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Home » Senpuku A new challenge from a long-established brewery!! New product “Setouchi Beer Taste Lemon” with 0.0 0% alcohol will be released from May 21st!

Senpuku A new challenge from a long-established brewery!! New product “Setouchi Beer Taste Lemon” with 0.0 0% alcohol will be released from May 21st!

[Senpuku] A new challenge from a long-established brewery!! New product “Setouchi Beer Taste Lemon” with 0.00% alcohol will be released from May 21st!

*View in browser* *Miyake Main Store Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 14, 2024
[Senpuku] A new challenge from a long-established brewery!! New product “Setouchi Beer Taste Lemon” with 0.00% alcohol will be released from May 21st!
*A new non-alcoholic drink is born from a traditional brewery in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. We bring you the deliciousness of Setouchi. *
Sake “Senpuku” brewer Miyake Honten Co., Ltd. (Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, President and CEO Kiyoshi Miyake) will be starting May 21, 2024 (Tuesday) – Setouchi Beer Taste
We will be selling lemon.
This product is a beer-taste drink made by our company, which was founded in 1856 and has been brewing sake for many years. We use lemon juice from Setouchi to create a flavor unique to Setouchi’s specialty products. The alcohol content is 0.00% so that you can enjoy it in a variety of everyday situations. It has a bitter yet refreshing taste, and goes perfectly with Setouchi cuisine such as oyster dishes and okonomiyaki. Please enjoy the deliciousness made by the brewer. * [Concept] *
We were founded in 1856, and for over 100 years since then, we have been working on brewing sake with a focus on the “taste of sake.” In 2011, we released a liqueur using citrus fruits grown in Setouchi, and since then we have continued to create a variety of products with a focus on flavor.
The concept of this product is “Setouchi lemon craft beer that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.” Currently, Hiroshima’s craft beer market is booming. Last year, we released a limited edition of “Hiroshima Craft Ale” in cooperation with a local craft beer brewery and received a great response. Therefore, we wanted to create an opportunity for more people to learn about Hiroshima’s alcohol and beer culture, so we worked on developing a beer-taste drink with an alcohol content of 0.00%.
▲Hiroshima Craft Ale preparation scene
▲We have been researching and developing liqueurs for many years. In order to convey the uniqueness of Hiroshima and to achieve a refreshing taste that is easy to drink, we use lemon juice from Setouchi as an ingredient. Based on the taste creation experience gained through sake brewing, we pursued a well-balanced taste.

* [About the design] *
The pop design of “Setouchi x Lemon” is aimed at young users and those sightseeing in the Setouchi area, with the image of a scene where you can enjoy drinking at any time. The background is a bright gold inspired by beer.

※The image is an image.
* [About taste] *
Enjoy the elegant and refreshing scent of lemon and the bitter, refreshing taste. Please chill well before drinking. Not only does it go well with standard beer snacks such as fried chicken, but it also goes particularly well with Setouchi cuisine such as oyster dishes and okonomiyaki.

* [About sales] *
This product will go on sale from May 21st (Tuesday) at supermarkets, liquor stores, etc. mainly in Hiroshima. We will also start selling our products at our affiliated antenna shop “Gallery Miyakeya Shoten” and our e-commerce site “Senpuku Online Shop.”
(Senpuku Online Shop:

* [Product information] *
Product name: Setouchi Beer Taste Lemon
Name: Carbonated drink
Retail price: 119 yen (tax included)
Contents: 350ml
Seller: Miyake Main Store Co., Ltd.
Ingredients: Lemon juice (lemon (domestic)), sugar, dietary fiber, isomaltooligosaccharide syrup, lemon paste, malt extract/carbonic acid, flavoring, acidulant, bittering agent
Alcohol content: 0.00%

* [Senpuku Brewery Miyake Main Store Co., Ltd. Company Description] * A brewery founded in 1856 in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. We brew the Japanese sake “Senpuku” using rice produced locally in Hiroshima Prefecture, as well as manufacture and sell whiskey, gin, shochu, liqueurs, amazake, etc., as well as operate a directly managed store and an e-commerce site attached to our head office. For over 100 years, what we have consistently valued is the taste of sake. Through trial and error every day, we hone our crafting techniques in pursuit of the best flavor that takes advantage of the unique characteristics of sake rice. In recent years, it has won numerous awards at domestic and international contests, including the National New Sake Awards and IWC. We continue to focus on quality so that you can enjoy delicious sake at any time, and by creating sake that you can enjoy in various situations in your life, we hope to help transform your everyday life into a happy time.
* 【Company Profile】*
Company name: Miyake Honten Co., Ltd./Founded: Ansei 3 (1856 A.D.) Representative: Kiyoshi Miyake, Representative Director and President Head office address: 7-9-10 Hondori, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture Business content: Brewing and sales of alcoholic beverages, etc. URL:
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