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Home » PowerX Co., Ltd. Introduced 100% additional renewable energy using PowerX’s “X-PPA” to two office buildings in Tokyo run by Nomura Real Estate Development.

PowerX Co., Ltd. Introduced 100% additional renewable energy using PowerX’s “X-PPA” to two office buildings in Tokyo run by Nomura Real Estate Development.

[PowerX Co., Ltd.] Introduced 100% additional renewable energy using PowerX’s “X-PPA” to two office buildings in Tokyo run by Nomura Real Estate Development.

*View in browser* *PowerX Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 13, 2024
Introducing 100% additional renewable energy using PowerX’s “X-PPA” to Nomura Real Estate Development’s two office buildings in Tokyo *~Switching the total annual power consumption of the two buildings to about 11GWh~*
PowerX Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo/Director,
Representative Executive Officer and President: Ito)
Masahiro, hereinafter referred to as “Power
Daisaku (hereinafter referred to as “Nomura Real Estate”) has recently concluded a contract to introduce “X-PPA”, an electricity supply service using storage batteries provided by PowerX, to two office buildings in Tokyo owned by Nomura Real Estate. I would like to inform you that.
From August 2024, the annual power consumption of Nomura Real Estate Shiba Daimon Building (Minato Ward, Tokyo) and Nihonbashi Muromachi Nomura Building (Chuo Ward, Tokyo), which are subject to the introduction of this agreement, will be recycled with additionality*1, totaling approximately 11 GWh. We will switch to renewable energy (hereinafter referred to as “renewable energy”).
*1 Contribute to increasing renewable energy in society as a whole by developing new renewable energy power generation equipment.

Nomura Real Estate Shiba Daimon Building and Nihonbashi Muromachi Nomura Building
In the current environment surrounding renewable energy, the technical requirements for the international initiative “RE100”, which aims to procure 100% of the electricity used in business activities from renewable energy sources, were revised in October 2022. As a result, there is a growing social demand for companies to introduce additional renewable energy. On the other hand, there are many challenges for companies to utilize renewable energy, such as adjusting supply and demand for solar power generation, which is affected by natural factors, and stable procurement of non-fossil certificates, where market price fluctuations are difficult to predict. This is the situation.

In addition to base power sources such as wind power and domestic wood biomass, Power This service provides an optimal power supply that meets the demand characteristics of office buildings and commercial facilities in the city center by combining electricity supplied as “nighttime solar power” to the solar panels. By making full use of the ability of storage batteries to adjust power supply and demand, we are achieving an economical and stable power supply while increasing the renewable energy ratio and contributing to companies’ efforts toward decarbonization.
Scheme diagram (image)
The electricity supply service “X-PPA” will utilize additional renewable energy such as solar, biomass, and wind power supplied from power plants that have been in operation for less than 15 years, and “night solar power” that utilizes storage batteries. About 80% of the annual demand is made up of “Hikari”, and the remaining 20% ​​of the regulated power source is optimally procured from the trading market. We plan to supply 100% of the environmental value associated with the electricity procured from the trading market as additional renewable energy by procuring non-fossil certificates with tracking from additional power plants. By introducing this service to the total annual power consumption of approximately 11GWh used by the two office buildings, we will comply with Nomura Real Estate Group’s RE100 standards and meet the renewable energy needs of tenant companies, contributing to the spread of renewable energy power sources. I will continue to do so.

Based on the “Basic Agreement on Electricity Procurement” signed in November 2023, the two companies will continue to work together on renewable energy-related initiatives, such as the stable supply of renewable energy and the use of next-generation storage battery technology, to achieve a carbon-neutral society. We will continue to actively promote activities aimed at achieving this goal.
[Reference] Property overview
Building name Location Owner
Nomura Real Estate Development Shiba Daimon Building 1-9-1 Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Nihonbashi Muromachi Nomura Building 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Both companies’ initiatives for renewable energy
* ■Nomura Real Estate*
The Nomura Real Estate Group has established a sustainability policy “Earth” as its vision for 2050.
Pride – Connecting the Earth – has been formulated, and one of the priority issues (materiality) to be addressed by 2030 is
decarbonization. In order to realize a decarbonized society, we will join the international initiative “RE100” in January 2022, and the Nomura Real Estate Group aims to use 100% renewable energy for its business activities by 2050. By utilizing the environmental value of solar power generation installed in our own logistics facilities and non-fossil certificates with tracking, we aim to convert all of our domestic rental assets*2 to 100% renewable electricity in fiscal 2023. It is expected that the changeover will be achieved*3.

Our group will continue to procure renewable energy through corporate PPAs, etc., and utilize our own assets in the Tokyo metropolitan area, where there is little idle land. We will actively promote
decarbonization efforts that are integrated with our business, such as energy creation by installing photovoltaic power generation equipment. Logistics facility “Landport Ageo II”
Expected completion of “Proud Season National Garden City”, a detached house for sale
*2 Rental assets for which Nomura Real Estate has a direct power contract with a power company (including tenant usage)
Excludes assets held separately and jointly by Nomura Real Estate with other parties, assets subject to sale or demolition, and common areas of some rental housing.
*3Procurement of non-fossil certificate with tracking is in progress. (As of May 13, 2024)
* ■Power X*
PowerX is an energy company whose mission is to “realize the explosive spread of natural energy.” We manufacture and sell large storage batteries, provide EV charging station services, develop and manufacture electric carriers, and operate renewable energy and other power supply businesses.
Our main product is the large stationary storage battery “Mega”. Power” and the storage battery-type ultra-rapid EV charger
“Hypercharger” are shipped from Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture to customers across Japan.
In addition, at our own factory, “Power Base,” a storage battery module manufacturing line with one of the largest production capacities in Japan is scheduled to begin operations soon.
Own factory “Power Base” (Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture)
Large stationary storage battery “Mega Power”
* 【Company Profile】*
* ■Nomura Real Estate*
Company name: Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Established: April 15, 1957
Representative: Representative Director and President Daisaku Matsuo Address: 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

* ■Power X*
Company name: PowerX, Inc.
Established: March 22, 2021
Representative: Masahiro Ito, Director, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO
Location: 43rd floor, Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo URL:
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