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Home » Matsubarakai (Nanao Matsubara Hospital), a medical corporation on the Noto Peninsula, has achieved its crowdfunding goal of 5 million yen!

Matsubarakai (Nanao Matsubara Hospital), a medical corporation on the Noto Peninsula, has achieved its crowdfunding goal of 5 million yen!

Matsubarakai (Nanao Matsubara Hospital), a medical corporation on the Noto Peninsula, has achieved its crowdfunding goal of 5 million yen!
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Press release: May 8, 2024
Matsubarakai (Nanao Matsubara Hospital), a medical corporation on the Noto Peninsula, has achieved its crowdfunding goal of 5 million yen! *Aiming to build a regional comprehensive care system that also supports psychiatry, supporting the safe lives of people living in the Noto Peninsula*
photo by PIXTA
Matsubara Medical Corporation (Wabe 5, Honfuchu-cho, Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Chairman: Saburo Matsubara) is an organization that has provided psychiatric medical care and disability welfare services on the Noto Peninsula for over 60 years.
Aiming for recovery from the 2020 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, we conducted crowdfunding on Makuake. Thanks to the generous support of many people, we were able to reach our goal of 5 million yen in just one month!

Matsubara Medical Corporation (Nanao Matsubara Hospital) is located in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and has been providing psychiatric medical care and disability welfare services that provide emotional support on the Noto Peninsula for over 60 years. Along with the recovery from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2020, we believe that we need to put even more effort into the mental care of local people, so we have decided to open a new “Mental Counseling and Support Center.”

To support this initiative, we conducted crowdfunding on Makuake. With the warm support of over 200 people, we were able to reach our goal of 5 million yen in just one month! This miracle was created by your kind hearts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The support we receive will be used to restore damaged facilities, open a new base, the “Mental Consultation Support Center,” and secure specialized human resources.

Psychiatric medical care and disability welfare services on the Noto Peninsula have always faced various challenges, but the recent earthquake has made the situation even more serious. For example, we are facing a variety of problems, including an increase in the number of dementia patients due to the increase in the elderly population, an increase in the number of young people with mental illnesses (8050 problem), and a shortage of medical professionals.

In order to resolve these issues, Matsubarakai is working to build a community comprehensive care system that also supports psychiatry. The community comprehensive care system is a system in which various local organizations, such as medical institutions, nursing care facilities, disability welfare service offices, and community comprehensive support centers, work together to provide seamless support tailored to the needs of each individual.

photo by PIXTA
Matsubara-kai aims to create a community where all local residents living on the Noto Peninsula can live with peace of mind. Your warm support gives great strength to Matsubarakai’s activities. We appreciate your continued understanding and support for
Matsubara-kai’s activities.

Medical Corporation Matsubarakai
5 Wabe, Honfuchucho, Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture 926-0021 TEL: 0767-53-0211
FAX: 0767-52-7650

Crowdfunding project page Thank you very much for your warm support.
Medical Corporation Matsubarakai
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