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Home » Ehime Shimbun Co., Ltd. Second round of “Harvest” Noto Peninsula Earthquake Area Support Project launched

Ehime Shimbun Co., Ltd. Second round of “Harvest” Noto Peninsula Earthquake Area Support Project launched

Ehime Shimbun Co., Ltd.
“Harvest” 2nd phase of Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster area support project launched
“Helping to protect Wajima lacquerware” A project to protect the activities of craftsmen, handiwork skills, and the culture of the Noto Peninsula
“Harvest” is a collaboration between the Ehime Shimbun and
Shogakukan’s women’s media “Domani” to revitalize the region through the sale of Ehime Prefecture products. We started with the purpose of supporting the areas affected by the heavy rains in western Japan, and have spread the “love” we have spread through our activities to the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. With this idea in mind, we were able to realize an initiative to give out “gift cards of your choice” with Ehime specialties, and with the support of many people.
When we delivered selectable gift cards to Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, which suffered severe damage, we witnessed first-hand the situation in which various types of support were needed. Collapsed buildings, burnt-out cities, and roads with deep cracks. There are areas without water or electricity, people who continue to live in evacuation centers, and people who are unable to resume work. I also learned that the people involved in Wajima lacquerware, a traditional industry in Wajima City and a nationally designated important cultural property, have suffered significant damage and that its survival is in jeopardy.
Therefore, Harvest will start its second disaster area support project on the 26th, and will help preserve Wajima lacquerware by conveying and selling its appeal as our unique way of support. This is a project in which your encounter with Wajima lacquerware, which will become your “special treasure,” will lead to the preservation of the craftsmen’s activities, handiwork techniques, and the culture of the Noto Peninsula.
[Image 1:×800.jpg] About the current state of Wajima lacquerware
Wajima lacquerware is a traditional craft that is created using the skills of many specialized craftsmen. Craftsmen lost their workshops and tools due to the earthquake, and are now unable to resume production. In addition, many lacquerware stores suffered damage such as their stores being burned down or collapsed, and their products damaged. Under these circumstances, people involved in Wajima-nuri expressed their strong feelings, saying, “We don’t want Wajima-nuri to die out,” and “We want to make it for the people who use it.” By reorganizing their workshops and using temporary workshops built by Wajima City, the number of craftsmen who have started work is gradually increasing, and they are moving step by step on the road to recovery.
About sales of Wajima lacquerware
From June 26th, Ofuji Shikki Shop will be selling Wajima lacquerware from Wajima Kirimoto. Sales method: 1. Website 2. Telephone: 089-935-2323
*Wajima lacquerware exhibition will be held from June 26th to July 5th at the 1st floor lobby of Ehime Shimbun Head Office (1-12-1 Otemachi, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture). Approximately 20 Wajima lacquerware items created by many specialized craftsmen will be on display, as well as photographs that capture the conditions of the
disaster-stricken areas and the craftsmen’s handicraft skills that Harvest witnessed. *You can apply for purchasing (reservation) the exhibited products.

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Ofuji lacquerware store was founded in 1978 in Soryo-cho, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Mr. Koichi Ofuji, who grew up in a family of Wajima lacquer craftsmen for generations, runs a lacquerware manufacturing and sales business based on the philosophy of valuing both customers and fellow craftsmen. This ambition has been passed down to the second generation’s eldest son, Mr. Takayuki, who is currently searching for new sales channels for Wajima lacquerware. Mr. Koichi’s father was a foundation craftsman, and his mother was a lacquerware peddler. Mr. Koichi studied business in Osaka and returned to his hometown of Wajima City, where he gathers local lacquerware shops and hosts the “Wajima Lacquer Thank You Market” every February. In order to revitalize the entire area, the city takes care to ensure that there are no stores with no sales. We value connections with our peers and being empathetic to our customers.

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“Wood and lacquer” in your everyday life. The Kirimoto family has been involved in the wood and lacquer work for over 200 years in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, with this idea in various forms. From the late Edo period to the Meiji and Taisho periods, the company manufactured and sold Wajima lacquerware, and at the beginning of the Showa period changed its business to “Hokujiya Kirimoto Mokkosho”, which specializes in carving wood. The 6th generation, Mr. Shunbe Kirimoto, has set up the facilities to handle all kinds of furniture, including special lacquerware wood.
Mr. Taiichi, the 7th generation, majored in product design at university and worked in office planning at a company before returning to Wajima. After training as a disciple of Hoboku Jiyo, he began proposing lacquerware design and creating vessels, furniture, and architectural interiors. In 2015, the business name was changed to “Wajima Kirimoto”, and while making a living in the woodworking industry, together with the craftsmen, we are creating wood and lacquer in our daily lives, from wood products to lacquerware, accessories, furniture, and architectural interior materials. We continue to challenge ourselves to create products that blend in with the world.
About the first project
[Project supporting companies/organizations (in no particular order)] Suntory Ltd. Matsuyama Branch
Kuwabara Transportation Co., Ltd.
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
Kankaku Co., Ltd.
Kami Kaihatsu Co., Ltd.
Tokiwa Electric Co., Ltd.
Higashiuwa Agricultural Cooperative
Taiyo Parts Co., Ltd.
KIRI Co., Ltd.
Daiki Axis Co., Ltd.
Lexus Matsuyama Johoku Co., Ltd.
Toyo Co., Ltd.
Chateau Planning and Design Office Co., Ltd.
Kikot Co., Ltd. Azuma Hearing Aid Center
Social Welfare Corporation Kihoku Town Social Welfare Council Heiwa Printing Industry Co., Ltd.
Ehime Minami Agricultural Cooperative
Social Welfare Corporation Matsuno Town Social Welfare Council Japan Tobacco Inc. Ehime Branch
Kadoya Gumi Co., Ltd.
Tech IS Co., Ltd.
Shigematsu Brothers Equipment Co., Ltd.
Ashante Co., Ltd. Universal Home Matsuyama Higashi store
Ehime Housing Co., Ltd.
Autocycle Taniguchi Ltd.
Sanko Automobile Center Ltd.
Image Tech Co., Ltd.
Hyakunen Aluminum Co., Ltd.
Shikoku Paper Sales Co., Ltd.
Matsuyama Transportation Co., Ltd.
[About Ehime Shimbun]
Company name: Ehime Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Location: 1-12-1 Otemachi, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture
Representative: Reiji Kato, Representative Director and President First issue: September 11, 1876 (Meiji 9)
Company profile URL:

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