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Home » NTT Docomo, Inc. Health promotion service “Health Mileage” equipped with “Frailty Estimation AI” won t he Excellence Award at the Well-Aging Economic Forum Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award

NTT Docomo, Inc. Health promotion service “Health Mileage” equipped with “Frailty Estimation AI” won t he Excellence Award at the Well-Aging Economic Forum Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award

NTT Docomo, Inc.
Health promotion service “Health Mileage” equipped with “frailty estimation AI” won the Excellence Award at the Well-Aging Economic Forum Well-being & Age-tech 2023 Award
The health promotion service “Health Mileage” equipped with “frailty estimation AI” provided by NTT Docomo, Inc. (hereinafter “Docomo”) will be announced at Well-being & Age-tech 2023 hosted by the Well-Aging Economic Forum on December 7, 2023. Received the Excellence Award at the Awards.
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-What is the Well-Aging Economic Forum Well-being & Age-Tech Award- Utilizing science, technology and innovation that contributes to the SDGs and the second edition of the United Nations SDGs, “Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030: 10 years of healthy aging,” which started in 2020, with the aim of solving the world-wide issue of extremely low birthrate and aging population. The purpose of this award is to widely disseminate initiatives selected by experts in intellectual property, technology, etc., based on the evaluation criteria of inclusiveness, integration, originality, innovation, expandability, and
story-telling. .
We have started this project in 2021 to promote the discovery and utilization of Age Tech.
Reference: About the Well-Aging Economy Forum Well-being & Age-Tech Award
-Award summary-
Health Mileage has been provided to a total of more than 130 local governments, making it highly expandable, providing inclusiveness that contributes to the digital divide among the elderly, and using AI to estimate frailty to alert you to frailty, which is an issue in a super-aging society, and how to deal with it. The technical ability of the proposal was evaluated.
In addition, we have designed and implemented data infrastructure and API linkages for the future comprehensive community care system, healthy life expectancy extension, and digital garden city-state concept, and are consistent with national policy and the Healthy Aging of the second edition of the United Nations SDGs. The story was also highly praised.
Reference: About health mileage (service page)
Reference: About frailty estimation AI (press release materials) Docomo has identified medical and healthcare as one of its growth areas and has been developing services that raise awareness and interest in health. For further development, we aim to create a society where everyone can maintain and improve their health through daily life, and we will continue to develop technology that uses smartphone logs to estimate people’s health status and lead to healthy behavior.
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