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Home » First held in Hokkaido. Special exhibition and sale of over 300 wooden carved Buddha statues. “Great Buddhist Master Akiyoshi Matsumoto Buddha Sculpture Exhibition” is held.

First held in Hokkaido. Special exhibition and sale of over 300 wooden carved Buddha statues. “Great Buddhist Master Akiyoshi Matsumoto Buddha Sculpture Exhibition” is held.

First held in Hokkaido. Special exhibition and sale of over 300 wooden carved Buddha statues. “Great Buddhist Master Akiyoshi Matsumoto Buddha Sculpture Exhibition” is held.

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Press release: June 11, 2024
First held in Hokkaido. Special exhibition and sale of over 300 wooden carved Buddha statues. “Great Buddhist Master Akiyoshi Matsumoto Buddha Sculpture Exhibition” is held.
*●June 12th (Wednesday) → 17th (Monday)●Daimaru Sapporo store 7th floor event hall Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
*Closes at 5pm on the last day (admission on each day is until 30 minutes before closing) Admission fee: General 500 yen (tax included) *Free for high school students and younger*

Mr. Akiyoshi Matsumoto
Akiyoshi Matsumoto, born in Kyoto in 1945, is a Buddhist master who descends from Unkei and Kaikei, and is called the “Great Buddhist Master of the Heisei Era.” It has been 62 years since I aspired to become a Buddhist master since 1962 at the age of 17. In 2014, the four heavenly kings of the Chumon revitalization project commemorating the 1200th anniversary of the founding of Mt.
(2 repaired Buddhas and 2 new ones), and has produced 19 Buddha statues so far. Currently, in the great wilderness of Kyoto, he continues to carve Mihotoke’s figure every day, and is dedicated to serving as a light for people living in modern times, which are faced with hardships and hardships. In this exhibition, approximately 300 breathtakingly detailed wooden Buddha statues created by masters, intricate single-piece carvings, and vivid works with delicate kirigane work will be displayed and sold in one place.
In 2006, the principal images (88 statues in total) were placed in each of the 88 sacred sites in Hokkaido.
In April 2024, a statue of Ieyasu Tokugawa will be dedicated to Zojoji Temple in Tokyo.
*Example of work*
Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva (cherry blossom, kirikane, body length 1 shaku, total height 66.5 cm)
Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva
(Sakura, kirigane, length 1 shaku, total height 66.5cm)

Koyasu Fugen Bodhisattva (campus tree, light color, body length: 3 cm, total height: 32.5 cm)
Koyasu Fugen Bodhisattva
(Kusu, light color, body length: 3 cm, total height: 32.5 cm)

Dainichi Nyorai (Sandalwood, sitting height 2.5 cm, total height 22 cm) Dainichi Nyorai
(Sandalwood, height 2 sun 5 minutes, total height 22 cm)

Amida Nyorai (Higashi Honganji Temple) (campus tree, length 5 cm/total height 31 cm)
Amida Nyorai (Higashi Honganji Temple)
(Kusunoki, length 5 cm/total height 31 cm)

Oni (soul) (cherry blossom, height: 2.5 cm, total height: 23 cm) Oni (soul)
(Cherry blossoms, height 2 sun 5 minutes, total height 23 cm)

Originally, it was a container for storing incense, and a Buddha image was engraved on the inside.
Small and portable incense containers, such as guardian deities associated with the zodiac sign of your year of birth or Buddhas you worship, can be carried as amulets.
1. [Child] Kagobutsu, Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva (Sandalwood, 6cm diameter)
2. [Ox/Tiger] Kogobutsu Kokuzo Bodhisattva (Sandalwood, diameter 6cm) 1. [Child] Kagobutsu, Eleven-faced Thousand-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva (Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)
2. [Ox/Tiger] Kogobutsu Kokuzo Bodhisattva
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)

3. [Rabbit] Kagobutsu Manjusri Bodhisattva (Sandalwood, 6cm diameter) 4. [Tatsuna/Snake] Kogabutsu Fugen Bodhisattva (Sandalwood, diameter 6cm) 3. [Rabbit] Kogobutsu Manjusri Bodhisattva
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)
4. [Dragon/Snake] Kogabutsu Fugen Bodhisattva
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)

5. [Moon] Kogobutsu Seishi Bodhisattva (Sandalwood, 6cm diameter) 6. [Un-Monkey] Kogobutsu Dainichi Nyorai (Sandalwood, 6cm in diameter) 5. [Moon] Kogobutsu Seishi Bodhisattva
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)
6. [Un-Monkey] Kogobutsu Dainichi Nyorai
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)

7. [Rooster] Kagobutsu Fudo Myoo (Sandalwood, 6cm diameter)
8. [Dog/Pig] Incense Buddha Amida Nyorai (Sandalwood, 6cm diameter) 7. [Cock] Kagobutsu Fudo Myoo
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)
8. [Dog/Pig] Incense Buddha Amitabha Tathagata
(Sandalwood, diameter 6cm)

* Information about event holding *
Mr. Akiyoshi Matsumoto, 2nd generation Mr. Matsumoto Myokan, 3rd generation Mr. Sokan Matsumoto
Gallery talk held by second generation Mr. Matsumoto Meikan and third generation Mr. Matsumoto Sokan
●Date and time: Wednesday, June 12th and Saturday, June 15th, 2:00 pm to 2:25 pm (no advance reservations required)
●Venue: 7th floor exhibition hall, paid exhibition space
The second and third generations will be able to speak to visitors in front of the exhibited works.
*There are no dedicated seats to listen to the talk, nor advance reservations for participation.
*If the venue becomes crowded, admission may be suddenly restricted. *Due to various circumstances, event details such as business hours and artist visits may be changed or canceled.
*The ending time may change depending on the content of the story. *A talk event or visit by Professor Akiyoshi Matsumoto is not scheduled.

*Venue scene*
This spring, we will also have a special exhibition of the model of the Tokugawa Ieyasu statue that was enshrined at Zojoji Temple. Tokugawa Ieyasu statue
Venue situation
■Special site for “Great Buddhist Master Akiyoshi Matsumoto Buddha Sculpture Exhibition”:
*About details about this release*

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