.5 MHz) Broadcast time: Every Tuesday 21:30-22:20 (first broadcast October 1st (Tuesday)) ●Music media: BARKS ●JMCE official YouTube channel URL: Image
URL:×1108.jpg mikako (from Nagie Lane) She grew up in Vienna for 6 years and is now a quadlingual speaker who can speak four languages: English, German, Korean, and Japanese. Currently active as a member (Vo/Chorus) of the Shin Shibuya style harmony pop group “Nagie Lane”, he is also in charge of translation and MC work.

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