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Home » Medical corporation mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic Medical corporation mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic ISO30414 2nd information disclosure

Medical corporation mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic Medical corporation mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic ISO30414 2nd information disclosure

Medical Corporation Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic
Medical Corporation Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic ISO30414 2nd
Information Disclosure
-In October 2022, Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic, a medical corporation that became the first medical corporation in Japan to disclose information on human capital in accordance with ISO30414, made its second information disclosure-
At the end of December 2023, Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic, a medical corporation in Kitahiroshima City, Hokkaido, released information on the ISO30414-compliant “PeopleFactBook 2023” regarding human capital management, which added information from last year. Last year, this unique initiative for a medical corporation attracted attention from many media outlets. This information disclosure was also possible thanks to the support of Kotora Co., Ltd., as was the case last year.
Compliant with the international standard ISO 30414 Human capital information disclosure “ISO 30414” and information disclosure regarding human capital Human capital is a concept that considers the abilities and skills possessed by people as capital. It has been used as a concept in economics to clarify the causal relationship between education and economic growth. “ISO30414” is a guideline for human capital information disclosure announced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in January 2019. The growth of employees is important for the sustainable growth of a company. Human capital disclosure reveals what initiatives and investments companies are making in human capital to promote growth. Up until now, there have been few international standard formats for human capital disclosure, but ISO 30414 is the guideline that has been established as an international standard. ISO30414 comprehensively covers 11 items and 58 indicators that are of high interest to stakeholders, and has calculation formulas for many indicators, making it possible to compare through quantification.
Last year, by being one of the first medical corporations to disclose human capital information, we received attention from various media outlets and were featured numerous times as an example of a company that has adopted ISO30414.
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We at Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic, a medical corporation, believe that dental care is a human service industry, and that the people who work at our corporation are our most important capital. For this reason, we believe that investing in people is most important, rather than in things such as medical equipment or exterior packaging. This is not only about improving the working environment and treatment, but also by providing many opportunities to learn and take on challenges, as we want our employees to grow as individuals.
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Significance of disclosing information regarding human capital at our corporation
We believe that the growth of each and every person working at our corporation will lead to greater customer satisfaction.
In order to achieve greater customer satisfaction, human capital information disclosure, which allows us to visualize investments in people, the most important capital in dental clinic management, is of great significance to us at Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic. It is an action.
At Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic, a medical corporation, we are extremely particular about the question “How can we help our customers, working members, and people involved in our clinics smile?”
A “smile” is a universal value and something everyone desires. Our company will continue to provide education and training
opportunities for our working members as important “capital” so that they can grow and spend their time with smiles.
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Additionally, our attitude of treating human resources as “capital” rather than “cost” also helps us communicate our company’s ideas to job seekers. As a result, more job seekers than last year were able to choose to work at our corporation.
The value of medical corporations disclosing information on human capital We hope to continue disclosing human capital information in the future to help companies discover areas for improvement and achieve better growth. We also hope that by disclosing information as a medical corporation, the trend of treating people as capital with care will spread to the medical industry as well.
Increasing disclosure of human capital information in the medical industry will improve the working environment and treatment, and as a result, more people will choose to work in the medical industry than they do now, which will lead to an aging population. We believe this will be a positive for society and Japan, which is suffering from a declining population.
[Summary] Name: Medical Corporation Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic [Image 4

Address: (Main clinic) 4-4-2 Omagari Saiwai-cho, Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido 061-1278 (Omagari-in) 6-1 Omagari Saiwai-cho, Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido 061-1278 Chairman: Masaaki Taniguchi Corporation
establishment: 2017 March HP:
[Career] 2003 Graduated from Hokkaido Medical University 2003 Joined Hokkaido Medical University, Clinical Training Department, Dental Prosthodontics 1st Course (currently Occlusal Reconstruction Prosthodontics) 2004 Worked at Ashida Dental Clinic 2006 Opened “Preschool Dental Clinic” 2011 Saiwai Dental Clinic opened in 2017 Medical corporation Mirai Saiwai Dental Clinic was established in 2017 Dental esthetics department “White Essence Sapporo Kitahiroshima Clinic” opened in 2020 Saiwai Dental Clinic Sapporo Omagari
opened/White Essence Sapporo Omagari opened
2023 Happy Dental Clinic moyukSAPPORO Opening/White Essence Moyuk SAPPORO Clinic Opening