“Disaster Prevention Certification Sonakue”, a service that allows you to learn about disaster prevention in a fun way, has been introduced to the comprehensive disaster prevention app “Cross Zero”!
On December 4, 2023, KENTEM (Kensetsu System Co., Ltd.) (Headquarters: Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, President and CEO: Wataru Shigemori) will add the “Disaster Prevention Test Sonakue” service from the app to the comprehensive disaster prevention app “Cross Zero for Family.” We have released a feature that allows you to use
Cross Zero for Family:
Disaster Prevention Certification Sonaque: [Image 1

Overview of Disaster Prevention Certification Sonakue
This is a service that allows you to learn about disaster prevention in a fun way that feels like a game.
First, select your favorite “original character” from among the six types. The map has stages for each disaster, and each stage has a video and quiz. By watching videos and answering quizzes correctly, your character will grow as your “level” increases, so you can have fun while learning.
In the final stage, the “Disaster Prevention Test,” questions related to all disasters will be asked. A “Certificate of Passing” will be issued to those who successfully pass the disaster prevention test. [Image 4

App image
[Image 5

Passing certificate image
Company Profile
Company name: Construction System Co., Ltd.
Representative: Wataru Shigemori, President and Representative Director Location: 312-1 Ishizaka, Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Established: July 2, 1992
Capital: 40 million yen
Business content: Development and sales of construction management software for the construction industry
■Contact information
Kensetsu System Co., Ltd. Cross Zero Office