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Re-skilling to hone management skills as an important issue with “Strong Policies 2024” – “Monthly Advance d Education” November 2024 issue released

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Reskilling to hone management skills as an important issue with “Strong Policies 2024” – “Monthly Advanced Education” November 2024 issue released ​
Advanced Educational Corporation Press release: October 1, 2024 Re-skilling to hone management skills as an important issue with “Strong Policies 2024” – “Monthly Advanced Education” November 2024 issue released [Special Feature 2]
Financial/media literacy education practice that fosters the ability to survive in society while having fun [Region x Educational Innovation] Okinawa Prefecture – Nurturing people who take on challenges on the world stage The Publishing Department of Japan Advanced Educational Corporation (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Hideya Higashi), which operates the Graduate University for Business Initiatives and the Graduate University for Social Initiatives, which are professional graduate schools for working adults, is publishing a monthly magazine specializing in education that connects society and recurrent. The November 2024 issue of “Advanced Education” was released on October 1st (Tuesday). (

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URL: Image [Special feature 1] Re-skilling to improve management skills as an important issue under “Strong Policies 2024” In this fiscal year’s “Basic Policy for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform (Basic Policy),” we have added “managers to the scope of reskilling and will work to build the skills of approximately 5,000 managers by 2029.” ” was announced. In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has earmarked a new budget to revitalize recurrent education, including for managers, in its budget request for fiscal year 2020. In this special feature, we discuss the aims and future direction of initiatives by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the development of programs for managers at universities, the requirements for managerial human resources and personnel measures required for skill development, and the ideal form of leadership development. We will introduce the initiatives and ideal strategies of industry, government, and academia toward developing human resources with the necessary skills. Image
URL: Image – Promoting local industry-academia-government collaboration and accelerating recurrent education for managers, etc. / Mr. Akio Nishi, Director of Recurrent Education and Private Education Promotion Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ≪Key phrase≫ “Currently, I believe that only a small number of business owners are actively engaged in recurrent education on their own.By collaborating with local chambers of commerce, economic organizations, local governments, etc., we can foster momentum for recurrent education in the region. We would like to raise awareness of recurrent education among small and medium-sized business owners.” (Excerpt from article)
Image – For engineers to grow as managers, experience in dealing with markets and customers is important / Mr. Hideo Kudo, Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Seinan Gakuin University ≪Key phrase≫ “Even if it is a small business or organization, the experience of taking on overall management responsibilities from an early age of around 30, leading team members, identifying market opportunities, and commercializing them will help you grow as a manager. (excerpt from article) ​ – The starting point for corporate transformation is the management Recurrent program for managers / Shinshu University Career Education and Support Center Specially Appointed Professor Shunsuke Yano; Shinshu University Career Education and Support Center Deputy Director Tatsuo Katsuyoshi – How can managers become intrapreneurs? Professor Haruomi Shindo, Chuo University Business School (Graduate School of Strategic Management) – Overcoming the gender gap and creating a yardstick for female successors / Noriko Uchiyama, Representative Director of the Japan Heir Daughter Co-Education Association (General Incorporated Association) Others
[Special feature 2] Implementation of financial and media literacy education As society becomes more complex and diverse, financial and media literacy is attracting attention as the literacy that children need now in order to lead the future and live freely. This time, we focused on these two, exploring their significance and educational programs and materials that children can learn while having fun. – Deepen your learning by teaching through financial education video contest / Risa Hirai, Representative Director, Japan Financial Education Support Organization – Recreate the investment landscape through time travel – Experiential financial and economic education program / Beta Institute Co., Ltd. President Yasuhiro Kawakami, Beta Institute Co., Ltd. Representative Director and Vice President Yohei Okamoto – Media literacy in the digital age – Empowering children to survive in an information-overloaded society / ​ Smart News Media Research Institute Researcher Emi Nagasawa – Acquire careful thinking and verification skills while having fun with puzzle-solving games / Classroom Adventure Co., Ltd. Co-founder Zentaro Imai Other [Region x Educational Innovation] Okinawa Prefecture
Image Although Okinawa Prefecture is blessed with rich nature and a unique traditional culture, it also faces issues such as “unequal
educational opportunities” and “low income for prefectural residents.” We are focusing our efforts on supporting the improvement of children’s education and alleviating child poverty. Additionally, Okinawa is a land open to the world, and the University of the Ryukyus aims to become an “outstanding educational and research center in the Asia-Pacific region,” and new initiatives for international exchange are being developed in the private sector. Furthermore, education set in Okinawa, where many challenges have begun, such as building a startup ecosystem, nurturing entrepreneurs, supporting self-reliance through digital skill acquisition, regional revitalization through sports, and new developments in school education and career
education.・Introducing human resource development projects. – Becoming an education and research base in the Asia-Pacific region/Mr. Mutsumi Nishida, President of Ryukyu University – Making Okinawa a startup hub in Asia / Hikaru Kanemura, Okinawa IT Innovation Strategy Center (ISCO) – Connecting Japan and the world through “study abroad in the city” / HelloWorld Co., Ltd. Representative Director and Co-CEO, Ryukyu Mirai Co., Ltd. Representative Director Hikaru Nonaka – Training IT engineers to solve poverty issues / Mr. Takumi Saito, Chairman of the NPO Everyone.Engineer -Creating a place for young people to take on challenges on Ishigaki Island/ Mr. Yu Sumiyoshi, director of Kayak Zero Co., Ltd., former principal and
co-representative of Ishigaki City Public School Others [Other notable and serialized articles] ■Foreword: Creating an environment that supports learning through mutual assistance/Former Saitama City Superintendent of Education, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry “Creating innovation Mayumi Hosoda, Chair of the Study Group on Promoting Learning and Social Cooperation ■ Management and public relations: ​ In a changing society, public relations is a necessary management function/Mr. Masahiro Sekine, President and Representative Director of Shoko Chukin Bank, Ltd. ■SDGs exploration practice: Practicing experiential marine environmental education/Mr. Hisae Ito, Representative Director of Marine Environmental Education NPO Bridge
Image A scene from an inquiry learning program that utilizes the Banshu Tidal Flats.
Image ■New century learning building: Cultivating global citizenship/Seto SOLAN Elementary School Others
Image Seto SOLAN Elementary School Learning Commons. The school building is located on the site of Seto City Motoyama Junior High School. Received the 2022 Good Design Award.
Image (All photo materials in this release are taken from the November 2024 issue of Monthly Advanced Education)
Image Magazine overview “Monthly Advanced Education” November 2024 issue Publisher: Advanced Education Organization Publication Department Price: 1,620 yen (tax included) ASIN: ‎B0CN2YPYNW Purchase at bookstores nationwide. Also available on Amazon About Monthly Advanced Education First published in October 2019. Aiming to be a media that looks into the future of education, it is an education magazine that focuses on all kinds of “learning,” including school education, preschool education, and adult education. In addition to special features on educational themes linked to social changes and social issues and the government’s priority education policies, we also publish special features focusing on corporate and adult education, serial articles on overseas educational trends and innovators in the education industry, etc. We will provide useful information and ideas to everyone involved in education, including local governments, companies, and NPOs. ■ Overview of Advanced Educational Corporation Name: Educational Corporation Advanced Education Organization Chairman: Hideya Higashi Address: 3-13-16 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo ​School: Graduate School of Business Planning (Headquarters: 3-13-16 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Bases: Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, Sendai ​Graduate School for Social Initiatives (3-13-18 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Affiliated institutions: Business Concept Research Institute, Advanced Education Research Institute, SDGs Research Institute ​Publishing: Monthly Business Plan, Monthly Advanced Education, Books, etc. ■ About Business Concept Graduate University Opened in April 2012 in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo, this is a graduate school for working adults that builds and implements business concepts and conceptual plans. We offer a variety of curriculums aimed at generating ideas from the
fundamentals of a business, thinking about the ideal concept for a business, spinning ideas to realize it, and building a concept plan. After repeated discussions with faculty and graduate students who are active in a variety of industries, and after submitting a business concept plan over two years, the professional degree “Master of Project Design (MPD)” was awarded. Masu. It is based in five school buildings in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Sendai, and is currently in its 13th term. A total of 703 people have completed the program, and many innovative new businesses have been created. In addition, the “Business Concept Research Institute”, an affiliated research institute of our university, actively conducts research on a project basis for companies and businesses, and more than 3,000 people have already completed the course, and the monthly “Business Concept Research Institute” We have published research books, including publications such as . For other details, see the graduate school website ( Please see ). *Recognized as “conforming” by the University Standards Association, a public interest incorporated foundation (accreditation evaluation by specialized field and institution) Benefits) ■ About the Graduate School of Social Initiatives (*1) ​Opened in Takadanobaba, Tokyo in April 2017. Based on the philosophy of the Educational Corporation Advanced Educational Corporation, “playing a role in society through practical knowledge research and education,” we conduct communication design research with the aim of developing human resources who can plan and implement public relations and communication strategies based on the organization’s philosophy. We have established departments (*2, 3). Those who complete the course will be awarded the professional degree “Master of Communication Design (Professional).” In addition, the Graduate School of Practical Education (*2), which opened in April 2021, establishes new knowledge by systematizing practical knowledge and provides education and human resource development to implement it into society. Train people. Those who complete the course will be awarded the professional degree “Master of Professional Education.” Additionally, we will open the Graduate School of Social Initiatives in April 2024, which will have three research subjects. This graduate school employs professionals with a high degree of expertise who can determine the “ideal state of society” from a sociological perspective and develop the “grand design of society and organizations” to realize that vision. We aim to cultivate human resources who can realize a virtuous cycle of economic activity and social contribution through entrepreneurial entrepreneurship. Those who complete the course will be awarded the professional degree “Master of Social Design (Professional).” The Advanced Education Research Institute, an affiliated research institute of our university, has established a Practical Teacher Training Course since FY2021 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to develop diverse human resources with the will to use their practical knowledge in society. In line with the appointment system for “Regional Project Managers”, the “Regional Project Manager Training Course” aims to develop “bridge human resources” who can lead regional projects, and from April 2024, students will be able to acquire expertise including social education administration. In addition, we are offering a “Social Educator Training Course” with the aim of developing social educators who can carry out autonomous and sustainable activities based on learning in local communities. For other details, please see the graduate school website ( *1) “Conformity evaluation” in the 2023 university evaluation (certification evaluation) by the University Standards Association, a public interest incorporated foundation *2) Designated as an education and training benefit (specialized practical education and training) by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (up to 1,120,000 yen provided by the government) *3) First conformity evaluation in the “Public
Relations/Information Professional Graduate School Certification Evaluation” by the University Standards Association, a public interest incorporated foundation

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