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Home » Association for the Promotion of Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) What should top management commit to in order to connect the power of diverse members to management results? | Management of Monex Group, SmartHR, and Idemitsu Kosan

Association for the Promotion of Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) What should top management commit to in order to connect the power of diverse members to management results? | Management of Monex Group, SmartHR, and Idemitsu Kosan

[General Incorporated Association Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) Promotion Association]
What should top management commit to in order to connect the strengths of diverse members to business results?|Invited managers from Monex Group, SmartHR, and Idemitsu Kosan to thoroughly discuss “diversity for organizational transformation”!

*View in browser* *General Incorporated Association Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) Promotion Association*
Press release: June 4, 2024
What should top management commit to in order to connect the strengths of diverse members to business results?|Invited managers from Monex Group, SmartHR, and Idemitsu Kosan to thoroughly discuss “diversity for organizational transformation”!
*-Post-Conference Release-How can we overcome the hurdle of involving the majority in realizing DE&I? What is the follow-up?*
A general incorporated association that supports the increase of “fair and inclusive organizations” through OTD workshops jointly developed with the Barrier-Free Education Development Research Center of the University of Tokyo.
Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) Promotion
Association (Representative Director: Yasuhiko Shoji,
To commemorate the 5th anniversary of its founding in May 2024, the OTD Promotion Association (hereinafter referred to as “OTD Promotion Association”) will hold a seminar at the University of Tokyo Graduate School with the theme of “How do we involve the majority in realizing DE&I?”
We would like to inform you that a conference was held at the Fukutake Learning Theater in the Fukutake Hall of the Institute of Information Studies.
At the beginning of the day, Mr. Ryoji Hoshikara, professor at the Barrier-Free Education Development Research Center at the University of Tokyo and director of the OTD Popularization Association, spoke about the aims of the OTD workshop and basic knowledge of social models. The second part includes suggestions from a management strategy perspective by inviting managers who have attended the workshop, and practical points from the perspective of an external supporter of organizational change. A lively exchange of opinions was held to clarify the essence of the project, while discussing in a dialogic format the difficulties of establishing a foundation in the field and ways to put it into practice. The OTD workshop was particularly meaningful from a management perspective, as it was a conference where not only those in charge of DEI, but also everyone from top management to the field, recognized the need to have a common DEI language.
■ Contents of the presentation|Partial excerpt
* -Part 1-*
・It is important to be aware that a decline in self-efficacy caused by not being able to express the true feelings of minorities will not lead to good performance, and to listen to the voices of minorities. ・While imbalances will never disappear completely, it is important to accept differences and be tolerant. Nemawashi culture is a factor in lowering productivity in Japan
・Innovation will not occur if you are searching for answers, so how can you focus on failures rather than successes, and weaknesses rather than strengths, which will lead to innovation and performance? – Changing the corporate culture is the most important issue for managers. Change the corporate culture starting from top management. To achieve this, we need to take on all kinds of challenges, and the top management must continually communicate this.
* -Part 2-*
– In an organization with a diverse group of people, it is necessary to recognize that each person is different and to be able to speak with confidence, so the role and preparation of the facilitator is very important.
・We must become conscious of the extent to which we are giving minorities a sense of hesitation. Pay attention to which voices are not being heard.
・Let’s all think about the curse of not causing trouble to minorities. Instead of causing trouble, you will be creating opportunities for those around you. Change this way of thinking.
■OTD Annual Conference Overview
Theme: How to involve the majority in realizing DE&I
Date and time: Monday, May 20, 2024 14:00-17:00
Venue: Fukutake Learning Theater, 2nd basement floor, Fukutake Hall, Graduate School of Information Studies, The University of Tokyo Speakers:
-Part 1-
・Monex Group, Inc. Director, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO Monex Securities Co., Ltd. Director and President Executive Officer * Yuko Kiyoaki*
・SmartHR Co., Ltd. Representative Director and CEO
*Mr. Masato Serizawa*
・Representative Director and Vice President of Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. * Mr. Atsuhiko Hirano *
-Part 2-
・Director of Tokyo Coaching Association
 TCA/ICF certified professional coach
*Hiroshi Saito*
・Representative of Career Vivo
Former Chairman of Japan Facilitation Association
* Noriko Takemoto *
・Professor, Center for Barrier-Free Education Development (CBFE), University of Tokyo and Director, OTD Popularization Association *Mr. Ryoji Hoshikara*
・Representative Director of ALIVE General Incorporated
Association/Representative Director of OTD Popularization Association *Mr. Yasuhiko Shoji*
■Speaker introduction
Ms. Yuko Seimei
Monex Group, Inc. Director, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO Monex Securities Co., Ltd. President and Executive Officer
April 2001 Sanwa Bank, Ltd. (currently
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Ltd.), transferred to MKS Partners Co., Ltd. in December 2006, and joined Monex Hambrect Co., Ltd. (merged with Monex Securities in 2017) in February 2009. After serving as President and Representative Director of Monex Hambrecht Co., Ltd. in June 2011, he became President and Representative Director of Monex Securities Co., Ltd. in April 2019. In January 2020, he became the company’s representative executive officer and COO, and in January 2021 he became the company’s representative executive officer, COO and CFO, and from April 2022 he became a director and representative executive officer.
Co-CEO and CFO. In June 2023, assumed the position of Monex Group Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO (current position). As Monex Group and Monex Securities entered into a capital alliance with NTT Docomo in January 2024, he was appointed as Director, President and Executive Officer of Monex Securities. Mr. Masato Serizawa
SmartHR Co., Ltd. Representative Director and CEO
Joined SmartHR in February 2016. Appointed as VPoE in July 2017, in addition to development work, he is responsible for building and managing the engineering team.
Since January 2019, as CTO, he has also been responsible for optimizing the entire team involved in product development and operation, and coordinating requests with the business side. He was appointed as a director in November 2020, and subsequently served as the officer in charge of D&I promotion, working to promote D&I at SmartHR through policy formulation, committee formation, training, etc.
Current position from January 2022.
Mr. Atsuhiko Hirano
Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, Vice President, Executive Vice President Assistant to the president (resources, lubricants, LPG)
Date of birth August 25, 1962
Work history
April 1985 Joined Showa Shell Sekiyu Co., Ltd.
September 2002 Shizuoka Area Manager of the company
September 2004 Director of Sales Planning Department of the company March 2005 Executive Officer, Sales Planning Department Manager (Concurrently) Retail Sales Department Manager
March 2006 Director of the company
March 2009 Managing Executive Officer of the company
March 2013 Senior Managing Executive Officer of the company
July 2014 Representative Director and President of Solar Frontier Co., Ltd. April 2019 Managing Executive Officer of the Company
June 2020 Director and Managing Executive Officer of the Company June 2022 Director, Vice President and Executive Officer of the Company June 2023 Representative Director and Vice President of the Company Vice President and Executive Officer (current)
Mr. Hiroshi Saito
Director of Tokyo Coaching Association
TCA/ICF Certified Professional Coach
From my experience in starting and operating a company and developing an organization at my previous job, I learned that personal growth strengthens the organization and strengthens engagement with the organization, which leads to personal fulfillment. , I felt a virtuous cycle.
He is convinced that personal growth is important for companies and that it will be a strength for management, and he particularly recognizes the importance of individual independence and studies coaching.
Currently, he is focusing on business coaching, especially for entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers, using his previous experience, and also as a lecturer at the Tokyo Coaching Association’s coach training course, and as a mentor coach.
Noriko Takemoto
Representative of Narrative Energy
Former Chairman of Japan Facilitation Association
Utilizing facilitation in companies, government, and educational institutions, we provide human skills training and facilitation training such as various motivation-boosting programs and diversity and inclusion, creating opportunities for dialogue (workshop planning and management), and career support for students and working adults. We are doing development. By creating a place where diverse people can interact with each other, we aim to create a society where people can feel the joy and pride of living. Currently, he is a part-time and special lecturer at Osaka University of Economics, Kyoto Kacho University, and Hannan University. Her catchphrase is “Walking Power Spot” and she is a member of the Amechan Culture Promotion
Association, Amechans, which spreads the Amechan culture of
interacting with people through Amechan.
Mr. Ryoji Hoshika
Professor, University of Tokyo Graduate School/Director, OTD Popularization Association
Graduated from the Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo, and completed the doctoral program at the same Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology. Ph.D. (Sociology). He assumed his current position after serving as a research fellow and specially appointed assistant professor at the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology. My main research fields are social theory of disability and education to understand diversity. His books include “What is a disability?” (Seikatsu Shoin, 2007), “Reasonable accommodation” (Yuhikaku, 2016 [co-authored]), and “A new mode of dealing with society” (Seikatsu Shoin, 2022 [co-authored]). 】)other. Mr. Yasuhiko Shoji
Representative Director of OTD Popularization
Association/Representative Director of ALIVE General Incorporated Association
During his time as Suntory’s Human Resources Manager, he worked on a multi-industry social problem-solving project, and he strongly recognized that his life’s work was to “connect business resources to the aspirations of social organizations and bring about change.” In 2017, he launched ALIVE, a general incorporated association, and in 2018, he left Suntory and became the representative director, and founded CONNECTIVE LLC. During the ALIVE session, I encountered quizzes and gambling games, and as a result, I was encouraged by companies to promote diversity for organizational change.
Strongly feeling the need for an “OTD” perspective, he established the OTD Promotion Association in May 2019 and became its representative director.
■What is the Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) Promotion Association?
A general incorporated association established in 2019. By linking the cutting-edge knowledge of academia with the needs of companies, we demonstrate that the promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I) leads to organizational growth, and was jointly developed with the Barrier-Free Education Research Center of the University of Tokyo. We support the increase of “fair and inclusive organizations” through OTD workshops and other activities.
*OTD Study Group and OTD Certified Instructor are joint projects between the OTD Promotion Association and the University of Tokyo Barrier-Free Education Development Research Center.

■About the three projects developed by the OTD Promotion Association * 1. What is OTD Study Group?*
The OTD Study Group is a group that connects academia’s knowledge and corporate needs throughout the year, and explores how to achieve diversity for organizational change. In collaboration with prominent promoters active on the front lines of companies and the Barrier-Free Education Development Research Center attached to the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo, we will invite lecturers from within the University of Tokyo. We will work with members from various companies and individuals to face our own issues in promoting D&I.
* 2. What is the OTD certified instructor system?*
We have established a certified instructor system for those who would like to become active as OTD workshop facilitators. We provide learning opportunities that incorporate the necessary theory and practical methods to those who wish to do so, and those who pass the certification exam are certified as OTD certified instructors, assuming that they will be conducting workshops for client companies or within their own company. To do.
* 3. What is OTD workshop? *
The purpose of the OTD workshop is to help participants experience the key perspectives in building an organization that is inclusive of diverse members through group competition games. The reason why it is difficult to respect each other’s differences, evaluate each other’s strengths, and utilize each other’s strengths is actually the “unconscious assumption of the majority”. By becoming aware of and reconsidering these assumptions, we can increase our sensitivity to structural imbalances in organizations and society, and support us in taking a step toward creating a fair workplace.
■We have started accepting applications for 2024 certified instructors and study groups!
Details and application address
・OTD certified instructor 8th term (starting in September)
・OTD Study Group 2024 (starting in July) ■Free explanations and consultations are being held!
The knowledge we have cultivated over three years of efforts to address the issues faced by companies in charge of implementing D&I and creating inclusive organizations, or who wish to accelerate their efforts. Based on this, we are holding a free explanation and consultation meeting to explain the measures. Please join us.
■Organization overview
Name: General Incorporated Association Diversity for Organizational Transformation (OTD) Promotion Association
Representative: Representative Director Yasuhiko Shoji
Established: May 2019
Business details: Operation of workshops, study groups, and certified instructor system where you can acquire the “OTD perspective” that is essential for realizing DE&I within a company.
*About details about this release*

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