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Home » Layered provides a service to support the creation of treatment plans under the 2024 medical fee revision

Layered provides a service to support the creation of treatment plans under the 2024 medical fee revision

Layered Co., Ltd.
Layered provides a service to support the creation of treatment plans under the 2024 medical fee revision
Utilizing the PRM (patient management system) Kakarite, which will be officially launched on April 1st, and the electronic consent form function of the online consultation Symview, we will support detailed patient explanations and guidance regarding lifestyle-related diseases.
Layered Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City,
Representative Director: Makito Kezuka, hereinafter referred to as Layered) has announced that it will officially start selling Kakarite, a PRM (patient management system) planned and developed by the company, from April 1st. i will let you know. In conjunction with the start of sales of Kakarite, we will utilize the electronic consent form function of Kakarite and the online medical questionnaire Symview (hereinafter referred to as “Simview”) in order to efficiently respond to the new lifestyle-related disease management specified in the FY2020 medical fee revision. We will also start providing services that
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Lifestyle-related disease management policy changed in 2024 medical fee revision With the revision of medical fees in 2024, the focus of outpatient medical care has been on effective and efficient lifestyle-related disease countermeasures and the promotion of family medicine functions. With this revision, it has been decided that hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia will be excluded from the specified disease treatment management fee and integrated into the lifestyle-related disease management fee.
The requirements for the previous lifestyle-related disease management fee have been relaxed, but the lifestyle-related disease management fee (both I, which covers the cost of tests, etc., and II, which does not include the cost of tests, etc.) requires the patient to prepare a treatment plan and share its contents with the patient. The patient’s consent must be obtained after a thorough explanation. Please note that this treatment plan is created approximately once every four months.
This revision not only aims to reduce current medical costs, but also requires medical professionals and patients to share information and make treatment decisions together in the area of ​​lifestyle-related diseases. This suggests that by facing their own disease and actively participating in treatment, patients are preventing the disease from becoming more serious and are looking to reduce future medical costs. Although we are aiming for the ideal state of medical care, medical clinics focusing on internal medicine need treatment plans to transition all patients with hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia to lifestyle-related disease management fees. A huge amount of work is required as it is necessary to prepare a document, provide
explanations to the patient, and obtain consent.
Therefore, Layered has decided to prepare and provide a package that can efficiently respond to this revision by combining Kakarite, which can build a patient database, and Simview’s electronic consent form function, which can obtain patient consent. Masu.
About the lifestyle disease management package
This package combines the PRM (patient management system) Kakarite, the web consultation Symview (including electronic consent form function), and Layered’s patient guidance digital content, from the creation of treatment plans to patient consent. We will be able to handle the entire process up to acquisition.
・Creating an efficient treatment plan…Symview (WEB
interview/electronic consent form)
Patients are asked to study in advance at home, and after in-hospital guidance is given, an electronic signature (consent) is obtained. ・Thorough patient management…PRM (patient management system) Kakarite We will create a list of patients who were previously calculated using specific disease treatment management fees and manage the transition status. Furthermore, you can manage the timing of creating a treatment plan for each patient and see a list of patients who need to create one in the current month.
・Establishment of guidance system…patient guidance digital content In order to promote patients’ understanding of the content of lifestyle-related disease guidance, we have prepared pre-learning content (videos, slides, etc.).
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What is PRM (Patient Management System) Kakarite?
Kakarite is a PRM* (patient management system) that supports the management of the relationship between medical professionals and patients. We will build a patient database by aggregating reservation, medical interview, and receipt data that has traditionally been managed individually in multiple systems. This makes it possible to understand the status of patients’ visits and withdrawals, and to approach patients individually at the appropriate time, with the aim of preventing withdrawal from treatment.
Layered released the Kakarite beta version on July 1, 2022, and has continued test use in medical settings. After implementing and improving functions based on the issues identified during test use, we have now officially started selling the product.
*Patient Relationship Management
Main functions of PRM (patient management system) Kakarite
・Patient database
By linking with receipt file uploads and reservation/interview data, information related to consultations will be collected in one place and a patient database will be constructed. In addition to being used like a CRM, it also has a function to generate reports on important indicators in hospital management, which is useful for visualizing management data.
・Withdrawal follow-up
It is possible to manage patients who are likely to withdraw from treatment for each patient group, such as by disease. It is possible to make a list of patients who are at risk of withdrawing, and to take an individual approach based on the status of their consultation. By educating patients about the risks of discontinuing treatment at the appropriate time and encouraging them to seek medical attention, we aim to prevent withdrawal from treatment and prevent it from worsening.
・Treatment plan management
You can manage the regular examinations and treatments required for each disease. By comparing the receipt data with the results, it is possible to manage the implementation plan and results of tests, treatments, etc. for each patient. Since the implementation interval (period) can be managed, it prevents omissions in necessary tests and treatments.
WEB medical interview Symview/electronic consent form function Web consultation Symview’s electronic consent form function allows patients to operate paper consent forms on a cloud-based web consultation to assist patients in accepting treatment. Under the supervision of a lawyer, electronic consent forms can be operated in accordance with the law.
Features of WEB medical interview Symview/electronic consent form ・Supporting patients’ prior learning
It is a system that allows patients to learn the details of
examinations and treatments in advance on their own smartphones. Easy-to-understand explanations with illustrations and videos. You can check it in a calm environment such as at home.
・Medical staff provides focused face-to-face explanation of patient’s unclear points
Any points that are unclear during the preliminary training are recorded on SimView and highlighted on the medical institution’s management screen. If there are any unclear points, the staff will provide detailed explanations within the hospital and clear up any unclear points.
・Consent form data is stored on the server for 5 years
The agreement is guaranteed to be stored on the server that operates this service for 5 years. There is no need to store paper, leading to a reduction in storage space.
For more information
Webinar held: April 18th (Thursday) 19:00~
We will explain the latest information regarding the current medical fee revisions, focusing on outpatient treatment and home medical care, and introduce DX measures for each item. In this webinar, we will also provide details about lifestyle-related disease management fees and the above packages. Participation is free, but advance registration is required. Please feel free to submit a new application.
▼Details/Participation application
Materials now available on special website
We have selected items related to medical fee revisions that clinic managers should keep in mind, and are distributing free materials summarizing each item, detailed countermeasures, and the operational flow of DX products. We also have detailed information about lifestyle-related disease management fees, so please feel free to apply.
▼Special site/material download
▼PRM (Patient Management System) Kakarite service site
▼WEB medical interview Symview/electronic consent form service site
About layered products
Layered provides total support for medical DX.
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Layered products correspond to the flow of patients’ visits. By working together, we provide support for all points of contact between medical professionals and patients during the consultation process. While we emphasize collaboration, each product is independent, so it is possible to use only the parts you need. We also actively support collaboration with other companies’ systems, so we can respond flexibly to the challenges of each medical institution.
We can support the patient’s flow of visits in total with layered products. You can use only the necessary parts individually or in combination. It can be used in conjunction with other companies’ systems that have already been introduced. (Please contact us for other companies’ systems that can be linked)
About Layered Co., Ltd.
Layered Co., Ltd. is a company that researches and implements medical interfaces using technology that is close to people, and creates medical care through co-creation. Aiming for a better medical experience for medical professionals and consumers, we will promote the “family doctor” function and medical DX that will be needed in the future.
Representative: Makito Kezuka
Established: July 1998
Business: Cloud service business, professional service business, media business Base:
Head Office 5th floor, 16th Okabe Building, 8-27 Hakataeki Chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City
Tokyo Shibakoen Building 7F, 2-2-22 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo Osaka Shin-Osaka Copper Building 6F 603, 4-11-21 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka City
Nagoya 11th floor, Dai Nagoya Building, 3-28-12 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya URL:

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