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Alts Co., Ltd. Alts launches consulting service “EagleAI”

Orts Co., Ltd.
Alts launches consulting service “EagleAI”
~Visualize the operating status of all employees and quantify the efficiency potential with AI~
Orts Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Chitaka Yonekura, hereinafter referred to as Orts) develops and commercializes personal AI created using AI cloning technology, including P.A.I.(R)️ (Personal Artificial Intelligence). We are pleased to announce the launch of “EagleAI”, an employee performance measurement consulting service.
[Image 1:×630.jpg]                                                                           - This service makes it possible to quantify and visualize the operating status of each employee by utilizing Orts’ technology. This allows us to analyze the business situation in detail, clarify areas where there is room for efficiency improvement, and support productivity improvement with various products and solutions. For example, in order to improve the sales department’s business negotiation time by 10%, we can quantify the room for efficiency and automation of internal meetings and work, and provide support with specific improvement plans, thereby increasing the productivity of the entire company. We will accompany you towards improvement.
The flow of Altz’s employee performance measurement consulting is as follows. 1. Employee utilization measurement: Alt consultants visualize the current situation based on employee calendar data.
2. Identification of issues: Discover and identify operational and business issues.
3. Improvements using AI: We will propose specific improvements using various products and solutions from Alts, and will accompany you toward improvements.
4. Improve productivity: Improve company productivity and create surplus resources.
[Image 2:×630.jpg] Furthermore, this consulting service has the following features that are different from conventional business visualization tools. Traditional business visualization tools
◦It is necessary to introduce tools for visualization
◦Only visualization of business is possible
◦Requires effort to build an operational system to visualize operations and improve productivity
Alts “EagleAI”
◦Visualization based on data held by client companies
 By visualizing your business, you can simultaneously improve productivity using Alts products and solutions.
◦Alts performs data visualization all at once and safely manages information ■Recommended for these people
・I want to improve work efficiency, but there are various tools and I don’t know how to do it.
・Since it is difficult to understand the work status of employees due to remote work etc., I would like to understand it once.
・It is difficult to introduce tools and new systems to visualize business status This service is developed for companies that aim to improve business efficiency but are unsure of how to do so, companies that want to understand the work status of employees working remotely, and companies that have difficulty introducing tools and new systems. did. We hope that this new, streamlined work process will help promote the health and happiness of each employee by providing a more comfortable working environment and reducing employee stress.
Through this service and its AI technology, Orts will continue to provide innovative services with the aim of increasing the efficiency and productivity of the entire company.
▶Contact for inquiries regarding large-scale language processing solutions such as LHTM-2/LHTM-OPT/GPT
■About Orts Co., Ltd.
Established in November 2014, Orts is a venture company that aims to free people from unproductive labor by creating P.A.I.(R)️ (Personal Artificial Intelligence), AI clones. We have a wealth of AI elemental technologies, including generative AI, proprietary LLM, and voice recognition technology, and are developing and providing many AI products that utilize them. The cumulative amount raised by April 2024 has reached over 10 billion yen.
-Inquiries from the press-
Alts Co., Ltd. Public Relations Nishizawa
-Inquiries regarding alliances-
Alts Co., Ltd. is involved in IT, finance, construction, logistics, media, manufacturing, retail, service industries, etc.
We provide and support AI solutions regardless of genre.
Please feel free to contact us.
Alts Co., Ltd. Business Headquarters Yukawa

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