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Home » Explore » X Server Co., Ltd. One-fourth of domestic websites use X Server! Achieved top domestic market share of 25.7% in W3Techs survey

X Server Co., Ltd. One-fourth of domestic websites use X Server! Achieved top domestic market share of 25.7% in W3Techs survey

X Server Co., Ltd.
A quarter of domestic websites use X Server! Achieved top domestic market share of 25.7% in W3Techs survey
On December 1, 2023, XServer Co., Ltd. (location: Kita-ku, Osaka, CEO: Naoki Kobayashi) achieved the top domestic share rate of 25.7% (*1) in a hosting share survey provided by W3Techs. . The results of the same survey show that approximately one-quarter of websites in Japan use “X Server.”
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■Achieved top domestic market share of 25.7% in W3Techs survey W3Techs is a third-party research organization specializing in internet and web technology, based in Austria-based consulting company Q-Success. In a hosting share survey provided by the same research organization, XServer achieved the top domestic share rate of 25.7%. From this result, we can see that approximately one-quarter of websites in Japan use “X Server”.
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■Company overview
Name: X Server Co., Ltd.
Head office location: Grand Front Osaka Tower A 32F, 4-20 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture
Representative: Representative Director Naoki Kobayashi
Established: January 23, 2004
Capital: 100 million yen (including capital reserve)
Business details: Hosting service business, web application system development business, and other Internet-related service businesses URL:
*1 As of December 1, 2023, researched by W3Techs.
*2 Total value of in-house services

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