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Home » Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. “Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024” published (newsletter)

Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. “Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024” published (newsletter)

Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.
“Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024” published (newsletter) ……
Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, President: Keiichi Yoshii) published the “Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024” on August 30, 2024.
Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024
Since 2016, we have been publishing the “Daiwa House Group Integrated Report” to introduce our group’s business development aimed at increasing corporate value over the medium to long term to our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders. .
This book provides a look back from our founding in 1955 to 2023, when we achieved consolidated sales of 5 trillion yen, and explains our growth strategies and management policies to realize our “future dreams” together with our stakeholders.
As the importance of sustainability management increases, we aim to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value through constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors, using this book as a communication tool.
●Summary of “Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024”
Chapter 1 CEO message
We will explain our growth strategies, restructuring of our corporate philosophy, and flexible management in order to realize our founder’s dream of becoming a corporate group with sales of 10 trillion yen by the 100th anniversary of our founding.
Chapter 2 CFO message
We will explain our strategic capital policy, initiatives to improve capital efficiency, and the realization of stable shareholder returns. Chapter 3 Value creation story
Introducing the value creation process to achieve sales of 10 trillion yen and realize the society we aim for, while investing in growth fields and human capital, by leveraging our group’s strength of “value creation through co-creation and symbiosis.” I will.
Chapter 4 Long-term vision and 7th medium-term management plan We will introduce the progress of the “7th Medium-Term Management Plan” and the three basic policies (evolving the profit model, improving management efficiency, and strengthening the management foundation).
Chapter 5 Business promotion
We will introduce the current status and future outlook of our six main businesses (single-family homes, rental housing, condominiums, commercial facilities, business facilities, and environmental energy), as well as our real estate investment and overseas business
Chapter 6 Strengthening the foundation
We will summarize the current status of the three foundations that we have built to date (human resources base, customer base, and technology/manufacturing base) and introduce future challenges and strategies toward the future vision that we aim for.
Chapter 7 Management structure
In addition to explaining the construction of a governance system from a diverse and long-term perspective, we will also introduce how to optimize the management system to realize “future dreams” from a discussion with outside directors.
Chapter 8 Performance/Corporate Information
We will introduce analysis of our financial position and business results, investment, shareholder returns, stock price status, and financial and non-financial highlights.
■About “Daiwa House Group Integrated Report 2024”:

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