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Home » AI menu suggestion/nutrition management app “Delicious Health” releases lifestyle-related disease management DX solution “Kakaris” for medical institutions

AI menu suggestion/nutrition management app “Delicious Health” releases lifestyle-related disease management DX solution “Kakaris” for medical institutions

AI menu suggestion/nutrition management app “Delicious Health” releases lifestyle-related disease management DX solution “Kakaris” for medical institutions

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Press release: June 10, 2024
AI menu suggestion/nutrition management app “Delicious Health” releases lifestyle-related disease management DX solution “Kakaris” for medical institutions
*~ Efficiently realize ideal medical care management that is tailored to patient needs with DX ~*
Oishii Kenkou Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and CEO: Tetsuya Nojiri), which operates the AI ​​menu proposal and nutrition management app “Oishii Kenkou,” has recently announced that it will be targeting medical institutions that are compliant with the FY2020 medical fee revision. We have developed the SaaS “Kakaris” and will start providing the service from June 10, 2024.
This service is unique in that it not only automates the treatment plan process, but also provides patient interviews and individualized lifestyle guidance in a consistent and hassle-free manner.
Furthermore, we believe that both patients and medical staff will be pleased with the over 10,000 registered dietitian recipes that Taishikenko has developed so far.
* ■Background of Kakaris development*
In the Reiwa 6th Medical Fee Revision (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) notified in March 2024, diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia will be subject to specific disease treatment management from the perspective of “promoting high-quality disease management for lifestyle-related diseases.” The fee is no longer subject to calculation, and the calculation has been changed to
“Lifestyle-related disease management fee 1 or 2” instead. Along with this, *
In addition to creating a “medical treatment plan” for each patient and calculation, mainly aimed at correcting lifestyle habits, we provide detailed explanations and issues to patients, obtain consent signatures, and encourage regular dental and ophthalmological examinations. is a requirement for calculating the relevant medical fee*
This has been shown. As a result, medical institutions will be required to promote disease management tailored to patients’ lifestyles, such as diet and exercise, and at the same time, it is predicted that related work will increase and insurance income will be affected.
Under these circumstances, our company, which provides the AI ​​menu proposal and nutrition management app “Oishii Kenkou,” has been receiving increasing inquiries from medical institutions and dispensing pharmacies, and we have been receiving inquiries from medical institutions and dispensing pharmacies for some time. I have prepared a solution. In response to the recent revision of medical fees, we have decided to release Kakaris, a lifestyle-related disease management DX solution based on a wealth of delicious health assets. * ■ Overview and features of Kakaris *
Lifestyle-related disease management DX solution “Kakaris” * “Efficiently realizes the ideal treatment management that is tailored to the needs of each individual patient*”
Our concept is to not only simplify the preparation and management of treatment plans associated with lifestyle-related disease management fees, but also to
“Improving patient satisfaction and supporting outcomes,” “Adapting to medical DX,” “Business standardization (BPR) in anticipation of labor shortages”*
We provide essential solution functions for medical institution management. Click here for details
* Features of Kakaris *
1. Create treatment plans and lifestyle guidance materials tailored to each patient in just 2 steps
2. By standardizing medical care management work and centrally managing a huge amount of medical care plans, we have realized non-personnel operations (in preparation for labor shortages) 3. Go paperless with electronic signatures (*Printing is required to issue the plan)
4. Automatic creation of patient life summary report
5. Free access to delicious health materials for patients, including over 10,000 registered dietitian recipes.
Kakaris has cultivated the AI ​​menu suggestion and nutrition management app “Oishii Kenko”*
You can freely utilize a large amount of diet and lifestyle
improvement content and over 10,000 registered dietitian recipes and provide them to your patients. *
Not only registered dietitians, public health nurses, and nurses, but also any medical staff can provide careful patient guidance. *Image of content that can be provided by Kakaris*
* ■Future development “Aiming to realize “sampo yoshi” in medical care” * Japan’s national medical expenses amount to approximately 45 trillion yen, accounting for 40% of the national budget (general account). Of this amount, direct medical costs for diabetes and hypertensive diseases are 2.9 trillion yen, and if related cardiovascular and metabolic diseases are included, the medical costs exceed 8 trillion yen*1. on the other hand,*
70.1% of hypertensive patients on drug treatment did not reach their blood pressure reduction goal*
It has been reported that *2, and as indicated in the recent medical fee revision, promoting high-quality disease management that incorporates lifestyle habits is considered an important issue in terms of controlling medical costs.
The AI ​​menu suggestion and nutrition management app “Oishii Kenkou” is currently used by 1 million people a month as a meal support service for over 80 types of diseases, including lifestyle-related diseases. In addition, we are actively working on building evidence as a healthcare app, *
Verification of usefulness as a meal management support app for people with diabetes (published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism)* *3* We are conducting more than 10 clinical studies*.
In the future, Kakaris will improve the sophistication of medical care management and patient support through collaboration with the AI ​​menu proposal and nutrition management app “Oishii Kenkou”, as well as multi-disciplinary collaboration through the app (hospitals, nursing care facilities, dispensing pharmacies, etc.) , medical treatment management support for diseases other than lifestyle-related diseases (kidney disease, cancer, gastrointestinal diseases, rare diseases, etc.), delivery of home-delivered lunch boxes and frozen lunch boxes supervised by registered dietitians, and * through SaMD/Non-SaMD.
We aim to achieve “three-way good for medical institutions,
patients/consumers, and the medical insurance system.”*

*1 Overview of national medical expenses in 2021
Estimates of those who recommend drug treatment and those who do not reach the blood pressure reduction target based on the 2019
Hypertension Treatment Guidelines (Research report of the Health, Labor and Welfare Scientific Research Grant (Comprehensive Research Project for Measures against Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes, and Other Lifestyle-related Diseases))
*3 Confirmed that the use of the AI ​​menu app “Oishii Kenko” may significantly contribute to improving blood sugar levels in people with diabetes (

* ■Overview of Kakaris*
・Kakaris introduction site:
・System configuration: Provided by cloud service
・Required items for installation: PC, printer, internet environment (option to lend tablet for medical interview available)
・Price: Please contact us (we will give you a quote)
Kakaris image character “Kururin”
* ■Overview of AI menu/nutrition management app “Oishii Kenko”* The AI ​​menu/nutrition management app “Delicious Health” is a personalized meal management service that uses AI to suggest optimal menus/recipes according to the user’s health condition, disease, food preferences, etc.
Easily manage prevention, diet, and disease-specific diets at home based on meals that comply with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “Dietary Standards for Japanese People” and medical treatment guidelines for each disease, or dietary therapy instructed by medical institutions. We will support you to put it into practice. App introduction page: App Store
Google Play Store WEB:
* ■Oishii Health Co., Ltd. “So that everyone can eat delicious food forever” * Oishii Health Co., Ltd. is a data science-based nutritional therapy company. We are a healthcare startup that aims to “eliminate disease from the world” through nutrition (DBN).
By providing personalized menu suggestions and nutritional management app “Delicious Health”, we will contribute to realizing the health and well-being of 8 billion people around the world and solving social issues such as reducing medical costs.
Company name: Oishii Health Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and CEO: Tetsuya Nojiri
Established: July 2016
Location: 3rd floor, Libra Building, 3-2 Kobunecho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Number of employees: 40 people
Shareholders: Dai-ichi Life Holdings Co., Ltd., Aflac Ventures LLC, Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
, Ajinomoto Co., Ltd., Suzuken Co., Ltd., etc.
Business details: Providing healthcare services to consumers and medical institutions, and marketing solutions to the pharmaceutical, food, and life insurance industries.
Corporate site:
* ■Inquiries regarding this release*
Oishii Health Co., Ltd. Public Relations Officer
*About details about this release*

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