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Home » Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Holding an event to communicate the appeal of agriculture, “ Future Agriculture Festa to talk with popular farmers”

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Holding an event to communicate the appeal of agriculture, “ Future Agriculture Festa to talk with popular farmers”

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Held an event to communicate the appeal of agriculture, “Future Agriculture Festa to talk with popular farmers”
~Let’s take a step into agriculture through interaction with young farmers! ~~ ……
The “Future Agriculture Festa Talking with Favorite Farmers” event, which aims to interact with up-and-coming young farmers and
challengers who will lead the next generation of agriculture, will be held at Ginza Phoenix Plaza on Saturday, February 17, 2020. . Please come and join us.
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This event is aimed at people who are interested in agriculture and would like to make it their career.We hope to convey the appeal of agriculture as a career and encourage them to take the first step toward making agriculture their career. The event will be held under the auspices of the Consortium for Promoting the Attractions of Agriculture. The Consortium for Promoting the Attractiveness of Agriculture was established by nine companies that serve as points of contact between producers and consumers, utilizing the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ subsidized project “Support Project for Promoting the Attractiveness of Agriculture.” This consortium introduces farmers who are the aspirations and goals of young people as “role model farmers,” and through events where farmers and participants collaborate to plan agriculture-related projects, agricultural experience events for students, etc. We are disseminating the appeal of agriculture as a profession. On the day of the event, 10 role model farmers who are attracting attention from companies participating in the consortium will gather for a talk session to think about agriculture and the future of agriculture from a management perspective, as well as a matching booth where participants and role model farmers can interact. I am.
Event details
(1) Date, time and venue
Date and time: February 17, 2020 (Saturday) 14:00 to 16:20
Venue: Ginza Phoenix Plaza 2F (3-9-11 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) Nearest station: Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line “Ginza Station” (2) How to participate
Participation fee: Free
Number of participants: 150 people
Application method: Advance reservation system
If you would like to participate, please apply from the application page below. (external link) Application deadline: February 12, 2020 (Monday) 23:59
*If the capacity is reached before the deadline, applications may be closed. (3) Event details
・Talk session with 10 role model farmers on the themes of “farming and management” and “region and the future”
・Matching and interaction time where role model farmers introduce various agricultural products and processed products and connect directly with participants
(4) Sponsored by
Consortium to promote the appeal of agriculture
(5) Contact information regarding events
Consortium Secretariat for Promoting the Attractions of Agriculture TEL:03-6434-7111
Event participant introduction
From among the approximately 130 role model farmers, we will invite 10 people of interest to the consortium companies to be guests as “favorite farmers.” It will be an opportunity for participants to find their “favorite farmer” among those who are working on a wide variety of initiatives, such as changing jobs from other industries, regional revitalization, and expanding sales channels, and it will also be a first step toward turning agriculture into a career. We hope this will serve as an opportunity for you to take the next step.
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[Image 3:×220.jpg] To all members of the press
Those wishing to cover this event must apply in advance. If you are interested, please apply from the URL below by 16:00 on Friday, February 16, 2020. “Talk with our favorite farmers: Future Agriculture Festa” interview application form (external link) Press release (PDF: 822KB) More details about this release: