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Home » 2024 Engineer Survey Annual Income 11.34 million yen Ruby Engineer Latest 2024 | Freelance Side Job Survey

2024 Engineer Survey Annual Income 11.34 million yen Ruby Engineer Latest 2024 | Freelance Side Job Survey

[2024 Engineer Survey] [Annual Income 11.34 million yen] Ruby Engineer Latest 2024 | Freelance Side Job Survey

*View in browser* *CAMELORS Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 6, 2024
[Annual income 11.34 million yen] Ruby engineer 2024 latest | Freelance side job survey
*Japan’s first Ruby engineer ranks 6th in average annual income and 5th in number of projects | Freelance side job survey*
CAMELORS Co., Ltd. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Tane Yasuyuki) will inform you.
We will announce the latest freelance/side job * “Ruby Engineer Survey Report” * in 2024.

It was created from the approximately 5,000 actual freelance/side job projects (excerpts) posted on SOKUDAN.
* ■Survey summary*
* ・Average annual salary for Ruby engineers: 11.34 million yen* * ・6th place in average annual income ranking*
*・5th place in project ranking*
* ・More than 61% of projects require 3 days or less per week* * ・More than 82% of fully remote projects*
■Table of contents
・Ruby’s average annual income
・Number of Ruby projects, remote availability, number of working days ・Industries and occupations with many Ruby projects
・Features of Ruby, what it can do, what you can create, frameworks, future prospects

■Click here for the survey results
* [2024] Average annual salary and number of projects for Ruby engineers | Freelance side job survey*


*Survey target*
* SOKUDAN ( * **
* 2024 | Ranking of “programming languages” with the most job openings*
* 2024 | Ranking of “frameworks” with high annual income (programming) *
* [2024 Latest] Average annual salary ranking for 6 freelance engineer positions*

If you don’t want to miss the latest rankings and reports, we recommend following us on PRTIMES and Twitter.

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“For freelancers”
It is a matching service that connects companies with human resources who have a wealth of practical experience in freelance, side jobs, side jobs, and outsourcing. We have a wide variety of job openings and opportunities for a variety of positions, including engineers, marketers, sales, business planning, human resources, and accounting. 92% of jobs are remote, and you can work from home, allowing you to work freely without being restricted by your work location. The average number of working days for a project is 2.4 days a week, with many cases working 1 to 3 days a week, so if you want one more project, you can efficiently search for multi-work projects. The average unit price is 321,000 yen. We are looking for people with a high level of experience, which will lead to career advancement and skill improvement. No matter how many contracts you close, there are no commission fees, so it is easy to increase your rewards.

* What is “SOKUDAN” * **

It is the fastest multi-job matching platform that allows you to find ready-to-work talent who are not in the job market in as little as one day. The number of people in the late 20’s to early 40’s who are strong in the IT field is mainly in the five occupations of engineers, marketers, sales, BizDev, and UI/UX designers, and recently the number of corporate human resources is increasing.
In addition, the number of transactions with startups and listed companies has increased, and even if you want to hire a full-time employee who can immediately work, you may have concerns such as “It takes several months to hire someone” and “The response rate to scout emails is decreasing.” We provide services to help resolve issues faced by hiring managers.

▶Click here for the latest implementation examples:
-For hiring companies-Service materials:
-For hiring companies-Top page: -For professional human resources-Top page:

Representative: Yasuyuki Tane, Representative Director and President Location: 7F Sakagami Building, 3-27-15 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo URL:
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