Common lift season ticket that allows you to ski at 6 ski resorts in northern Nagano Prefecture [NAGANO6 Powder Dream Pass] 2024-2025 season
Sales start from October 1st
*Shinshu Iiyama Tourism Bureau, General Incorporated Association* Press release: September 3, 2024
Common lift season ticket that allows you to ski at 6 ski resorts in northern Nagano Prefecture [NAGANO6 Powder Dream Pass] 2024-2025 season
Sales start from October 1st
*The biggest feature is that you can use your season pass (IC card) to ride the gondolas and lifts at all ski resorts. There is no need to exchange for a lift ticket, so you can enjoy skiing and snowboarding stress-free. *
[Shiga Kogen Mountain Resort] [Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort] [Madarao Kogen Ski Resort] [Tangram Ski Circus] [Togakushi Ski Resort] [Ryuo Ski Park] are located in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture. 2024-2025 common lift season ticket that allows you to ski at these 6 ski resorts *NAGANO6 Powder Dream Pass
Powder Dream Pass)* will be on sale from October 1, 2024.
With one common season ticket (IC card), you can ride the gondolas and lifts at all ski resorts and enjoy skiing and snowboarding. There are also plenty of benefits for purchasers. Not only can you receive great deals during the ski season, but also during the green season with SORA.
Enjoy the summer mountain experience with great benefits such as “free rides on the terrace ropeway” and “free sightseeing lifts on Nojiri Lake Terrace”.
We started selling common lift tickets with the aim of attracting customers throughout the area by strengthening regional cooperation. We plan to develop new products with consideration given to long-term stays in Japan and overseas, competitive ski training camps for domestic junior high and high school students, etc.
We will continue to strive to attract customers from a wide area and aim to become an internationally competitive snow resort area that will bring economic benefits to neighboring municipalities through accommodation, dining, etc.
* Season ticket name: NAGANO6 Powder Dream Pass 2024-2025*
* (Nagano Six Powder Dream Pass) *
*Sales price: Adults 130,000 yen, High school students and under 100,000 yen (tax included, no IC card guarantee fee)*
* Sales period: October 1, 2024 to January 16, 2025 (first 1,000 tickets) * * *Sales over the counter will start from the opening day of each ski resort. *
* Sales method: Application to each ski resort, “cash on delivery” or “counter” sales*
* Cash on Delivery: Shiga Kogen Mountain Resort/Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort* * Window sales: Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort/Madarao Kogen Ski
Resort/Tangram Ski Circus/Togakushi Ski Resort/Ryuo Ski Park* Shiga Kogen Mountain Resort
Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort
Madarao Kogen Ski Resort
tangram ski circus
Togakushi Ski Resort
Ryuo Ski Park
Application/Contact information
Shiga Kogen Mountain Resort 7148 Heian, Yamanouchi-cho,
Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture 381-0401
(One company) Shiga Kogen Cableway Association TEL: 0269-34-2588
Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort 7653 Toyosato, Nozawa Onsen, Shimotakai District, Nagano Prefecture 389-2502
Nozawa Onsen Co., Ltd. TEL: 0269-85-3166
Madarao Kogen Ski Resort Madarao Kogen, Iiyama City, Nagano Prefecture 389-2257 Madarao Hospitality LLC TEL: 0269-64-3214
Tangram Ski Circus 3575-8 Furumi, Shinanomachi, Kamiminauchi-gun, Nagano 389-1302
Tangram Ski Circus TEL: 026-258-3673
Togakushi Ski Resort 3682 Togakushi, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture 381-4101 Togakushi Co., Ltd. TEL: 026-254-2106
Ryuo Ski Park 11700 Yomase, Yamanouchi-cho, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano Prefecture 381-0405
Ryuo Ski Park TEL: 0269-33-6345
Please download the application form from each company’s website. Details are listed below, but if you have any questions, please contact us below.
*Contact information regarding this matter*
NAGANO6 common season ticket management office
Shinetsu Shizenkyo Activity Center
Person in charge: Asano/Tanaka
TEL: 0269-62-7001 FAX: 0269-62-7003