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Home » Maruyama Collaboration Conference “Iwanai Onsen” won the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award at the “Iwanai Hot Spring Election 2023”.

Maruyama Collaboration Conference “Iwanai Onsen” won the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award at the “Iwanai Hot Spring Election 2023”.

Maruyama collaboration meeting
“Iwanai Onsen” won the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award at the “Iwanai Hot Spring Election 2023”.
The Maruyama Collaborative Conference (Iwanai Town, Hokkaido, Representative: Masato Takashima) is sponsored by five ministries and agencies (Ministry of the Environment, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Japan Tourism Agency), and is sponsored by the Hot Spring Inns and Hotels General Election (sponsored by Tabishima). We received the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award at the “Hot Spring General Election 2023” sponsored by the Japan Project, management office: Japan Empowerment Consortium (general incorporated association, head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo).
On November 28, 2023, the award ceremony for the Onsen General Election 2023 was held at Tokyo Women’s Plaza. “Iwanai Onsen” was awarded the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award. It won first place in the total number of votes in Hokkaido. In the moisturizing skin category, Iwanai Onsen, which ranked 5th in Japan, received the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award in recognition of its past activities and future expectations.
“Takashima Ryokan” located in the same area, which was ranked 1st in Hokkaido in the number of votes in the “Hot Spring Inn/Hotel General Election 2023” held at the same time, received an award at the award ceremony for 2nd place nationwide in the Utsukushi skin category. . [Image 1d113207-3-4abbfe41b9e16585a526-1.jpg&s3=113207-3-6c00fa6eb8034537de7e2c4955bc1cda-650x450.jpg
“Iwanai Onsen” has increased the popularity of the hot spring area by holding fireworks displays in collaboration with the fireworks industry, developing products and services that utilize local resources, collaborating with local revitalization cooperation groups, and actively attracting inbound tourists. The company was highly praised for its efforts to improve its image and promote a virtuous cycle in the local economy.
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Photo session with award winners
Taking this opportunity to win the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award, we will work with people from hot spring areas across the country to further refine the charm of the area and promote the creation of a community where happiness can be shared with all those involved in hot springs.
The quality of the hot springs
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Left: Hydrogen carbonate spring originating from rainwater
(mountains), Right: Chloride spring originating from seawater As far back as 1857 (Ansei 4) in Iwanai Town, Hokkaido, there was Asahi Onsen, which was opened in the depths of Mt. Raiden. Since then, the hot springs have been valued by the people of this beach who were busy with fishing and development, and the hot springs have changed and developed with the times. In 1978, the current “Iwanai Onsen” opened in Maruyama, Mt. Iwanai, which is closer to the lives of the people of the town.
“Iwanai Onsen” is a natural hot spring where you can enjoy the hot spring water flowing directly from the source. There are two spring types: rain-fed and seawater-derived. A medical literature review by experts and a chemical investigation (2021) by the Environmental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, confirmed that the spring quality is free of substances harmful to living organisms and has high expectations for beauty and health. I know. Chloride springs originating from seawater have a very high concentration and rich mineral content, and can be expected to have high detox and recovery effects, and are expected to be beneficial for beauty, health, and warmth. In addition, the hydrogen carbonate spring originating from the mountains is rare in the Shishi region of Hokkaido, and has a high-quality mineral balance, making it suitable for beautification as a “hot spring for beautiful skin.”
Click here for detailed information on the spring quality of “Iwanai Onsen” (including survey results): Maruyama collaboration meeting
The Maruyama Collaboration Council is a voluntary organization consisting of businesses that develop hotels, inns, and resorts in the Maruyama Resort Area at the foot of Mt. Iwanai in Iwanai Town, Hokkaido, as well as Iwanai Town and the Iwanai Tourism Association. While sharing information and strengthening cooperation, we are working on various issues related to the introduction of renewable energy systems and tourism.
“Iwanai Onsen” currently has five hotels, inns, day-trip bathing facilities, and a powder snow park. The highest quality oceanfront powder snow is gaining popularity among overseas tourists. Iwanai Town has one of the oldest histories and cultures in Hokkaido, dating back more than 250 years, and there are many local shops, allowing you to enjoy a “traveling experience” where you can experience the lives of people. You can also soak in the emotional sunset and night view. [Image 4d113207-3-f79b60f77d2ace591d46-5.jpg&s3=113207-3-3be150beef7b6da0762525c88834391a-650x450.jpg
In July 2022, a craft beer brewery where you can stay overnight, IWANAIBREWERY & HOTEL, will open in Iwanai Onsen, which is the town where hops, the raw material for beer, was discovered for the first time in Japan. Four brands of craft beer were exhibited at the Japan Great Beer Awards 2023, and three brands won gold, silver, and bronze awards, respectively, and in less than a year since opening, the beer has become popular among craft beer lovers nationwide. I am. [Image 5d113207-3-df03625545ed5d20ed88-4.jpg&s3=113207-3-09d8e8a3d258e24e8cd72ca2cd3b61ca-650x450.jpg
In August 2023, Iwanai Onsen, which is home to Iwanai Resort, a powder snow park with a spectacular view of the ocean, will be part of the Reiwa 5 Japan Tourism Agency project, “revitalizing and improving tourist destinations and tourism industry that unite the region.” It was also selected as a value-added business. In the future, the region will work together to preserve good forest spaces and landscapes so that wealthy inbound tourists from Europe, America, and Australia who are looking for powder snow (JAPOW) can enjoy forest, mountain landscapes, sea, and night views. Plans are underway to develop and create an environmentally friendly resort area that is in harmony with nature.
Click here for details on Iwanai Onsen: Hot spring general election 2023, hot spring inn/hotel general election 2023 The “Hot Spring General Election” is a citizen-participatory hot spring area revitalization project that has been carried out with the support of five ministries since 2016. With the slogan “Energetic in hot springs! Invigorate in hot springs!”, we will announce the ranking of the hot spring resorts that have been entered based on the results of support votes from the public. The public and private sectors are working together to create plans and systems that will revitalize hot spring areas, such as awarding awards from various ministries and agencies for the efforts each hot spring area is taking. This year, voting was held from July 26, 2023 to October 26, 2023. At the same time, the “Hot Spring Inns and Hotels General Election” is being held as a support project for hotels and inns in hot spring areas. Planning and management office: Japan Empowerment Consortium Sponsored by: Ministry of the Environment, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Tourism Agency
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