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Home » Explore » Geolocation Technology Co., Ltd. Significantly expanded organization identification based on IP addresses. Rea lized organization identification for “Dokodoko JP” and significant increase in inventory for “Dokodoko ad”

Geolocation Technology Co., Ltd. Significantly expanded organization identification based on IP addresses. Rea lized organization identification for “Dokodoko JP” and significant increase in inventory for “Dokodoko ad”

Geolocation Technology Co., Ltd.
Significantly expanded organization identification based on IP addresses. Realized organization identification for “Dokodoko JP” and significant increase in inventory for “Dokodoko ad”
Geolocation Technology Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Representative Director: Keisuke Yamamoto), which develops solutions centered on IP Geolocation technology, is a company that develops solutions centered on IP Geolocation technology. We have significantly expanded the organization data for organization determination using “techniques for identifying This organizational expansion will also be reflected in services that collaborate with our services.
“Organization IP Location Matching” is a mechanism that assigns organization information based on the combination of Wi-Fi access point and latitude/longitude information. Some information such as Wi-Fi access points has “latitude and longitude information” from GPS. By linking the latitude and longitude information with the latitude and longitude information obtained from the organization information originally held, it is possible to identify the IP address assigned to the organization from the location information.
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[Image 1 We will continue to build more accurate databases and develop services, and strive to expand our business scale and improve our corporate value in order to contribute to the safety and
revitalization of local communities.

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