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Home » Boss Architect Co., Ltd. IT freelance trends in 2023, Dart language and Svelte framework tend to have higher unit prices

Boss Architect Co., Ltd. IT freelance trends in 2023, Dart language and Svelte framework tend to have higher unit prices

[Boss Architect Co., Ltd.] IT freelance trends in 2023, Dart language and Svelte framework tend to have higher unit prices

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Press release: January 25, 2024
IT freelance trends in 2023, Dart language and Svelte framework tend to have higher unit prices
*Announcement of monthly project unit price trends for IT freelancers in 2023, unit price rankings by language and framework*
Boss Architect Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) will achieve *
We have announced survey data regarding trends in monthly project costs for freelance engineers, trends in unit price rankings by language, and trends in unit price rankings by framework.

This survey was compiled based on data from over 340,000 posts posted on “Engineer Style Tokyo,” a recruitment and project site for freelance engineers and designers.

Engineer Style Tokyo:

This time, among the projects for freelance engineers, we will summarize the average monthly project cost for each framework for freelance engineers.
Trends in the average unit price of freelance engineers
January 613,529 yen
February 622,941 yen
March 630,588 yen
April 574,827 yen
May 632,156 yen
June 634,901 yen
July 639,215 yen
August 638,823 yen
September 641,568 yen
October 639,803 yen
November 640,588 yen
December 641,764 yen
By analyzing the trends in the monthly unit price of freelance engineers in 2023, we found some interesting patterns.

You can see that the monthly unit price gradually increases from January to March. Possible reasons for the increase in unit prices during this period include the start of projects in the new fiscal year and changes in budget allocation. In particular, as many companies start planning for the new fiscal year, it can be assumed that the demand for freelance engineers will increase and the unit price will tend to rise accordingly.

However, there is a noticeable decrease in unit prices in April. This is when projects stabilize at the beginning of the year, and may be due to a temporary drop in demand or budget readjustment.
Additionally, since April is a time when many new human resources enter the market, we can imagine a temporary decrease in unit prices due to an increase in supply.

From May onwards, unit prices begin to increase again and remain stable at a relatively high level, especially from June to December. During this period, many companies are progressing with medium-term projects, and the demand for experienced freelance engineers tends to increase, so unit prices are likely to rise.

* Overall, the monthly unit price for freelance engineers in 2023 will be relatively stable, and will remain at a high level, especially in the second half. *
This is likely due to the evolution of technology and the increasing demand for digital transformation, as well as the stable demand for experienced engineers. However, unit prices may change due to market fluctuations, so it is important for freelance engineers to constantly monitor market trends and adapt.
Trends in unit price rankings by language
1st place 2nd place 3rd place
January Solidity Rust Dart
February Dart Solidity Rust
March Dart TypeScript Solidity
April Dart TypeScript Solidity
May Dart TypeScript Go Language
June Dart Solidity TypeScript
July Dart Solidity TypeScript
August Dart TypeScript Go Language
September Dart TypeScript Solidity
October Dart TypeScript Go language
November Dart TypeScript Go Language
December Dart TypeScript Solidity
Looking at the languages ​​ranked 1st to 3rd for each month, Dart, TypeScript, and Solidity are among the top languages ​​throughout the year.

*Dart in particular is extremely popular throughout the year* had. This may be related to the rise of the Flutter framework. Flutter is a framework suitable for cross-platform mobile app development and uses the Dart language. As the mobile app market continues to expand, demand for Dart is expected to increase.

TypeScript is preferred by many companies and developers due to its functionality as a superset of JavaScript and the type safety it provides. It seems to be especially useful when developing large-scale applications or improving existing JavaScript projects.

The popularity of Solidity is also noteworthy. It is the language used for the development of smart contracts for blockchain technology and Ethereum in particular, and is therefore gaining popularity with the growth of the cryptocurrency and decentralized application (DApp) markets.

On the other hand, the Go language has also maintained a certain level of popularity throughout the year, suggesting that there is
particularly high demand in the areas of back-end development and cloud services.

The popularity of these languages ​​reflects changes in technological trends and market demands. When considered together with the data on monthly unit prices for freelance engineers, it may be said that engineers who are particularly good at Dart, TypeScript, and Solidity are in a situation where it is easy to maintain high unit prices. Being sensitive to changes in technology and learning new languages ​​and frameworks is becoming increasingly important for freelance engineers.
Trends in unit price rankings by Framelark
1st place 2nd place 3rd place
1st place Amon2 Svelte Gin
2nd place Flutter Amon2 Svelte
3rd place Flutter Svelte Amon2
4th place Yii Flutter Svelte
5th place Yii Flutter Svelte
6th place Svelte Yii Flutter
7th place Svelte Yii Flutter
8th place Svelte Flutter Yii
9th place Svelte Flutter Yii
10th place Svelte Yii Flutter
11th place Svelte Flutter Yii
12th place Svelte Flutter Yii
The ranking shows the popularity of Svelte, Flutter, Yii, Amon2, and Gin throughout the year.

*It is noteworthy that Svelte maintains its high popularity throughout the year* is. Svelte is a relatively new front-end framework whose compile-time approach reduces runtime overhead and allows you to create more efficient applications. This makes it the choice of developers who value performance and simplicity.

Flutter has also maintained consistently high rankings throughout the year. Flutter is a UI toolkit developed by Google that supports cross-platform development for mobile, web, and desktop. Its flexibility and ability to provide a consistent user interface are likely the reasons for its widespread popularity.

Yii is a high-performance framework written in PHP, and this data shows that it is often used especially for back-end development. Its high customizability and extensibility have gained it a certain level of support.

Amon2 is a Perl web framework that has a high ranking in certain months, but throughout the year it has a high ranking for Svelte, Flutter,
It lags behind Yii. Gin has also been popular in some months as a lightweight web framework for Go, but overall it ranks lower than other frameworks.

These data suggest that for freelance engineers, familiarity with a particular framework is likely to be a factor that increases their value in the market. In particular, the ability to adapt to new technologies such as Svelte and Flutter is important. It will become increasingly important for freelance engineers to flexibly adapt to changing technology trends and continue learning.

* *If you wish to use the content or data from this release in an article, website, etc., please be sure to include “Engineer Style Tokyo Research” as the source. *
*The information in this press release is based on data and analysis of more than 300,000 job openings posted on “Engineer Style Tokyo,” a recruitment and job listing site for freelance engineers and designers.
*All the information we delivered this time comes from “Engineer Style Tokyo”, a recruitment and project site for freelance engineers and designers (URL:
It is also posted on
* ■What is “Engineer Style Tokyo”?*
The biggest feature of “Engineer Style Tokyo” is that you can always search for over 100,000 new jobs using detailed conditions such as area, language such as JAVA, and job type.

We also publish market price information and unit price rankings for projects such as job types, programming languages, and frameworks. We are also keeping up with trends in the industry as a whole, so please contact us and we will provide you with as much information as possible. Please contact us via email for details.

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* ■Boss Architect Co., Ltd. Overview*
Representative: Representative Director Hiroki Ebina
Address: 202 Maison de Joie, 5-1-11 Okusawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo Established: October 2, 2018
Business content: R&D, data analysis, IT consulting, system development URL:
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