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Home » Earth Care Co., Ltd. 51.4% of men are concerned about the shine on their face. Shiny skin doesn’t feel “clean” and is not popular!? Introducing skin care that improves shine!

Earth Care Co., Ltd. 51.4% of men are concerned about the shine on their face. Shiny skin doesn’t feel “clean” and is not popular!? Introducing skin care that improves shine!

[Earth Care Co., Ltd.] 51.4% of men are concerned about the shine on their face. Shiny skin doesn’t feel “clean” and is not popular!? Introducing skin care that improves shine!

*View in browser* *Earth Care Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 11, 2024
51.4% of men are concerned about the shine on their face. Shiny skin doesn’t feel “clean” and is not popular!? Introducing skin care that improves shine!
*Earth Care Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on “face shine” among 140 men between the ages of 20 and 60. *
Men who have a sense of cleanliness are popular with women.
And the condition of your skin determines how clean it feels.

As a result of the survey, it was revealed that *51.4% of men are concerned about the shine on their face*.

And the areas where you are concerned about shine
* 1st place: Forehead *
*2nd place: Nose*
* 3rd place: Cheeks *
I also found out that.

To improve shine, it is important to review your skin care and lifestyle habits. Here we will introduce a little about “skin care”. (Click here if you want to know more)
[Survey overview]
Survey target: 140 men aged 20 to 60
Survey date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Survey conducted by: Earth Care Co., Ltd. (in-house survey)
Survey method: Internet survey

The contents of this press release are published on our company’s website “Suhada Skin Care”.
See details
*When quoting the contents of this press release, please comply with the following.
・Statement that the survey was conducted by Earthcare Co., Ltd. ・Link to Earth Care Co., Ltd. (⇊)
Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Address: 2-21-5 Kamishinden, Toyonaka City, Osaka 560-0085
Established: February 2000
Representative: Representative Director and President Tatsuya Inoue Capital: 10 million yen
Business details: Planning, development, manufacturing and sales of cosmetics and health foods, internet mail order sales
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