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Toyonaka City Crowdfunding for updating uniforms, etc. to make the fire department more attractive

[Toyonaka City] Crowdfunding for updating uniforms, etc. to make the fire department more attractive
*Toyonaka City*
Press release: August 30, 2024
Crowdfunding for updating uniforms, etc. to make the fire department more attractive

Toyonaka City will be conducting a crowdfunding campaign for the purpose of updating uniforms and musical instruments in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Fire Band in 2020.

By renewing the uniform design that has been used for half a century since its inception and updating aging instruments, we will further promote fire department public relations activities as a more attractive fire department band, and create a safe and secure town. We aim to realize this.
On the 50th anniversary, a commemorative concert will be held in the city, showing off newly designed uniforms and updated musical instruments.

*Overview of crowdfunding*
■Usage of donations: Renewal of uniforms and instruments used by the fire department band, etc.
■Implementation period        September 1st (Sunday) – March 31st (Wednesday), 2027 (Reiwa 9)
■Target amount: 5 million yen (donations will be accepted during the recruitment period even after reaching the goal)
■How to donate: Apply from the Toyonaka City donation reception site

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