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Home » Kamakura Investment Trust x Kamakura FM A new radio/podcast program “Finding the GOOD” based on the concep t of “going to meet good people” nationwide will start in April.

Kamakura Investment Trust x Kamakura FM A new radio/podcast program “Finding the GOOD” based on the concep t of “going to meet good people” nationwide will start in April.

[Kamakura Investment Trust x Kamakura FM] A new radio/podcast program “Finding the
GOOD” started in April.

*View in browser* *Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 15, 2024
[Kamakura Investment Trust x Kamakura FM] A new radio/podcast program “Finding the
GOOD” started in April.
*~In April, Kamakura Investment Trust representative Kamata and in May, Cybozu representative Mr. Aono will appear as monthly guests~* Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd. aims to improve society through investment in “good companies” (Head office: Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, President and CEO: Kamata)
From April 2024, in collaboration with Kamakura’s local community FM Kamakura FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd., “Find the
GOOD” has started broadcasting.

The personality will be Akari Komatsu, who is active as a local producer/personality in Kamakura, and based on the concept of “going to meet “good” places, monthly guests will actually go to meet “good” places, things, and people that are comfortable. , is a crosstalk program that explores the “goodness” of things that we want to pass on to the next generation. The monthly guest will be Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd. for the first time in April.
Mr. Kamata, Representative Director and President, and in May, we will welcome Mr. Yoshihisa Aono, Representative Director and President of Cybozu Corporation.

* -“Find the GOOD” Broadcast Summary-*
■Kamakura FM/82.8MHz KamakuraFM: Broadcast on the first Sunday of every month at 5:00 p.m.

■Podcast: Every Monday at 5pm

■“Finding the GOOD” program official note

■“Finding the GOOD Gallery” program official Instagram

* -Past broadcast episodes- You can listen to past episodes from the Podcast. *

#1 What kind of company is Kamakura Investment Trust?
Guest: Yasuyuki Kamata, Representative Director of Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.

#2 What kind of “good company” is really needed in future society? Guest: Yasuyuki Kamata, Representative Director of Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.

#3 The original experience that gave rise to the philosophy of Kamakura Investment Trust
Guest: Yasuyuki Kamata, Representative Director of Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.

#4 Why Kamakura Investment Trust started radio
Guest: Yasuyuki Kamata, Representative Director of Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
#5 Why Cybozu continues to grow
Guest: Yoshihisa Aono, President and Representative Director of Cybozu Co., Ltd.

* -Background of starting radio program-*

* Comment from Yasuyuki Kamata, President and Representative Director of Kamakura Investment Trust *

I started a radio program because I wanted to convey the potential of investment to as many people as possible. Investing isn’t just about making money, it sometimes creates a lot of emotional moments that can help create a better society. To date, through Kamakura Investment Trust’s business, we have cultivated connections and relationships with 22,000 customers and approximately 70 investee companies. Through this process, I have seen many cases in which customers themselves learn about the “good” companies in which Kamakura Investment Trust invests, connect with them, and enrich their lives.
Through these experiences, I am convinced that investing not only increases money or improves society, but also helps each customer discover themselves and create new encounters. We believe that the best discoveries and encounters are “encounters with yourself that you are not yet aware of.”

Radio conveys thoughts through voice and fosters time to reflect on the subject and oneself. This time, through our radio program, we will deliver information on “good companies”, “good NPOs”, “good products” and “good services” that exist in the world to our listeners, and create a world where connections that transcend generations, connections and feelings are connected. I hope this will help you create a.

* Kamakura FM Broadcasting Comments *

Kamakura FM Broadcasting is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. With our new corporate slogan, “Radio that becomes powerful,” we will continue to conduct broadcasting operations that will further contribute to society. Under these circumstances, thanks to our relationship with Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd., we will be launching Finding, a program that conveys the “possibilities of investment” to many people.
I was able to start GOOD. Through interviews with guests who are active on the world stage, we focus on the small commitments and comforts that exist in each person’s life, and think about the future 100 years from now through small everyday economic activities. We would like to work with everyone at Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd. to develop a program that will provide such an opportunity. In addition, our company is trying a new project called “KamakuraFM”. We have opened a new “Podcast” channel. From the local to the world, and the world to the local. We are proud that this is a major step in creating new information value through bidirectional information exchange. We will continue to work diligently on audio media activities in order to deliver information that will truly be a turning point in your life.
* -About Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.-*
Kamakura Investment Trust is an independent asset management company founded in November 2008 and based in an approximately 100-year-old private house in Kamakura.

Based on our belief that we aim to be a management company that is a place where “wa” (harmony, conversation, and community) is fostered, we have been investing in “good companies” that have both social and business capabilities from a unique perspective since March 2010. A publicly offered investment trust that
2101″ is operated and sold. This knot
2101, we aim to slowly increase your precious assets while creating a society where our children and grandchildren can live with hope and peace of mind.

In addition, in March 2021, we began operating and recruiting for the Limited Liability Investment Partnership “The Rule of Creation” (private placement), which supports startups with the potential to create a future society. Through these two funds, we support companies at a wide range of stages, from startups with just a few employees to listed companies that have been in business for over 100 years, and aim to become a management company that can contribute to the sustainable development of society.

* -Recent awards-*
・May 2019 “Yui 2101” won the Best Fund Award (NISA/Domestic Stock Category) at the “R&I Fund Awards 2019”.
・January 2024 “Yui 2101” is “Chosen by Investment Trust Bloggers! Fund of the Year”
2023” and won 7th place. Ranked #1 among actively managed investment trusts.

* -Fund overview as of December 29, 2023-*
Fund name Target type Size
Yui 2101 (Yui Nii Ichizeroichi) Public offering stock investment trust 48 billion yen
(Total net assets)
The Law of Emergence Private Placement Limited Liability Investment Partnership 1.52 billion yen
(Fund size)

* -Company Profile-*
Company name: Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
Representative: Yasuyuki Kamata, Representative Director and President Registered business: Investment management business, Type 2 financial instruments transaction business, Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kinsho) No. 2293
Member Associations: Investment Trusts Association, General
Incorporated Association, Type II Financial Instruments Business Association, General Incorporated Association, Japan Investment Advisers Association, General Incorporated Association
Location: 4-5-9 Yukinoshita, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture Established: November 5, 2008
Capital: 565.5 million yen (including capital reserves)

* -Notes-*
・As the investment trust “Yui 2101″ invests in securities with price fluctuations, such as domestic and foreign stocks, its base value fluctuates significantly due to stock price fluctuations, etc. Therefore, “Yui 2101” is a different product than a deposit or an insurance contract, and the customer’s (beneficiary’s) investment principal is not guaranteed and may be lost.
All profits and losses resulting from fluctuations in the base price arising from the management company’s operations belong to the customer (beneficiary).

2101″, we will provide you with an investment trust explanatory statement (prospectus), a pre-contract document, and an explanation of important matters based on the Act on Provision of Financial Services, etc., either in advance or at the same time. Therefore, please be sure to check the contents and make your own judgment.

・Investment trust “Yui”
2101, there are no purchase fees or trust property retention amounts. For details on investment management expenses (trust fees (1.1% per year of total net assets)) and other expenses, please see “Fees, etc. and taxes” in the investment trust description (request prospectus).

-Contact information regarding this matter-
Kamakura Investment Trust Co., Ltd. Investment Trust Planning Department Saito Naramoto
Mail: / Tel: 050-3536-3302
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