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Home » NEC Topics NEC x Cloud Works concludes sales agency agreement NEC promotes introduction of productivity-enhanc ing SaaS “Cloud Log”

NEC Topics NEC x Cloud Works concludes sales agency agreement NEC promotes introduction of productivity-enhanc ing SaaS “Cloud Log”

[NEC Topics] NEC x Cloud Works concludes sales agency agreement NEC promotes introduction of productivity-enhancing SaaS “Cloud Log” *NEC Corporation*
Press release: August 19, 2024
NEC x Crowdworks concludes sales agency agreement NEC promotes introduction of productivity-enhancing SaaS “Cloud Log”
*Secure new sales channels and expand support for improving corporate productivity*
Crowdworks Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President) develops and operates an online human resource matching platform that connects companies and individuals.
CEO: Koichiro Yoshida (hereinafter referred to as “Crowdworks”) and NEC Corporation (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Director,
Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO: Morita
Takayuki (hereinafter referred to as “NEC”) has concluded a sales agency agreement for “Cloud Log,” a cloud-based productivity improvement SaaS that visualizes the way companies work.

“Cloud Log” is a man-hour management SaaS that improves the efficiency of collecting, aggregating, and visualizing man-hours in all business situations. In October 2023, we collaborated with NEC’s attendance management system “Kenkajiki” with the aim of achieving more accurate man-hour management. After this, we have concluded this sales agency agreement in order to deepen cooperation not only in systems but also in sales strategies.

By signing this agreement, NEC will promote the introduction of cloud logs to visualize work styles for companies across the country aiming to reform their operations. By visualizing employee work processes using cloud logs, we can analyze, identify, and improve work issues and productivity, contributing to corporate work style reform and operational efficiency. In the future, we will further strengthen the collaboration between the two companies and strive to help even more companies improve their productivity.

-Cloud log introduction page on NEC homepage-

* ■Distributor agreement scheme *
A sales agency contract is a contract in which a sales agent sells services provided by a manufacturer to customers. This time, NEC will be selling Cloudlog, a product developed in-house by Cloudworks. In addition, we will begin a scheme in which Cloud Log will provide implementation support directly to companies implementing the service.

* ■About cloud log *
Cloud Log is a cloud-based productivity improvement SaaS that collects employee man-hours and visualizes how companies work. The service began in March 2020, and as of March 2024, a cumulative total of over 800 companies have introduced it, and of the current number of companies, more than 20% are large companies with 300 or more employees. Aiming to realize our service mission, “Record your time and enrich your future,” we support employees to improve their productivity by visualizing their work processes.
Cloud Log:

* ■About NEC Corporation *
In the more than 120 years since its founding, NEC has contributed to society by making full use of advanced technology, a variety of knowledge, and ideas to bring about innovation. As a social
value-creating company, we use the power of digital to create social values ​​such as safety, security, fairness, and efficiency, and aim to realize a sustainable society where everyone can fully demonstrate their humanity.
Company name: NEC Corporation
Representative: Director, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO Takayuki Morita
Address: 5-7-1 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: July 17, 1899
Business: IT service business, social infrastructure business, etc. URL:

* ■About Crowdworks Co., Ltd. *

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