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Home » Bunichi Sogo Publishing Co., Ltd. Eaten, stored, stuck together… What happens to the “seeds” of plants entrusted to animals? Seed-sowing animals, from a 150cm long bear to a 1cm woodlouse

Bunichi Sogo Publishing Co., Ltd. Eaten, stored, stuck together… What happens to the “seeds” of plants entrusted to animals? Seed-sowing animals, from a 150cm long bear to a 1cm woodlouse

[Bunichi Sogo Publishing Co., Ltd.] Eaten, stored, stuck together… What happens to the “seeds” of plants entrusted to animals? [Animals that sow seeds]
From a 150cm long bear to a 1cm woodlouse]
*Bunichi Sogo Publishing Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 10, 2024
It’s eaten, stored, stuck together… What happens to the “seeds” of plants entrusted to animals? [Animals that sow seeds]
From a 150cm long bear to a 1cm woodlouse]
*Bunichi Sogo Publishing Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Chiyoda/President Hiroshi Saito) is publishing the new book “Seed Sowing Animals”
From a 150cm long bear to a 1cm woodlouse” will be published on Friday, September 13, 2024. *
About this book
Seed dispersal is a mechanism that allows immobile plants to spread their seeds as far as possible, sprout and grow in new locations. (Shushisanpu)”. Famous methods include blowing it away with the wind (wind spraying), having animals carry it (animal spraying), pouring it into water (water spraying), and popping it yourself (self-spraying). In this book, “*
Animal spraying*
” and the intricate and detailed connections between animals and plants through seeds. Researchers who are active on the front lines of investigation and research provide easy-to-understand explanations of the latest research results. The book is designed with
easy-to-understand illustrations that can be understood from the illustrations.

cover with obi

When many people hear the term “sushisamp”, they may not know what it means. However, if you write the words “seed dispersal”, you may understand that it means “sowing seeds.”
For many plants, seeds are important offspring and a means of transportation. Some plants sow seeds by blowing the seeds away using their own power, but many plants rely on various forces to sow seeds. (snip)

Some plants sow seeds with the help of animals, and this type of sowing is technically called “animal dispersal.” Seeds that are dispersed by animals contain a long history of competition between animals and plants in which they have used each other, and they also provide a glimpse of ongoing “evolution.” (From the preface. Editor: Shinsuke Koike)

* In recent years, shocking new facts have been revealed one after another about the relationship between animals and plants involved in “seed dispersal”! ? *

Animals and plants that have shaped Japan’s nature. How do these animals sow plant seeds?
And how did plants evolve to help us sow seeds?
In addition to mammals such as Asiatic black bears, monkeys, and bats, you can learn how to sow seeds and “seed dispersal” by over 20 different kinds of animals, including crows, bulbuls, seabirds, slugs, dung beetles, and woodlice.
Explaining “seed dispersal” with easy-to-understand illustrations Structure of this book
* Mammals that sow seeds *
A big bear carries small seeds (Japanese black bear) / “Individual differences” decide the fate of the seeds (Japanese macaque) / Sprinkles seeds in the toilet (raccoon dog) / Even carnivores like fruit! (Japanese marten) / Sometimes careless, sometimes clever! (family of rats) / Master of seed sowing in the forest (family of squirrels) / Fruit bats of the southern islands (fruit bats) / Seeds that attach to mammals (mammals)
*Birds that sow seeds*
Do seabirds that eat fish also carry seeds? (Seabird) / Chasing a jay (Japanese jay) / Star crow (Target crow) that supports the expansion of the distribution of pines / Bulbul (Bulbul) that sows seeds all over Japan / A large ring connected by small white-eye (White-eye) / Spreading many seeds further away Carrying (family of crows) / Network woven by fruit and birds (migratory birds) / Pigeons carrying seeds from island to island (crow pigeon)
*Small creatures that sow seeds*
The big role of small ants (family of ants) / Dung beetles that complete the sowing of seeds (family of dung beetles) / Seeds carried by slugs and snails (slugs and snails) / Small seeds carried by small insects (family of cypress beetles)
*In addition, 16 columns are also included.
Table of contents list
About the author
* Editor: Shinsuke Koike *
Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Ph.D. (Agriculture). He specializes in researching ecology, interactions between organisms in forest ecosystems, and the biology of Asiatic black bears. His publications include “All About Asiatic Black Bears” (Bunichi Sogo Publishing), “Forests and Wild Animals” (co-author: Kyoritsu Publishing), “Mammalogy” (co-author: University of Tokyo Press), and “One day, a bear in the forest.” “If you come across a poop” (Tatsumi Publishing) etc.
* Editor: Shunpei Kitamura *
Associate professor at Ishikawa Prefectural University, Faculty of Bioresources and Environmental Studies. Doctor of Science. Specializes in plant ecology, plant-animal interactions, frugivores and seed dispersal in hornbills. His books include “Hornbill”
“Giant Bird Sowing Seeds in a Tropical Forest” (Tokai University Press). *Illustration: Chihiro Kinoshita*
Born in Okayama Prefecture. Graduated from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Doctor of Agriculture. After a postdoctoral period, he is currently an illustrator. His books include “Living Things: Why? Behavior Notes” (SB Creative), and books he has illustrated include “Why Do You Go Around in Circles” (Many Mysteries November 2022 Issue: Fukuinkan Shoten), “Animal Reading Medicine” ” (MdN Corporation), “What if you become a creature that appears in a textbook?
Volume 3 “Water Creatures” (Gakken), etc.
Product specifications
Book title: Seed-sowing animals – from a 150cm long bear to a 1cm woodlouse Editor: Shinsuke Koike, Shunpei Kitamura
Illustration: Chihiro Kinoshita
Publication date: September 30, 2024
Bookstore release date: September 13, 2024
List price: 1,980 yen (1,800 yen + 10% tax)
ISBN13: 978-4-8299-7255-7
Format: 46 format (188 x 128 mm)
Number of pages: 152 pages
Electronic version: Delivered on September 13, 2024
Publisher: Bunichi General Publishing (Chiyoda, Tokyo)
Bunichi General Publishing Site: Request this book
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