Helpfeel Co., Ltd.
Helpfeel helps SOMPO Himawari Life Insurance, which promotes non-voice services, reduce call increase rate by one-eighth during busy season We positioned the enhancement of FAQ as the “honmaru” for non-voice support and introduced Helpfeel.
Helpfeel Co., Ltd. (Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Representative Director/CEO: Kazushu Rakusai, hereinafter referred to as Helpfeel) has begun implementing the search SaaS “Helpfeel” to Sompo Himawari Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SOMPO Himawari Life Insurance). This contributed to the result of suppressing the call increase rate to one-eighth, and supports the company’s goal of improving the non-voice rate (*).
In the future, Helpfeel will continue to provide support for the FAQ system, improving the FAQ of SOMPO Himawari Life Insurance, promoting the use of the FAQ-based registration-based web service, and enriching the content based on the details of calls received from customers. I will continue to do so.
*Non-voice rate: Defined as the ratio of non-phone calls to the total number of contacts from users, including calls, chats, LINE, etc. [Image 1

Background to the introduction of “Helpfeel” – High searchability and continuous improvement support are the deciding factors
Sompo Himawari Life Insurance, which has approximately 4.7 million insurance policies (as of June 2023), is promoting a “non-voice” approach that shifts the response to inquiries from policyholders to a method other than the telephone, reducing stress and stress. We are promoting digitalization that encourages free self-solving.
We began considering a FAQ system, believing that a FAQ that would allow us to easily obtain the information we needed would be the key to non-voice support. We decided to introduce “Helpfeel” because we appreciated its “high searchability” that supports partial matches and synonyms of input keywords, and the “support system” that allows us to continue improving operations by obtaining a large number of data indicators.
Effects after introducing “Helpfeel” – The increase rate of calls during busy seasons was significantly reduced to one-eighth compared to the previous year
The number of telephone inquiries from policyholders in July tends to increase significantly compared to the previous month due to the response to the “Notice of Contract Details”, but this year it is expected to increase by 20% compared to the previous month (16% increase compared to last year) However, the actual increase was only 2%. The fact that we were able to reduce the rate of increase in calls during the busy season to one-eighth had a huge impact.
We believe that a major reason for the decrease in the number of telephone inquiries is that customers are now able to find the answers they are looking for through FAQs that are easier to search, resulting in an increased self-resolution rate.
Utilizing the “Helpfeel” support system – Realizing a speedy PDCA cycle Most of the websites of companies in the life insurance industry have FAQs that allow people to search for answers on their own from a list of categories, so our FAQs, which were among the first to adopt “Helpfeel,” are among the best in the industry for searchability. I am proud of this. Article content, which used to be reviewed once a year, can now be reviewed based on actual results at monthly meetings with Helpfeel personnel, and a speedy improvement cycle has become established.
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About Helpfeel’s business
▼Enterprise search “Helpfeel” that delivers knowledge
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“Industry Co-Creation (ICC Summit) KYOTO 2023” Guardian Award Winner, Guardian Catapult Winner
“BOXIL SaaS AWARD Autumn 2023” FAQ System Category 6 awards received “Industry Co-Creation (ICC Summit) FUKUOKA 2023” Guardian Award Winner Received “2021 Good Design Award”
“Industry Co-Creation (ICC) Summit KYOTO 2021”
“SaaS RISING STAR CATAPULT Find the next unicorn!” Winner
Received “Mizuho Innovation Award” in the fourth quarter of 2020 Advancement to “X-Tech Innovation 2020” Grand Prix Final
Participated in 2019 IVS LaunchPad
▼Helpfeel introduced companies (some)
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Helpfeel Co., Ltd. Overview
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Helpfeel Co., Ltd. is a SaaS startup founded in Silicon Valley in the United States in 2007. It was created by Kazushu Rakusai (CEO), who was certified as a genius programmer by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s IPA Unexplored Software Creation Project, and Toshiyuki Masui, a leading UI researcher who was invited by Apple to develop the iPhone’s flick input system. Helpfeel has a vision of “expanding human potential through the invention of Human Empowerment
Technology”, and has created Gyazo, a media capture tool that turns information into knowledge, Scrapbox, an ideation tool that refines knowledge, and innovative We are developing and operating three cloud services: “Helpfeel”, an enterprise search that delivers knowledge, achieving a FAQ search hit rate of 98% using the technology “Intent Prediction Search”. We will continue to promote human-centered design and software development to further improve the user experience.