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MUFG An event will be held on the theme of craft tradition and innovation on “Asuka II” which is in port in New York.

[MUFG] An event will be held on the theme of craft tradition and innovation on “Asuka II” which is in port in New York.

*View in browser* *Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 6, 2024
[MUFG] An event will be held on the theme of craft tradition and innovation on “Asuka II” which is in port in New York.
*As part of the MUFG Crafts Project, we held an exhibition and talk event by Japanese craftspeople in New York for culture and art-related people and business people. *
“Asuka II” onboard exhibition
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG) took part in a video on June 3 and 4, 2024, on board the passenger ship Asuka II, which was calling at New York. An event was held at the New York branch of UFJ Bank for people involved in culture and the arts as well as business people.
MUFG has been promoting the social contribution activity “MUFG Crafts Project” since August 2023. In order to realize the purpose of “becoming the power that moves the world forward,” this project aims to stay close to the inheritance of Japan’s traditional craft culture and techniques, and from there learn and disseminate the innovations necessary in an era of change. This is a project that is being developed. As part of this initiative, MUFG held an exhibition and talk show in New York on the theme of craft tradition and innovation. * Sponsored a craft event held on the cruise ship “Asuka II” that called at New York port *
On June 3, 2024 (Monday), TAKUMI Art du General Incorporated Association was held on board the passenger ship “Asuka II” (*1), which was calling at New York, USA.
A Japanese culture dissemination event for those involved in culture and the arts was sponsored by Japon. MUFG sponsored this event and held an onboard exhibition (*2) of crafts as part of the “MUFG Crafts Project.” The event featured Seiichi Kondo, former Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, two Living National Treasures, Kazumi Murose (Maki-e) and Genjiro Okura (Noh), and Monika, Japan Curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
In addition to a discussion by Mr. Bincsik, we also took a tour of the ship to introduce the crafts on display, with Mr. Murose providing commentary.
Inside the ship tour
Inside the ship tour
Scene from the discussion
Greetings by MUFG
A craft event will also be held at the New York branch of Mitsubishi UFJ Bank* On June 4, 2024 (Tuesday), the New York branch of Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ will exhibit 17 works on the theme of tradition and innovation (*3) aimed at business people, as well as an exhibition titled “Business Tips Learned from Crafts.” A talk show was held on the theme. In addition to the general supervisor of the MUFG Crafts Project, Yuji Akimoto (professor emeritus at Tokyo University of the Arts), the talk show also featured Nambu ironware craftsman Takahiro Tayama (Tayama Studio Co., Ltd.).
Michele Bambling (Senior) of the Japan Society, a New York-based organization that promotes cultural exchange between Japan and the United States)
Director, Japan Society
Gallery) took the stage (*4). Opinions were exchanged about the position of crafts in modern times, the need for innovation in the manufacturing process and human resource development, as well as the commonalities between crafts and business, and the uniqueness of Japanese culture from a global perspective.
Talk show situation
Exhibition status
In addition to holding exhibitions both domestically and
internationally, this project will create opportunities for creators to innovate and take on challenges while preserving tradition, and will make donations to organizations working to preserve and pass on craft culture and techniques. Through sponsorship and other means, we will support the inheritance and development of crafts.

*1: A cruise ship operated by Yusen Cruises Co., Ltd. There are programs such as round-the-world cruises.
*2: List of works exhibited on board “Asuka II”
*3: List of works exhibited at the New York branch
*4: Speaker profile

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