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Home » Vespa brand valuation exceeds 1 billion euros

Vespa brand valuation exceeds 1 billion euros

Piaggio Group Japan Co., Ltd.
Vespa brand valuation exceeds 1 billion euros
London – Pontedera, December 4, 2023 – Vespa, a globally recognized brand that offers a discerning lifestyle, has been valued at more than 1 billion euros (1.079 billion euros). ). This is an increase of 19% compared to the previous valuation (€906 million in 2021)
In 1946, Vespa was born on the streets of war-torn Europe in an era filled with creativity and hope for recovery. With a 77-year history and over 19 million scooters produced, Vespa has established itself as a world leader in style, elegance and technology. The world-famous and beloved brand is experiencing its most successful and dynamic period in its history, with approximately 2 million units produced in the last 10 years. For more information, please visit interbrand company
Interbrand is one of the world’s leading brand consulting companies, with a history spanning nearly 50 years. A legendary pioneer, he has created many brand-building tools that are now industry standards. In today’s world, where there are more choices than ever before and innovation is advancing at a dizzying pace, it’s difficult for companies to meet customer expectations. The importance of steadily advancing change remains, but it is not enough. Meeting customer expectations and staying ahead of your competitors requires bold action. Interbrand calls it the “Iconic Move.” Interbrand’s global team of theorists and practitioners partners with the world’s leading brands to pioneer the future of brand building. Interbrand continually helps clients strengthen their brands by turning customers into active participants. This gives clients the confidence to implement the Iconic Move to engage customers, provide convenience, and deliver amazing results. Interbrand is part of Omnicom Group (NYSE: OMC). For more information, please visit

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