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Home » Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture Demonstration experiment to suppress influx of tourist buses conducted at famous tourist spots in Hida Takayama

Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture Demonstration experiment to suppress influx of tourist buses conducted at famous tourist spots in Hida Takayama

[Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture] Demonstration experiment to suppress influx of tourist buses conducted at famous tourist spots in Hida Takayama

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Press release: June 11, 2024
[Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture] Demonstration experiment to suppress influx of tourist buses conducted at famous tourist spots in Hida Takayama
*Demonstration experiment to ensure pedestrian safety*
Tourist bus parked at Shinmei parking lot
Hida Takayama (Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture), which is visited by approximately 4 million tourists annually, has many attractive sightseeing spots within Japan’s largest city limits. Among them, the area around the “Old Townscape” where buildings and townscapes from the Edo period still remain and the symbolic red “Nakahashi Bridge” is crowded with tourists even on weekdays. Many tourists stopped to take photos at the top, and the proximity to wide buses was
particularly problematic.
Nakabashi where tourist buses and pedestrians are close together The width of the Nakabashi Bridge remains the same as before, about 7 meters, and it is not possible to maintain separation between pedestrians and vehicles. Until now, Takayama City has set up three bus parking lots away from the old townscape in order to ease the number of buses entering the city center, and has installed rest spots and public restrooms at various locations to make it easier to take a stroll. However, the number of tour buses parked in bus parking lots near the old townscape has not decreased, and there has been no change in the situation in which tour buses pass close to pedestrians on narrow roadways.
As the number of tourists is expected to increase in the future, in order to continue as an attractive tourist destination, it is necessary to ensure a safe and comfortable walking space. We will conduct a demonstration experiment to investigate and verify the effects and impacts of suspending bus parking and controlling inflow. During this period, we will use AI cameras and other tools to examine changes in the flow of people in the city center, as well as the supply and demand balance of bus parking lots, changes in the number of tourists, and the impact and effects on stores.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to tourists and citizens, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation. *Summary of bus inflow control demonstration experiment*
Details: The 17 bus spaces in the municipal Shinmei parking lot (4-18 Shinmei-cho, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture) will be changed to about 40 regular car spaces.
Period: 47 days from Saturday, June 15, 2020 to Wednesday, July 31, 2020 investigation:
・Bus traffic volume in Nakabashi, changes in the flow of people in the central city area
・Changes in the supply and demand balance of bus parking lots and the number of tourists
・Awareness of visitors, bus tour operators, and citizens
・Impact and effects on stores
・Number of users of Takumi Bus (tourist-specific bus)
*The bus parking lot in the city center will be closed, and there will be no traffic restrictions.
*Traffic guides will be stationed at various locations to guide tour buses to nearby parking lots.
[Inquiries regarding this matter]
Takayama City Hall Urban Planning Division
Address: 506-8555
2-18 Hanaokacho, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture
Phone: 0577-57-7444
FAX: 0577-35-3168
Email address:
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