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Home » Metro Engine Co., Ltd. Released the latest version of “Hotel Industry Map 2025” that shows the whole pictu re of the hotel market! Renewed by adding new categories to match trends

Metro Engine Co., Ltd. Released the latest version of “Hotel Industry Map 2025” that shows the whole pictu re of the hotel market! Renewed by adding new categories to match trends

[Metro Engine Co., Ltd.] Released the latest version of “Hotel Industry Map 2025” that shows the whole picture of the hotel market! Renewed by adding new categories to match trends
*Metro Engine Co., Ltd.*
Press release: July 22, 2024
The latest version of “Hotel Industry Map 2025” that shows the whole picture of the hotel market has been released! Renewed by adding new categories to match trends
*Hotel Bank, a media specializing in hotels, structurally visualizes the changing hotel market. We are adding new categories in line with future trends in the hotel industry. *
Metro Engine Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo;
Representative Director and CEO: Ryosuke Tanaka; hereinafter referred to as Metro Engine), which provides the revenue management tool “Metro Engine” for lodging facilities and supports the DX transformation of the lodging industry and customer attraction, The latest version of the highly popular hotel industry map “Hotel Industry Map
2025” is created and operated by hotel specialized media “HotelBank”
will be published free of charge. In line with trends in the lodging and tourism industry, we have added new categories and updated the mapping.
*A clearer image can be downloaded from the hotel bank’s dedicated form. * Background to the creation of “Hotel Industry Map 2025” *
HotelBank is a hotel specialized media operated by Metro Engine Co., Ltd. with the concept of “Creating new added value from dormant data.”
) publishes the “Hotel Industry Map” for those involved in the hotel business, those considering entering the lodging business, and those interested in lodging facilities such as hotels and inns.

The hotel industry map picks up companies and services that have a proven track record in each field of the hotel market from Metro Engine’s unique perspective and maps them by category from the two axes of “guests/travelers” and “hotel/lodging operators.” This is the overall diagram.
Because we carefully review categories every year and make selections that reflect the market conditions at the time, we are able to grasp not only the companies that make up and drive the hotel industry, but also industry trends and future trends.

We have updated the publication list from the popular 2024 edition and released it as the “Hotel Industry Map 2025.”
Please use this site to learn about the services that make up the hotel industry and the companies that play a role in it, to deepen your understanding of the market, and to consider future developments with an eye to the future of lodging and tourism.

Metro Engine will continue to actively disseminate valuable
information and contribute to the development of the lodging and tourism industry.

*2025 Domestic hotel industry trends*
In the hotel industry in 2025, it is expected that it will be essential to deal with the continued increase in the number of overseas visitors to Japan and the serious shortage of personnel in 2024. In addition, prices are rising due to the expansion of inbound demand, and the importance of optimizing prices according to demand is emphasized.

In terms of inbound tourists, the number of passengers in the Asia-Pacific region is predicted to reach nearly 3.9 billion by the end of 2025 (*1), and Japan is poised to receive even more passengers as it prepares for major events such as the Osaka World Expo and World Athletics Championships. will need to be strengthened. However, imbalances in the destinations visited by inbound tourists and misunderstandings due to language differences have become major problems, and measures to counter overtourism and strengthen multilingual support are likely to be promoted.

From the perspective of labor shortages, the labor shortage, which had temporarily subsided due to the coronavirus pandemic, has once again become noticeable due to the rapid increase in demand, mainly from inbound tourists. For this reason, it is expected that operational efficiency will accelerate through the use of revenue management systems that automate the process of setting room prices and simultaneously improve profits, as well as robots that perform cleaning and serving meals.

Delegating tasks that can be made more efficient to AI and systems and allowing staff to spend more time with guests will lead to improved customer satisfaction. By understanding the strengths of both people and systems and using them properly, I think we can realize facility management that is comfortable for both parties.


* Added new category *
In “Hotel Industry Map 2025”, we have added the following two new categories. ■Inbound media
The ease of selecting tourist destinations and gathering local tourism information can be an important factor for foreign tourists visiting Japan. By increasing the resolution of Japan through the media, it is thought that it will be easier to connect with accommodation beyond sightseeing. For this reason, we have selected inbound media that supports multiple languages, with a focus on Asia, where the number of overseas visitors to Japan is particularly high.
■Smart operation system
While increasing travel demand is an opportunity for the hotel market, the industry is facing a growing talent shortage. Therefore, we included a smart operation system in our selection that allows us to maintain the same operations as before, while reducing the burden and effort on staff, even with limited personnel. By utilizing these systems, we will be able to collect customer data during their stay that could not be fully analyzed due to manual management, which will be useful for further operational improvements.

How to obtain “*Hotel Industry Map 2025”*
You can download it for free from the Hotel Bank page below. (Required information must be entered to download.)

* ▼ Download here *

*What is hotel-specific media “HotelBank”?*
Hotel Bank is a hotel-specific media site that was started based on the concept of “creating new added value from dormant data.” As a specialized media that provides the latest information on the hotel and lodging industry, we not only disseminate industry news and columns, but also conduct independent research on hotel industry trends and markets using Metro Engine’s lodging-related big data. We are delivering valuable information to everyone involved.

Please take a look at it together with “Hotel Industry Map 2025”. URL:

* [Overview of Metro Engine Co., Ltd.] *
Metro Engine provides hotels and other lodging operators with the revenue management tool Metro Engine, which uses artificial
intelligence and machine learning from big data to set room prices, and is currently one of the leading hotel chain companies in Japan. We have a contract with the above companies and use our services. Recently, the usefulness of dynamic pricing that matches supply and demand in various fields has begun to be evaluated, but Metro Engine is also developing businesses that target the rental car industry, express bus industry, etc. in addition to the hotel industry. I’m here.

Company name: Metro Engines Co., Ltd. ( Representative: Ryosuke Tanaka, Representative Director and CEO Address: 9th floor, Nishigotanda 7-chome Building, 25-5 Nishigotanda 7-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established: October 2016

This article has been partially generated with the assistance of AI.