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Home » Okayama University Vice President Atsufumi Yokoi spoke at the United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform (SDG-UP) public symposium

Okayama University Vice President Atsufumi Yokoi spoke at the United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform (SDG-UP) public symposium

National University Corporation Okayama University
[Okayama University] Vice President Atsufumi Yokoi spoke at the United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform (SDG-UP) public symposium
May 8, 2024 (Reiwa 6) National University Corporation Okayama University
[Image 1: &s3=72793-2188-6b828C184E26D6B45BD08BD08 7E750D22-1960×1126.jpg] ◆Overview
The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) will hold a public symposium to discuss sustainability initiatives with universities participating in the SDG University Partnership Platform (SDG-UP) at the United Nations University U Thant International Conference Center. Vice President Atsufumi Yokoi (in charge of global engagement) of our university took the stage to represent the SDG-UP sustainability subcommittee. At the symposium, Tshilidzi Marwala, Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, delivered opening remarks. Furthermore, UNU-IAS Director Shinobu Yamaguchi gave a report on the “SDG-UP President Roundtable”. Next, in Part 1, a panel discussion on “The forefront of university sustainability activities,” Vice President Yokoi defined sustainable campuses as “governance,” “education and research,”
“environment/energy,” and “local community.” The lecture was divided into four areas, with examples of initiatives taken by participating universities in the areas of “environment and energy,” and “local communities,” in particular. I did.
In the second part, introducing sustainability activities, students from Osaka University, Keio University, and Ryukoku University gave presentations on their respective activities.
Through SDG-UP activities, we will continue to deepen and develop collaboration between universities, strengthen multigenerational solidarity including the younger generation, and communicate Japan’s efforts to the world.
[Image 2:×533.jpg] Vice President Yokoi speaking at a panel discussion
[Image 3:×450.jpg] Opening remarks by Rector of United Nations University Marwala
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Group photo
○ United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform (SDG-UP) The United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) has established the UNU SDG University Collaboration Platform as a place where Japanese
universities who are willing to actively work towards achieving the SDGs can collaborate. The United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform (SDG-UP) was established in 2020. The aim is to collaborate between the United Nations University and Japanese universities, strengthen SDG initiatives in higher education, human resource development, and partnerships with stakeholders, and contribute to the sustainable development of Japan and the world. SDG-UP’s activities encourage behavioral change among higher education stakeholders to create a more resilient society, and support individuals to take action to ensure a more sustainable future for all. doing.
・United Nations University SDG University Collaboration Platform (SDG-UP)
・Okayama University Global Engagement Office
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Okayama University Tsushima Campus (Kita Ward, Okayama City) ◆For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact: Okayama University Global Engagement Office (International Planning Division, Department of International Affairs) Okayama University Tsushima Campus, 2-1-1 Tsushima Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8530 TEL: 086-251-8326
-For inquiries regarding Okayama University’s
industry-academia-government collaboration, etc.- Okayama University Research and Innovation Co-Creation Organization
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Okayama University Media “OTD” (App): Okayama University Media “OTD” (Web):
/rd/p/000000215.000072793.html Okayama University Integrated Report 2023: Okayama University SDGs homepage: Okayama University SDGs – Thinking about the sustainability of local communities (YouTube): Okayama University Image Movie (YouTube) ):
Industry-university co-creation activity “Okayama University Open Innovation Challenge” recruiting co-creation activity partners for April 2024: Okayama University “THE Impact Ranking 2021” Overall ranking: Top 200 in the world, same number 1 in Japan!! Okayama University “University Brand Image Survey 2021-2022” “Proactive towards SDGs” “University in Chugoku/Shikoku” No. 1 in
Chugoku/Shikoku!! Okayama University “University Image Survey 2022 Edition from the Perspective of Corporate Human Resources Personnel” Chugoku/Shikoku 1st place!!
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[Image 8:×711.jpg] Okayama University, a national university corporation, supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also received a special award at the government’s 1st Japan SDGs Award. Please look forward to Okayama University, which promotes co-development and co-creation as a regional core and distinctive research university. Okayama University Selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities Strengthening Promotion Project (J-PEAKS)” ~ Realization of Okayama University as a research university that co-creates the future of the region and the earth and becomes the core of global innovation As we accelerate, we will build a mountain range of Japan’s research universities that we can be proud of around the world.

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