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Home » Things you can do to prevent “cremation without knowing it” Start your end of life with “Aka Deer”

Things you can do to prevent “cremation without knowing it” Start your end of life with “Aka Deer”

Things you can do to prevent “cremation without knowing it” Start your end of life with “Aka Deer”

*View in browser* *Waterhuman Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 12, 2024
Things you can do to prevent “cremation without knowing it” Start your end of life with “Aka Deer”
*[A must-see for those who can’t continue or end their life! ] Get your own end-of-life task list and relieve your worries and worries about after death*
“Akashika” is a new end-of-life service that helps you end your end-of-life life in the shortest possible way.
On June 6, 2024, Waterhuman Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo), represented by entrepreneur monk Ryo Shintani, began providing a new end-of-life service, “Akashika.” Conventional services such as Ending Notes provide an opportunity for people to take the first step towards ending their lives, but they do not provide enough support to help them finish their lives, and as a result, the issue is that they end up being put on the back burner. Therefore, Akashika provides a list of end-of-life tasks that are optimized based on the user’s asset status and outlook on life and death, and also provides a variety of useful support to help users complete their end-of-life life in the shortest possible time. Anyone can create an end-of-life task list for free and use paid support as needed, so it can be used by a wide range of people, from those with low to high end-of-life needs.

Click here to use Akashica

◆ Problems solved by red deer
According to the results of a survey that investigated the level of interest in end-of-life activities, more than 70% of people over 50 answered that they were interested in end-of-life activities, but only a few were actually able to continue their end-of-life activities. It is said that it will remain at about 20%. When we investigated the reasons why people were unable to start or continue their end of life life, we discovered the existence of four walls.
four walls that stand in your way
Currently, ending notes, which are synonymous with end-of-life activities, provide an opportunity for people to take the first step towards ending their lives, but there is not enough support when actually filling them out. As a result, many people are unable to cross the four walls. This situation not only causes great pain to people who are planning to end their lives, but also imposes enormous effort and costs on the families left behind after death, as well as on governments and local governments.

◆ Overview of red deer
As the first service release, Akashika will begin providing two services that will help people who want to end their lives to overcome the four barriers.
・ *Your own end-of-life task list* (free)
・ *Support to help you end your life in the shortest possible time* (charged) Your personalized end-of-life task list is optimized based on your asset situation and outlook on life and death, and helps you understand the overall picture of your end-of-life needs. It also provides detailed instructions and precautions for completing each task, saving you the trouble of looking up the necessary information yourself. We provide a variety of support to help you complete your end-of-life journey in the shortest possible time, including exclusive chat support to resolve any questions you may have regarding your end-of-life life, and a service that introduces you to the most suitable specialist as needed. We plan to gradually expand this support in response to user demand.

The model is that anyone can use the end-of-life task list creation for free, and then pay for paid support as needed, so you can use it in the following ways.

* ·current situation*
I haven’t felt close to death yet, but I feel that I need to prepare for sudden accidents and illnesses and gradually approach the end of my life…
* ・After using Red Deer*
Now that you have your own end-of-life task list, the tasks you need to tackle in the future are clear!
* ·current situation*
I want my parents to end their lives while they are still healthy, but I find it difficult to broach the subject of death…
* ・After using Red Deer*
By creating an end-of-life task list for my parents, I am now able to focus and talk about each task!
* ·current situation*
I purchased Ending Notes, but there are so many things to do and there are many technical words, so I don’t know who to consult…
* ・After using Red Deer*
By using our exclusive chat support, you can now consult with us about various questions and concerns regarding end of life in one place! Click here to use Akashica

◆ Background of the birth of red deer
The red deer logo is characterized by the “i” resembling a candle. The service name Akashika is a coined word that combines “visualize (kashika) the evidence of life (akashi)” and “light (akashi)” and “fire (ka).” Ending your life can be compared to groping your way through the darkness, but Akashika aims to provide a service that illuminates the path for such people.

Shintani, the development manager, is an entrepreneur who develops red deer at Waterhuman Co., Ltd., and is also active as a Jodo Buddhist monk. During that time, I had the opportunity to speak with a woman who had lost her husband of many years. After her husband’s funeral, she was busy with many formalities and arrangements, and it seems that she spent more time and effort than expected. In particular, there were many things she couldn’t handle on her own, such as organizing her husband’s assets, contracted services, and digital accounts, and she was physically and mentally exhausted. If her husband’s end of life had been carried out properly, her burden would have been greatly reduced. Through this experience, Shintani decided to take on the challenge of end-of-life care as an entrepreneur, leading to the development of Akashika.

Furthermore, we believe that “ending your life will make your life more creative,” and we believe that ending your life is not necessarily an activity for the benefit of those left behind. End of life means facing one’s own death, and facing death means facing one’s current way of life. Generally speaking, when we talk about
end-of-life living, we tend to think of it as something that is done by the so-called elderly after retirement, but in this day and age where anything can happen, it is necessary for the working generation to actively engage in end-of-life activities as well. With this in mind, we decided to offer our services online.

* Ryo Shintani | Ryo Shintani*
He started his own business in 2020, and while working on developing a business for seniors, he had a chance to become a monk.
Involved in temple restoration and community activities in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. He is searching for ways to solve problems related to people’s life endings from his two positions as an entrepreneur and a monk.

◆ How to use red deer
Anyone can use Akashika immediately in 3 steps.
1. *Answer a simple end-of-life diagnosis test* First, go to Red Deer’s landing page from your computer or smartphone.

Go to and take the end-of-life diagnosis test, which has 18 questions and takes about 5 minutes. The end-of-life diagnosis test consists only of multiple-choice questions, so if you don’t
understand, there is no problem even if you don’t answer correctly. You can use it with confidence as your answers will not identify you. 2. * You will receive your personalized end-of-life task list by email* After you answer the end-of-life diagnosis test, we will send the URL of the dedicated end-of-life task list to the email address you entered within the next business day. Creating your own end-of-life task list is completely free of charge.
3. * Implement end-of-life planning while utilizing support* Please refer to the end-of-life task list you received when carrying out your end-of-life activities. Proceed efficiently with your end of life by taking advantage of our dedicated chat support to answer all your questions about end of life, and our services to introduce you to the most suitable specialist as needed.
Sample end-of-life task list
It also includes instructions and notes for completing each task. You can create an end-of-life task list as many times as you like. Not only can you use it yourself, but you can also create end-of-life task lists for family members you want to help with.

Click here to use Akashica

◆ User feedback
* Hiroaki Kitano* (Former COO of Yahoo Japan Corporation)
“I tried using Akashika when I was busy with work and couldn’t find time to plan my end of life.I was able to easily create a task list online, and even I, who didn’t have much time, was able to move forward with my end of life effortlessly. It’s attractive that there are many parts that can be used for free, and the paid chat support was also very helpful.I would definitely recommend it to friends who are thinking about ending their lives.
*Miyoko Yamaguchi* (pseudonym, woman in her 50s)
“I created my own end-of-life task list using Akashika.I was surprised at how detailed this list was.In addition to big items such as funerals, graves, and inheritance, I also It included everything from contract cancellation, management of various membership rights, and cancellation of paid services.It clearly indicated what to do and in what order, so I was able to move forward with my retirement without any hesitation. Ta.”
Waterhuman Co., Ltd.
*Vision: Eliminating global stagnation and creating an economy filled with new value*
*Mission: Innovate traditional values ​​through business and unleash people’s creativity*
This belief that “water follows a square vessel” is at the root of our vision. This metaphor shows that just as water adapts to the shape of its container, humans can flexibly adapt to their environment and situations and change their shape. Our business begins with people’s requests. In this context, the state in which filing a patent application is hindered by conventional values ​​is considered to be “stagnation,” and business is a means to resolve this stagnation. By bringing positive change to the world through our business and unleashing people’s creativity, we will create an economy filled with new value.

-Red Deer-
Landing page:

-Company Profile-
Company name: Waterhuman, Inc.
Established: March 9, 2020
Representative: Ryo Shintani, Representative Director and CEO Address: Vende Vert 202, 1-22-23 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0022 URL:
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