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Services from companies certified as “Excellent Technology from Kobe” save lives!

Services from companies certified as “Excellent Technology from Kobe” save lives!
*Kobe City Industrial Promotion Foundation*
Press release: September 12, 2024
Services from companies certified as “Excellent Technology from Kobe” save lives!
Did you know that around spring this year, a high school girl saved the life of an elderly woman who was choking on food? It was reported on TV and web news and became a hot topic. A video system called “Live119” that sends footage of the scene to the fire department command room using smartphones used by students for first aid, is actually
“Excellent technology from Kobe”
It is a system developed by (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture). This time, we interviewed Dawn Co., Ltd., the developer of “Live119.”

“Live119″ has realized the filming of the situation at the reporting site and transmitting it in real time.
Live119 is a new reporting system, and the fire command center confirms the detailed situation at the scene of the call (injury, illness, fire situation) from the video taken by the caller, and then sends an audio message.
It is possible to collect visual information in real time that is difficult to grasp by just calling the number. Since it is possible to transmit video to the emergency services, it is possible to support effective verbal guidance from the fire department to the caller. (Live119 introduction video:
Flow of use
Live119 demonstration
Since the service was launched in July 2020, it has been introduced at fire department headquarters around the country, and the firefighting population coverage rate* has now increased to 39.6%. From July 2024, many functions have been added, such as AED location information transmission function, enhanced sharing function, and multilingual support, and a major version update has been implemented. It has also been featured in various media and is expected to become more popular in the future.
*Ratio of the population under the jurisdiction of the fire department headquarters that has introduced Live119 divided by the population of Japan.
Development history
In May 2007, the company began providing a cloud-based map
distribution service for local government office operations, and the following year, in 2008, it launched a 119 call system for people who have difficulty speaking in languages. NET119” service has been launched and has been introduced by nearly 400 fire departments nationwide. By starting the NET119 service, we have been able to connect with communication control board manufacturers and have more opportunities to have discussions. So, when we discussed the idea of ​​sharing information via video between the call scene and the fire center, he said, “We should create that service!” and the fact that the iPhone supports WebRTC* led to Live119 has been developed.

*Open source technology that enables real-time audio, video, and data communication between browsers.
About Dawn Co., Ltd.
Capital: 363.95 million yen
Established: June 1991
History: Moved to the Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market in April 2022 *Osaka Stock Exchange NASDAQ Japan (later Tokyo Stock Exchange JASDAQ) market in June 2002
IPO in
Address (Head Office): 5F, Sannomiya Grand Building, 2-2-21
Isokami-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture
Business content: ・Development and provision of various cloud services (SaaS) related to geographic information
・Geographic information system or system associated with geographic information (application software)
Development and maintenance of
・Sales of software licenses for building geographic information systems Homepage:

Future outlook
Currently, it is often used by fire departments, police, local governments, disaster prevention, social infrastructure maintenance, etc., but from now on, we plan to expand it as a video calling service for private companies. From March 2022, we have begun rolling out the Live-X service for the private sector, and it has been introduced by companies in a variety of industries. Based on past usage examples, it is possible to make proposals to improve business efficiency such as customer support, on-site support, and information sharing, and to improve services for each company. With the acceleration of DX, this service is expected to become even more popular.
Based on the company’s philosophy of “challenging social issues and creating new value,” the company will continue to create new generation solutions to new issues, and we look forward to seeing the company’s future moves. I want to go.
A system that saves lives is born from an engineer’s idea
About “Excellent technology from Kobe”
“Excellent Technology from Kobe” is a recognition by the Kobe City Industrial Promotion Foundation of small and medium-sized
manufacturing companies in Kobe that produce top-level superior technology and products in Japan. We disseminate information to companies nationwide and support them in developing sales channels.

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