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Home » SVC Co., Ltd. Research Report Which site do you use to collect information on your child’s development and childcare?

SVC Co., Ltd. Research Report Which site do you use to collect information on your child’s development and childcare?

[SVC Co., Ltd.] [Research Report] Which site do you use to collect information on your child’s development and childcare?

*View in browser* *SVC Co., Ltd.*
Press release: February 10, 2024
[Survey Report] Which sites do you use to collect information about your child’s development and childcare?
*We asked parents of children who are concerned about their child’s development about websites that collect information on child development and childcare. *
“Fopis” is a Q&A service for parents with developmental issues operated by SVC Co., Ltd. (

) conducted a questionnaire survey on “websites that collect information on daily development and childcare” targeting parents concerned about the development of their children between the ages of 2 and 6. We will publish the results.

-Survey overview-
Survey target: Men and women with children between 2 and 6 years old Survey date: December 2023
Survey method: Response via internet
Number of people surveyed: 60 out of 103 people answered that they collect information on websites
*If you wish to quote the results of this survey, please use the URL of “Forpis” (
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