Nakamura Co., Ltd. myame
The 2024 zodiac sign, the dragon, appears for the first time in the “zodiac candy” that can be easily given as a New Year’s greeting! Next year’s zodiac sign, the dragon, will be added to the zodiac candy made by a total of 7,000 original candy manufacturers.
Nakamura Co., Ltd. (President: Takao Nakamura), a confectionery wholesaler in Nishi-ku, Nagoya, started a service called “myame” in 2007 that allows users to order original designs for candy canes that have the same design no matter how they are cut. (Maiame).” Next year’s zodiac sign, the dragon, will be newly added to the zodiac candy, which is proposed as a “conversation-inducing candy” that can be used for New Year’s greetings.
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What is zodiac candy?
First of all, what is zodiac candy?
Zodiac candy is a best-selling product that myame has been selling for 12 years. It is a type of candy that is manufactured using the traditional Japanese kumiame technique and incorporates the zodiac signs representing the year into its design.
●“Zodiac candy” that makes the recipient smile
It would be nice to have a small souvenir as a New Year’s greeting. I would like to gently hand it over to the customer when paying for the first sale. I want to give something to a friend or relative I haven’t seen in a while. “Zodiac candy” was born from such a feeling of “warm consideration.” Sales began 12 years ago with the motif of the new year’s zodiac, and this is the first time the dragon motif has appeared.
What is Kumiame?
What exactly is kumiame? Many people may be wondering.
Kumiame is a type of candy that has the same pattern no matter how you cut it, and is a kind of candy that people of all generations have probably seen at least once.
I’ll show you how to make it and watch a video of how I made the Year of the Tiger.
[Video 2: The pattern is the same no matter where you cut it, but each grain is distorted and each grain has a different expression.
This “one-of-a-kind expression in the world” captivates those who see it and those who taste it.
2024 is the year of the dragon.
After Christmas, the New Year will come next.
At myame, preparations for next year’s zodiac candy are in full swing. Next year, 2024, will be the year of the dragon. Even though we are flooded with orders, our craftsmen carefully manufacture each grain one by one.
We will tell you about the latest factory status.
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dragon blueprint
The dotted lines indicate the parts that are separated.
Of course, we do not use CAD etc.
Everything is made with the eye and experience of craftsmen. [Image 3

[Image 4

Transfer the candy cooked to 150 degrees to a cooling plate. Cool to touch temperature.
After that, we will color it and move on to dividing it into parts.
While molding the separated parts
Assemble it in the same way as sushi rolls.
Depending on the balance of the assembly
I am nervous because it depends on the completion of the project. [Image 5

[Image 6

When assembled, it will be as thick as a telephone pole.
From here, pull it little by little by hand and cut it.
Completion of the zodiac candy [Tatsu].
It has become an impressive candy with a face that makes a statement.
●Feelings behind “Zodiac Candy” “Candy”, which is eaten by people of all ages and genders, is one of the foods that can be easily passed around. I think it will bring smiles to both the person giving it to them and the person receiving it, and that this will spark a conversation. We support your desire to welcome the new year with a smile.
Product introduction
[Image 7

●New Year’s card bag
In addition to zodiac candy (Tatsu), lucky candy such as Red Fuji and Fukuwarai are randomly included in the bag with Mt. Fuji and Kagami-mochi pattern. *Please note that you cannot select the pattern. 15 bags set 1,800 yen (tax included)
30 bags set 3,000 yen (tax included)
50 bags set 5,000 yen (tax included)
500 bags set 48,000 yen (tax included)
[Image 8

●New Year’s box
In addition to the zodiac candy (Tatsu), the New Year’s box contains a total of 20 randomly selected lucky candies such as Red Fuji and Fukuwarai. *Please note that you cannot select the pattern.
1 box 1,000 yen (tax included)
[Image 9

●New Year’s box 5 pattern set
In addition to the zodiac candy (Tatsu), the New Year’s box contains a total of 20 randomly selected lucky candies such as Red Fuji and Fukuwarai. *Please note that you cannot select the pattern.
5 boxes 4,800 yen (tax included)
[Zodiac candy information page]
[Zodiac candy purchase page]
What is myame?
myame = My own candy Myame was started in 2007 with the idea of creating the only original candy in the world. “Ame” is a friendly sweet that is anthropomorphized and called “Ame-chan, Ame-chan.” By rediscovering its value as a communication tool, handing it out sparks conversations and smiles, and sublimated the historic candy cane into a new medium. Currently, they are not limited to just “kumiame” but also offer a total of 5 types of original candies: small sized kumiame “petitame”, “lolly candy”, “3D candy”, and “candy cane”. We provide services that can be used for a variety of purposes, including sales promotions, goods, and novelty items.