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Home » Resort Trust Co., Ltd. Resort Trust begins a demonstration test aimed at creating the first recycling loop for beef cattle using feed produced from coffee bean residue

Resort Trust Co., Ltd. Resort Trust begins a demonstration test aimed at creating the first recycling loop for beef cattle using feed produced from coffee bean residue

Resort Trust Co., Ltd.
Resort Trust begins demonstration test aimed at creating the first recycling loop for beef cattle using feed made from coffee bean residue
Resort Trust Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, President and CEO: Yuki Fushimi) manufactures feed by recycling coffee bean residue used in hotel restaurants, and uses the feed to raise beef cattle. We have once again started a demonstration test aimed at building a food recycling loop for restaurants. From around mid-March 2024, we expect to be able to serve dishes using Japanese black beef fattened with feed containing coffee bean residue at Yokohama Baycourt Club and The Kahala Hotel & Resort Yokohama. The demonstration test involved Yokohama Baycourt Club and The Kahala Hotel & Resort Yokohama (food-related businesses), which discharge coffee bean grounds, and Sanyu Plant Service Co., Ltd. (recycler), which produces feed containing coffee bean grounds. User companies, Head office: Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, President and CEO: Kazushi Komatsu), Ota Livestock Co., Ltd. (agriculture, forestry and fisheries business operator, Head office: Hyogo Prefecture), which fattens meat cattle using feed containing coffee bean residue. This project will be carried out in collaboration with Yabu City, Representative Director and President Katsunori Ota) and Ota Family Limited Company
(agriculture, forestry and fisheries business operator, head office: Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, President and CEO: Tetsuya Ota). The coffee bean grounds that we disposed of in fiscal 2022 were 75.8 tons, equivalent to 6.45% of the total weight of food waste. By recycling coffee bean grounds, which were previously discarded, the amount of waste can be reduced, and a corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions can be expected. In the future, we will verify the results of the demonstration test by around June 2024, including expanding the efficient operation of collection and transportation using the hotel’s one-stop logistics network, and will implement the Act on Promotion of Recycling of Food Recycling Resources. We plan to apply for
certification as a food recycling loop (recycling business plan) based on the Food Recycling Act (Food Recycling Law). Feed containing coffee bean residue produced by Sanyu Plant Service Co., Ltd. is highly regarded, with expectations for suppressing cow diseases (mastitis) and reducing methane gas emissions, which is a greenhouse gas. Although it has already been used as a functional feed for dairy cows, this is the first time in Japan that it has been used to fatten beef cattle. (According to related party research) Ota Livestock Co., Ltd. (, which is participating in the construction of a recycling loop, is producing “Kobe Beef” and “Ota Beef”. This is a producer who has achieved good results and always ranks high in carcass competitions. The Resorttrust Group has set the reduction of food loss as one of the important issues (materiality) that we must address in order to grow sustainably together with society, and we are committed to recycling, etc., the food waste generated by hotels and other facilities. We have set a goal of increasing the implementation rate (non-consolidated) to 65.6% in fiscal 2027. We will continue to strive to reduce our environmental impact through a variety of initiatives, including the efficient use of limited resources, and contribute to the realization of a resource-recycling society.

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