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Home » Prediction of question categories by AI Held real estate “future questions” mock exam

Prediction of question categories by AI Held real estate “future questions” mock exam

RareJob Inc.
Prediction of question categories by AI Held real estate “future questions” mock exam
Produce a feeling of tension just like the real thing with
simultaneous exams and completely original questions

RareJob Co., Ltd. (hereafter, RareJob), an “AI assessment company” that supports the visualization and improvement of skills, sells 2023 real estate exam questions “future questions” predicted by AI from the qualification exam preparation business “Qualification Square”. has started.
[Image 1:×305.png]

About real estate “future question” mock exam
Real estate “Future question” mock exam is a mock exam that “AI (artificial intelligence)” developed by Qualification Square predicts the questions of the qualification exam. AI learns the trends of each year’s questions from the past questions of the real estate exam and predicts this year’s questions. It consists of completely original problems.
“Qualification Square” has been providing this “future question” since 2018, and has been used by more than 7,500 people so far.

Holding simultaneous examinations on the same day
This mock exam can be taken not only by students of “Qualification Square”, but also by those who are self-study, those who are taking courses at other preparatory schools, and anyone who wants to pass the real estate.
In addition, the test will be conducted in two ways: an online simultaneous test on August 20 (Sunday) and an individual test at a later date so that it can be used by all test takers nationwide. [Simultaneous examination summary on the day]
Date: August 20, 2023 (Sun) 12:30-15:00
Implementation method: Zoom connection
After taking the mock exam, the original score table and score distribution map will be distributed and released. Because it is a relative evaluation test for building a building, you can grasp your position in relation to other examinees.
[Image 2:×567.png] *Sample image
As a bonus for purchasing the mock exam, you will receive “one more “future question”” as a gift.
As a benefit for purchasing “future questions”, you will receive an additional “future question” in self-scoring format.
This self-scoring “future question” is a mock exam in which AI predicts the question field and randomly asks past real estate exam questions that correspond to that field.
You are not eligible to take the exam all at once on the same day, but you can take the exam at any time.
Click here to apply for “Future Question”

About “Qualification Square”, an online learning service for qualification tests
[Image 3:×583.png] “Qualification Square” is an online learning service for difficult legal qualifications that systematizes “correct learning to pass”. Hearing about learning methods from many successful applicants of difficult exams, finding the optimal solution to “how to study in order to pass”, and adding elements of brain science to the
curriculum. In addition to providing lectures and teaching materials, we support the practice of “correct learning” through the optimal digital learning environment and support, so that many people can pass the exam and play an active role.

About RareJob Inc.
Location: 6-27-8 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Kyocera Harajuku Building 2F Representative: Gaku Nakamura, President and Representative Director URL:
Business description: Reskilling business / Child and child-rearing support business
Listed on: Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market

Business development of the RareJob Group
As an AI assessment company, the RareJob Group aims to “realize a world where people around the world can demonstrate their abilities and play an active role” based on the group vision “Chances for everyone, everywhere.” Focusing on assessments such as online English conversation and AI business English speaking test “PROGOS (R)”, we are developing business for individuals, corporations, educational institutions, etc. In addition to English, we also provide a wide range of human resources-related services such as evaluation, training, and recruitment necessary for global leaders, services to support qualification acquisition, and child-rearing support services in the K12 area. We will continue to promote business development not only in Japan but also globally.

Image movie: A little future landscape drawn by RareJob
[Video 2:]

[Provided service]
◆ Reskilling related services
―Online English Conversation Service
・Online English Conversation Service “RareJob English Conversation”
・ Online completion guaranteed English conversation program “Smart Method (R) Course”
– Assessment service (measurement of English proficiency)
・Business English speaking test “PROGOS(R)”
・English speaking ability diagnosis app “PROGOS (R)”
-Human resource development related services for corporations ・Global business skill acquisition program “Global Skill Power Training”
・Global leader development training service for corporations
―Certification support service
・ “Qualification Square”, an online learning service for difficult legal qualifications
◆ Child/child care support service
―Online English Conversation Service
・Online English conversation service for children “Ripple Kids Park”
School/Individual Online English Conversation Service “EDUL”
―Services related to English classes
・English class for children “Global Field”
― English teacher dispatch service
・ALT temporary staffing service

Details about this release:

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